Imperfect Entertainer

Chapter 17: Maybe because I often go to Zhihu

Just when the two faced off, Ye Zhi and Han Xia had already taken a seat in the bar. It was a quiet bar, and the environment was relatively quiet. Although there were many people, apart from the melodious music, there were only some guests whispering. chat voice.

Shen Lu said domineeringly, "Xinxin! The leaves are mine!"

Pei Xinxin's aggrieved Nunuzui said, "Lulu, you are too unkind, you lied to me before that your Ye Zi is a nerd."

"He was originally a nerd."

"It's rare to see such handsome nerds. No wonder you are chasing after you. Brother Ye Zi is so handsome, the more you look, the more handsome you are!"

"Don't be crazy, okay, Ye Ye and the others have gone in."

"Yes, yes, let's go in quickly, little brother Ye Zi, I'm here!"


Shen Lu originally wanted to introduce Pei Xinxin to Han Xia, so that she could develop a good relationship with Ye Zhi, but now she knows what it means to be unable to keep up with the changes, and the original plan has been completely disrupted. .

After entering the door, the elegant environment was indeed eye-catching, but Shen Lu and Pei Xinxin didn't care about it, their eyes searched for Ye Zhi's figure everywhere.

Then I saw a raised hand.

After approaching.

Han Xia moved the menu in front of Shen Lu, "Tonight, I'll treat you, what would you like to drink?"

"What do you drink, Ye Ye?"


Ye Zhi still understands the consumption of this kind of bar. Even beer is not cheap. He shook his head, "I'll just drink white beer."

Shen Lu said first, "Then I also drink white beer."

Pei Xinxin was very domineering, she took a look at the menu, "I've come to the bar, what's the point of drinking white beer, Ye Zi, I'll treat you to a cocktail, I'll have a GinandTonic, how's your alcohol intake?"

"It's alright, but forget it, you don't need to spend any money."

It's really okay. I've been drinking with friends and I've never been drunk.

Han Xia also thought so, since everyone is here, it's boring to drink only white beer, "Then I want a glass of Tequila Sunrise, don't be so **** Ye Zi, I will count your drink money tonight. Yes, didn't you say that you will invite me to dinner next month~~~"

Ye Zhi smiled bitterly inwardly, "My current draft fee is not enough for you to drink here once."

Shen Lu encouraged her, "Yeah, Ye Zi, just give it a try, it's alright."

As the saying goes, kindness is hard to resist, but Ye Zhi nodded helplessly, "Okay, let's have a cup of Long Island iced tea."

When it was Shen Lu's turn, she began to hesitate, "Then I'll..."

When Ye Zhi observed that her eyes stayed on the page of 'Zombie', he reached out to help her turn the page, Zombie Zombie, this wine is made of black, white, 151 three kinds of rum plus passion fruit syrup, lemon A cocktail of juice and bitters.

151 rum alone has 75.5 degrees, but the taste of such a high alcohol will be covered by passion fruit syrup and lemon juice.


Together with Long Island Iced Tea, it is the two leading players in the wine industry.

People who are not good at drinking but don't know how much they drink can easily get drunk. They don't feel anything when they drink it at first, and they are likely to be cut off when they start drinking. "Let's change it, this one is not suitable for you."

Shen Lu had never been to a bar before, so she asked suspiciously, "Why?"

"Ye Ye is caring about you, idiot."

There was a reason why Pei Xinxin was called by Shen Lu, she cast a glance at Ye Zhi, this little brother seemed to be indifferent to everything, but he still knew a lot, "You still order a low degree. Just a little."

"SaltDog, the alcohol content is not high, the first time you drink it, it will be better."

"Wow~~~ Warm Man Style, I like it very much, little brother, I don't want GinandTonic anymore, can you order a cup for me too?"

"Pina, it's sweet and sour, you should like it."

Pina has aromas of rum, coconut, and pineapple. Sweet but not greasy, with a slightly sour taste in the mellow taste, it is more popular among girls.

Han Xia's face was stunned, Ye Zhi's pretending was called a smooth flow, "I'll go... Ye Zi, why haven't you been to a bar before? How did you know this?"

"Maybe because I often browse Zhihu."


Pei Xinxin's temperament is straight, and she said it if she didn't believe it, "I don't believe anything, little brother Ye Zi, to be honest, do you come here often? Otherwise, how would you know so much? Have you ever drunk the wine here?"


Ye Zhi's smile had a hint of bitterness. He had indeed drunk it, but when he said it, no one would believe him.

"Impossible." Shen Lu retorted.

"Why is it impossible?"

Shen Lu held back her laughter. In her knowledge, among the four people here, the only one who couldn't come to this kind of place often was Ye Zhi.

Let's not say that he really has no money, and his living habits are extremely regular. He is studying no matter whether he is in get out of class or after class, and as he was before, I am afraid that it is really shameful to come to the bar. This kind of place should be him. First time here.

"If you saw the shape before my leaves, you should believe it."

Han Xia laughed: "Pfft, hahahaha."

Speaking of this, Ye Zhi and Shen Lu also looked at each other and smiled.

"What are you laughing at?"

Ye Zhi handed the menu to the waiter, and UU Reading ordered all the cups just now, "Pina, SaltDog, Tequila Sunrise, Long Island Iced Tea, by the way, please order another fruit plate and two plates. French fries, by the way, can I order fried chicken?"

"Yes sir."

"Two servings of fried chicken, thank you."

"OK, just a second."

Seeing his skillful ordering, Pei Xinxin didn't believe anything, "I don't believe it, I definitely don't believe it, Brother Ye Zi, you must go to bars often, right?"

"the first time."

"Could it be that being handsome has a bonus to IQ?"


Embarrassing chats are never something Ye Zhi is good at.

At the wine table, he either ate or drank, and never took the initiative to talk to him, but Han Xia talked a lot, but the attention of the two girls was on the man who didn't talk.

Pei Xinxin also took the initiative to chat about her own affairs.

She just took the college entrance examination today. If there is no accident, she should be going to repeat the study. She knows her own affairs. Although the results have not come out yet, she also knows that she will definitely not be able to pass the exam. Mom forced to change a school, ready to start repeating career.

Just happened to be on the fries.

Ye Zhi pushed the fries in front of Pei Xinxin, "Senior year... I'm tired."

"Thank you, Brother Ye Zi."

"come on."

"Hee hee, let's work hard together, I will most likely transfer to your school." Pei Xinxin was laughing, but she didn't feel happy. She took a sip of wine and looked at the empty stage in the bar.

From her eyes, Ye Zhi read...

A deep disappointment?

It seems... a disappointment to herself.

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