Imperfect Entertainer

Chapter 695: Learn in advance and be prepared

"Hey~~~ what you said is so serious, sometimes it's normal to borrow some money to get through the difficulties, and not everyone is the kind of borrower who doesn't pay back, and it's really not easy to make money just after graduation. All right……"

Ye Zhi heard the words, as if there were three black question marks on his face.

Shen Lu originally wanted to say something, but when she noticed Ye Zhi's expression, her face changed slightly, and then she quickly blocked his mouth, "Enough, you can shut up, I don't want to listen to you now. coercion."

Is it hard to make money?

That is relatively speaking. For Ye Zhi, he can earn money that many people may not earn in a lifetime with any idea.

Taking her hand away from his mouth, Ye Zhi said with a wry smile, "I haven't even started pretending yet."

"I'm smothering the threat in the cradle."

Today, the employment situation of Blue Star is actually very grim.

Compared with the previous era when cultural education was generally not high, it is completely different now. Basically, more than 80% of young people now have received higher education, and even go all over the place for research, and undergraduates are not as good as dogs.

Out of society, the competition is really fierce!

To tell the truth, even if the students from Peking University are unemployed after graduation, there are a lot of them. University is really their last piece of pure land, and when they start internships, everything will be different.

It is also in the face of the pressure of society and work that many graduates have not corrected their mentality. It is indeed easy to have some psychological distortions and take some crooked ways, especially those who do not work but rely on loan apps to live...

There are many!

"So if you have nothing to do, read more books."

"Can I make a lot of money by studying?"

"No, but in this era, if you don't study, you will definitely not be able to make money. If you want to block me with the success stories of the previous generation, then you can save money."

This guy really knows her too well, even before she speaks, Ye Zhi already guessed it.

"The previous generation made money in two ways. The first was the market environment where supply was less than demand, and the second was poor information."

"Poor information?"

"In the 1980s, there was a thing called treasury bills. At that time, some people read the newspapers and found that the prices of treasury bills in two cities were different. Then he only did one thing and made a fortune."


"Almost, he bought from places with low prices, and then sold at places with high prices. In the late 1980s, these people with poor information basically became millionaires. At that time, one million, you should You know what the concept is."

The one million at that time, compared with the ten billion now, conceptually...

Should be about the same.

Shen Lu opened her mouth, but didn't speak. In fact, the teacher had talked about this in her financial management class, and she actually knew it.

"In the 1990s, a few years before the wave of layoffs, some people took the lead in abandoning their jobs and starting business. With the market environment of less than demand at the time, this group of people quickly earned their first pot of gold. In the 1990s, Do you know what the average monthly salary is?"

"Five or six hundred?"

"Almost, then do you know why these people who go to sea to do business make so much money?"

Shen Lu shook her head, "Is the market environment good?"

"This era happens to be the early stage of China's reform and development, and the economic system is changing from a planned economy to a market economy. During this period, materials are gradually enriched, but there is not much competition in business. As long as you work hard, your luck is not too bad. , anyone can get rich."

Ye Zhi shrugged, "Of course, there's nothing hard to understand about this. At that time, everyone thought that going to work was the most honorable thing, but doing business was shameful. The concept of people is actually a kind of information. Difference."

"It's the Internet age now, so what information is there?"

"So making money now is also a highlight. First, it is an accurate judgment of the trend in the next few years. Second, you need to master high-precision technology. Many people regard chicken soup as a book, and knowledge and chicken soup are inseparable. Qing, you can make a fortune by fantasizing about the pie falling from the sky all day long, so... do you now know why I asked you to read more books?"

"You didn't tell me what book to read."

Ye Zhi suddenly took out a copy of "I wish you a good pregnancy" from the bookshelf and put it in Shen Lu's hand.


Shen Lu gradually became petrified.

"You're going to let me see this thing?"

"Yes, at this stage, for you, there should be no book that is more practical and more profitable."

"But why do you even have books like this on your shelf?"

"Learn ahead and be prepared."


What Ye Zhi added was not just for Shen Lu. She couldn't understand these big truths. It was more for netizens to listen to. Now many people really just like what he said, 'Put chicken soup As a book, knowledge and chicken soup are indistinguishable'.


"Pfft~~~ What the hell, I wish you a good pregnancy? What is this operation? Does Ye Ye want to be a father?"

"There's something, I'm really right, haha, for Lulu, where do you need to make any money, just grab the big gold mine like Ye Ye, how much does it cost to give birth to a child?"

"It's really okay~~~ But Ye Zi also told a lot of truth. In fact, my father really made his fortune by reselling treasury bills in the 1990s, and then he bought a few pieces of land in the imperial capital. Now it's enough to collect rent. ."

"Hold on to the thigh of the rich guy upstairs and don't let go, how many plots of land in the imperial capital! Oh my god!"

"Yes~~~ I have several relatives who also made money from business in the early Now the family conditions are very good."

"The group is rich and I am poor, and my relatives are the poorest. What Ye Shen said is really heart-wrenching. In the Internet age, there is really no information gap at all, so now business people are creating information gap."

"Isn't the diamond scam the most classic bad information? To make money, you still need to read more books. So... Ye Ye, sister, I'm going to memorize this 'I wish you a good pregnancy'. When are you going to marry me? "

"Pfft~~~ Niubeer, is this still a hint?"

"You're a slap in the face, this is an explicit message, Lulu, it's a reminder that your stomach needs to fight."

"I don't know whether the child born by Lulu and Ye Zi will be a prince or a little princess. Anyway, it's just because of the excellent genes of the parents. It's hard to say anything else. The appearance value must be super high. I'm really looking forward to it~~~"

"It's okay for girls, but if it's a boy, it's a little embarrassing to have IQ with Lulu."

"Don't worry, it's not embarrassing at all. Even if it is true that Lulu's stupidity is inherited, Ye Ziyi will earn enough money for him to spend several lifetimes."

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