Imperfect Entertainer

Chapter 777: All you need is no gaming experience

If you eat chicken in this mode, the rewards can be said to be very rich.

You can even get limited-edition skins, which can’t be bought with money, so although this game has only started today, its popularity remains high, but so far no one has successfully played chicken in this mode.


too difficult!

This difficulty is completely hell-level. Although you don't need ten people to participate in the game, there is no way to play without ten people. Those monsters are really monsters, and it is not easy to kill one.

In fact, the main difficulty is not that you can't kill the monsters, but the main problem is the supply. You always run out of bullets, and you are chased and killed by the monsters, which is very uncomfortable.

Therefore, in the absence of supplies, marksmanship is very important, and you must hit the key points to cause more damage.

"Just eat a handful of chicken? Is it that simple?"

"Simple? I think you'd better talk about it later. Today we play monster mode."

"Monster mode? Goodbye... I'm not taking this order."

"You have already taken it."

Miss Lemon Candy was completely stunned at the moment, "Wow, I cried, Ye Zi, can you be a person? No matter how good your marksmanship is, how can you eat chicken with a fool like Lulu!"

"You have to trust your technique."

This mode was only released today, and the official did not give any strategy, so everyone is still in the groping stage.


You know, here, but many people represent the official.

Even the weaknesses of each monster are known, and there should be no one who can know more about the gameplay than them. After all, they developed this thing.

Whether it can hit the nail on the head is another question.

Just knowing is useful, but it doesn't mean that you can eat chicken. Even if the ten people here are all old birds of chicken, it will not affect the final outcome too much.

It's not...

The first one was directly destroyed by a wave of monsters, and they didn't even give them a chance to react at all.

Only one Ye Zhi was still struggling.

Constantly wandering, but he is only one person, there are too many monsters, he is really unable to beat without overclocking.

"What the hell! This is, isn't this difficulty too exaggerated?"

"That's right, how could it be possible to beat it, this... the number is too exaggerated."

"It's okay, someone has cleared the customs during the design, so I think more people should be able to pass it."

"Who? This person, and... how do you know this, I see people on the Internet being so skeptical that they can't find their weaknesses in life, you... you shouldn't be playing games. development?"

"No problem, they are the developers of this game."

Wang Jianing was the second one to hang up just now, and the monster directly slammed into her face, not giving her any chance, that was really a tragic reminder, "they designed this monster themselves, including their weaknesses, and the result is now I can't even beat myself."

Small short: "Can write code and not necessarily play games, but this is really too difficult, boss, at least reduce the number a little, this is how people can play, there is no game experience at all."

Wang Xinze: "What I want is no gaming experience."

Wang Jianing: "You melon skin."

Wang Xinze: "You can't blame me for this. We can't do what the boss asks."

Then all eyes turned to the initiator.

"How do I know you guys are so good? During the internal test, I obviously found a few old drivers to clear the customs together. If you cooperate well, you can still pass. Who knew you were so incompetent."

"Not everyone is a pervert like you."

Ye Zhi made no secret of his contempt for his teammates, "If it weren't for you scumbags wasting bullets, if you gave them all, although it might take a little longer, I would be able to pass the level alone."

Lemon Candy: "Melon skin! Don't think you can do whatever you want with money, your wife is the first to hang up."

Ye Zhi: "I will never deny that she is a chicken, even if she is sitting next to me now, I still say that, Shen Lulu, you are the ultimate chicken, you can't even eat chicken, how can you Such a dish!"

"Did you get beaten up?"

"If honesty is also a mistake, then let me make mistakes again and again. You rookie, if you have the ability, you can kill a few more monsters. You haven't even touched the skin of the monster, and others have killed more or less. One or two, how about you?"


What can I do? I am also very disappointed!

Shen Lu's reaction was a little slower, but it wasn't that she didn't contribute. At least she used her car to disperse the monsters. If it wasn't for her sacrifice, maybe the others wouldn't be able to kill even one of them.

Xiaojuan: "It's uncomfortable, how do you play? Pure self-abuse..."

Lemon Candy: "But someone has already cleared the customs."

Tao Fafa: "That's a professional team, okay?"

Lemon Candy: "Can you be a little more demanding of yourself, what's wrong with the professional team? Is the professional team much better than you? I tell you, there's nothing wrong with the professional team, it's much better than you, you bunch of rookies."

"You are also a chicken."

Tao Fafa: "Speaking of which, Ye Zi, you big boss, you are so busy, you still have time to order so many Miss Bixin to play games with you, and how can you eat chicken so well? Even if the league is playing well, it’s still so slippery to eat chicken.”

"I might just react a little faster than you guys."

"a little?"

"You micro-manipulation like the skin of a melon makes my scalp tingle."

"It's okay, after all, I still can't bring you guys, it's my fault."


This guy is really If he can come out to play with him, at least he is someone who stays in the game all day, and the game time may exceed ten hours a day, right? The game is all too familiar, and there must be some technology.

After all, not everyone is Shen Lu, and she doesn't have any talent at all in the game, and she likes to play.

"Second, pay attention to you. Follow my instructions. As long as you stay steady, you can win."

"By the way... how many monsters were left in the hand just now?"

"About two hundred."

"Guapi! Ye, how many did you kill just now?"

This mode can almost be said to be a **** mode, with ten people and a thousand monsters, which means that on average one person has to kill at least 100 monsters, and these monsters are thick-skinned. Low!

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