Imperfect Entertainer

Chapter 703: graduation season

"I'm so mad at you, what else is it called a mistress? You've become an ex."

Shen Lu took a deep breath, put down Ye Zhi's legs, and beat his **** in a frenzy, like a mad woman, Ye Zhi didn't feel anything and even looked at Wang Xinze, "Aze, give it to me Get a can of happy water."

"Dead pig head!"

"Go ahead, it's very comfortable. After the beating, I want to play games with my little sister 36e."

"Is there really a 36e?"

"There's a hammer, yes."

"Isn't that a lie? Find her to settle accounts... Where did you find this young lady?"

Ye Zhi sat up and hugged Shen Lu in his arms, "An app called Bixin has many professional companions to play with, it's more interesting than playing with you, a rookie. I've been playing with you for a long time. I think one day, my IQ will become negative."

"I'm not that good anymore!"

"Have you learned to press the gun?"


It was a dish, but it was really interesting to play with her. Ye Zhi gave up the computer to Shen Lu, and she turned on the happy chicken-eating live mode again and played with Lemon Candy, who was almost equally mentally retarded.

All four of Ye Zhi's side went offline, and only Yabuki Shinse was the poor little one who couldn't escape.


Another graduation season.

After three years of school, I have to leave after all. Although I may come back, such opportunities will only become less and less in the future. Everyone's faces are full of melancholy, some reluctance, and some hope for the future. of worries.

As a junior, I was worried about the internship, and I also began to worry about the daily life.

And this time...

Ye Zhi has opened the door for a considerable number of universities. He has provided a separate interview channel for students with majors that are more suitable for his company. He recruits excellent interns. As long as they meet the requirements, they can go to work directly. .


There are no routines, no nonsense, although it is an intern, the salary is also calculated based on the actual working ability.

This made some companies who were preparing to go to school with students who had no social experience in routines and routines felt desperate. With Ye Zhi taking the lead, relatively well-known Internet giants in China all united together, setting off a wave of recruitment during the graduation season.

In the 21st century, talent is the most precious resource.

However, in these well-known colleges and universities, outstanding talents basically yearn to be able to work in large enterprises, and at this time, there are basically few choices. The dozens of companies under Ye Zhi's hands can all be It's a big hit!

Followed by some other giants, those companies that want to play routines simply make excellent students look down on them.

Excellent wave all take away.

I had no choice but to transfer to some other colleges to recruit interns, and with Ye Zhi taking the lead, the general treatment of interns was much more transparent. At least the kind of thing that only paid seven or eight hundred a month without food and lodging has basically disappeared. .

Miss Pei Xinxin has also recently recruited employees in the school. Superx is a trendy brand that is quite well-known internationally. It can be said that it is also a popular choice among students. However, she still does not have enough experience in managing companies.

These days, she has really been tossing her hard enough.

"My head hurts, brother Ye Zi, why don't you buy our company? I'm so tired now."

"Not buying."

"Then...or else, marry me, and I'll take superx as a dowry with me."

"I can't afford a dowry."

"No dowry, I don't need any dowry at all, little brother~~~ As long as you agree, I'll move to your house right now, eh, Lulu, don't pull me." Shen Lu covered her mouth and took it away.

In fact, this kind of trouble is not only for Pei Xinxin, but also for Ye Zhi, but he is not as intuitive as Pei Xinxin. What he receives is the data collected by the company, although there are many interviews.

However, the ability and quality of the interviewed students were uneven. Ye Zhi decided to give the interns a chance, but it did not mean that he wanted to pay a bunch of salted fish to the company. What he needed was a workplace where he wanted to make money. worker.

Obviously, he seems to have overestimated the ability of this class of graduates.

Even in colleges like Tsinghua and Peking University, there are many 'rookies'. The most important thing is that students from these colleges and universities still have some strange problems, and the most terrifying of them is whether they are high or low. At once……


Students of some majors, in fact, they do not look down on the life of this major, but they themselves do not have much ability in other majors, but their salary is still very high, and they always think about learning how to fool the interviewer by themselves. Let’s talk about sneaking into the company, you can learn slowly when you go in.

However, Ye Zhi's company HR is also a big boss who has been screened at various levels, and it is basically impossible to get away with it.

Three rounds of interviews and layers of screening made these people who wanted to get away with it completely in despair.

But with so many people being interviewed on this day, the workload is quite large!

However, this is actually a good thing for the company. Now the scale is expanding too fast, there is a huge shortage of personnel, and the company has been strictly controlling the recruitment, so there has always been a shortage of people, and now it is supplemented in the school. Fresh blood is right.

It's just that the human resources department is very busy.

Even if they came out of 985 and 211, some of them are actually not as good as many college students in terms of ability, whether it is practical or theoretical, this strange phenomenon is still very common, and Ye Zhi can only express his helplessness. .

Especially programmers.

This time the enrollment Zhixin Technology accounted for about 48% of undergraduates, 39% of junior colleges, and 13% of masters and doctors. The proportion of Leaf Animation is also similar, and the situation of branches such as Alipay is slightly different, but the difference is not large.

The number of students enrolled exceeds 5,000!

This is also very exciting news, but when Toutiao analyzed the employability of current college students, many analysts pointed out that the work ability of today's students has declined a little bit, and after three years of college, I only know how to open up with roommates. The black game is gone.

Professional knowledge is thrown aside, and the interview is purely flickering.

However, they have been somewhat successful. Some companies with low hr level have really let such people pass the test. They can't work but have high salaries. If they can't work, they can talk.

But when someone is trained, it's almost time for him to change jobs. After all, the salary level of this company can no longer satisfy the strength and ambition of "old employees". This is actually a very common social phenomenon. .

Basically, except for some large enterprises, the vast majority of companies are like this.

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