Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1000: Divided into two ways (third)

"Hmm, has my room been cleaned properly?" Xiaobai turned around around five of them with his hands behind his back: "Are you lazy?"

"The elder sister commanded us that we would never dare to slack off." The five statues said in unison: "It is our pleasure to serve you."

"Well, don't play this farce anymore ..." Guan Henggang said here, his heart suddenly fluttered, he suddenly felt that there was a small object communicating with himself: "Well, who are you?"

"Buzz." At this moment, the sound of the insect wings flapping, a small colorful thing suddenly flew and landed gently on the back of Guan Heng's hand.

"It's the queen, so you're awake." Guan Heng looked at the blue-tailed tiger bee with a small thumb thickness and said with a smile: "I knew you would wake up sooner or later, but I didn't expect It will be so fast. "

"Although I signed the contract with you, it was to save your life." Guan Heng said softly, "I don't know what you have the ability, can you show it to me?"

"Buzz." The queen understood what Guan Heng said, and then constantly vibrated his wings in his palm, as if sending some kind of message. Then, in the sky, countless kinds of things suddenly gathered. Bee insects and butterflies.

Guan Heng's curiosity flourished. He thought to himself, "What does the queen want?"

Just two seconds later, the flying insects in the sky who received the message of the queen queen spread away in all directions. The queen also flapped her wings slowly and then gently touched the horizontal forehead.

"Eh ?!" Guan Heng was wondering, and suddenly everything was in his mind. It was a complete scene in all directions and corners of the huge garden. Guan Heng was suddenly surprised: "This is ... I see!"

It turns out that the ability of the queen queen is to control a large number of bees and insects to detect geographic dynamics in all directions, and the queen can also pass this information directly to Guan Heng's mind. As for the scope of the bees and insects to detect, it depends on them. Flight speed and journey limit.

"Good." Guan Heng smiled and said to the queen who fell back into the palm of his hand. "It seems that you are a great scout commander. Although I know you must have more than this ability, but it is too late to understand it carefully. Because I'm going to the Rogue Guild headquarters soon. "

"Syron." Guan Heng called the orc statue and said to him, "There is a good news to tell you that the light **** Dalakander has been awakened by me. The next thing I want to awaken is the dark goddess Dalavier. "

"Ah, this is really gratifying." Xu Lun said, "So, you must be going to the south of Ashton, because the power of the Dark Holy See and the headquarters of the thieves were all there."

At this time, Xiaobai came over and asked, "Young Master, do you need me and Landi to go to the Thieves Guild with you this time?"

"No, I have something important to tell you, so you two don't have to go with me."

Guan Heng had a series of plans in his mind. He remembered that he had received a secret letter outside the cornerstone town forest near the Nora Mountains, saying that his righteous girl and half-elf girl Merty was now a profession. Mercenary, she also served as the captain of the first unit of the "Iron Blood Mercenary Regiment".

However, some people planned a deadly trick to carry out a large cleansing inside the Iron Blood Mercenary Regiment. When Merty took his mercenaries to the Elven Forest to carry out the task, they ambushed them halfway. Now it counts time, almost in After a month.

"I have investigated the location of the Iron Blood Mercenary Corps. They are stationed in a town hundreds of kilometers away from the Elven Forest at this time. This is the address. Because I am going to wake up the Dark Goddess Dalavier, so you and Landi go first. Find Merty and tell her all these things. "

Guan Heng told Merty's identity and what she was going to be undermined and told Xiaobai, and handed Xiaobai a piece of paper: "By the way, keep more protection by her side. After one month, we are going to the elf Forest, there is a communication crystal in your space ring, and we will use this to communicate. "

"I see, Master." Xiaobai took the address of the Iron Blood Mercenary Regiment and called him Brother Lan. After the two were ready, they were taken away by the Golden Eyed Flyer and sent to the nearest city. Let Xiaobai start on their own, and then the gold-eye bird returned to the island.

During this period, Guan Heng put the queen in the tube of the magic pet, because he knew that this small worm-shaped Warcraft would come in handy in the future.

"Well, it's time to pack and everything is ready." Guan Heng said to himself in the huge garden at this time: "It's time to inform an old friend."

Thinking of this, Guan Heng took out a communication magic crystal and began to communicate with each other. Within ten seconds, a voice came from the magic crystal: "Hey, is that the boss? Really, it hasn't been for so long Contact me. "

"Ha-ha, Shani, have you been okay recently?" It was the female thief Shani who was talking to Guan Heng, and Guan Heng said at the moment: "I'll tell you something serious now, I'm going to Ai soon To the south of the Shitton continent, went to the thieves' guild to meet your president. "

"Uh, boss, you want to come to the south?" Shani was surprised when she heard this. She hurriedly said, "It's so coincident. I'm thinking about telling you something very important. I didn't expect you. I have already contacted me. "

"Vital matters?" Guan Heng frowned slightly after hearing this sentence, and then asked: "What the **** is going on?"

"Yes, since the last time I broke up with you, Mr. Heinz and I returned to the South Headquarters, this place has been repeatedly attacked and attacked by unknown characters."

Shanie's voice seemed a little angry, and she continued: "These people did not know what the purpose was, and their hands were extremely vicious. When the two elders went out, they were attacked by them first, and one elder died seriously and died. , The other was not badly injured, and has been in a coma. "

Guan Heng heard a slight movement in his heart, and asked, "Is your chairman in danger? Are there any three road maps where the Dark Goddess sleeps?"

"Of course, President Billu also encountered the siege of the other party." Shani replied: "But the president has a stealth cloak, plus he is also a strong one step away from the Holy Order, so he barely escaped. , The road map is now properly kept, but I do n’t know when the bad guys will come up with it. "

"Hoo, that's good." Guan Heng was relieved a little. "If your president is also in trouble, the Thieves' Guild may be chaotic." "Let ’s go, I'm going to the south now, Let's meet in the town where the thief's headquarters is located. "Guan Heng said," I remember it was a place called 'Taling Town', right? "

—— [March 3, 2016. Good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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