Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1001: Taling Town Crisis

Shani replied: "Yes, Taling Town is a small fortress town. Now it has activated a magic array device to defend against foreign enemies. It is not easy for others to enter. If you arrive, remember to inform me to lead you in."

"I see. See you then."

Guan Heng disconnected the communication crystal at this time and said to Xulun next to him: "I'm ready to go. If the wake-up of the Dark Goddess this time is smooth, next is the beast **** Corinus. And Elven Goddess Qi Li Ni. "

Xu Lun also said, "Oh, I remind you once again, do n’t forget to go to the core of the Orc, Dorenguth, and get back the core hub of the island. Then you can really become the owner of the island. . "

"Okay, I have something in my mind." Guan Heng thought to himself: "According to the speculation of the light **** Darakund, the remnant soul of Qing Huang is most likely to be lodged on the rest of the sleeping gods. . "

At this time, the dark statue of Vinson and the green statue of Zori came in the distance. They said, "Guan Heng, bring some of our island's specialties, you can eat them yourself, and you can give them gifts."

"Special products on the island?" Guan Heng turned his eyes and laughed suddenly, "You mean those ambergris, right?"

"Yes, because it is planted around the dragon bones, the yield of ambergris is very high." Xu Lun said beside him, "Besides, I also made some berry wine, which are rare good things."

"Well, I'll bring some ambergris and wine." Guan Heng laughed. "After all, it's home-made, I haven't tasted it yet."

After finishing these things, Guan Heng ordered them to say a few words, and then called out the golden-eye finch and said, "Let's go, Big Bird, the target is Taling Town, south of Ashton. Let's go!"

"Quack quack." Hissing hissed and flew to the distance carrying Guan Heng's wings, and they shook his head and said, "It's a non-stop working life, hey, when will Guan Heng be able to? Take a break? "


It took about one day and one night for Guan Heng to come to the southern area of ​​Ashton, thousands of miles away. Most of the people here in the south believe in the goddess of darkness, Dalavier, so the power of the Dark Holy See has spread widely. However, in these years, no miracle has come to the Lord God, and the believers have gradually lost. The days of the Dark Holy See are the same as the Holy See. Not so good.

Taling Town is remote, so it's really not easy to find, so Guan Heng is taking a break in the restaurant of a town at this moment, and by the way, he wants to ask the waiter about the direction of Taling Town.

"Are you asking Taling Town?"

When the waiter came for the meal for Guan Hengduan, he heard the other party inquire about the place, and frowned suddenly. He first wanted to look around and made sure that no one else was paying attention to it. Then he said, "This place in Taling Town." I know, it's two or three hundred miles away, oh ... "

Guan Heng saw the waiter's expression and asked curiously, "What's wrong with you? Why sigh?"

"The guests don't know. The locals know that Taling Town is a strange place. Some people say that it is the headquarters of the thieves' association, but our little people can't figure out these things."

The waiter explained: "But since half a month ago, travelers from Taling Town often brought some news, saying that in Taling Town, there will be small and medium-scale group fights at both ends of three days."

"Group fights?" Guan Heng asked in a low voice: "So, is there someone using martial arts?"

"Yes, it is said that there are several mercenary regiments with more than a hundred soldiers fighting there." The waiter whispered to Guan Heng. "I also heard that there are very powerful magicians who are starting to move all the nearby mountains. Boomed in half. "

"Well, is there such an exaggeration?" Guan Heng pretended to be surprised and said: "Wasn't the residents in the neighborhood going to suffer?"

"Well, isn't it? It is estimated that the residents nearby have now moved away."

The waiter continued: "Imagine, who wants to build the house next to the battlefield? A little careless, the destruction of the property field is a trivial matter, in case any mercenary's sword is not long-sighted and falls on his own head, but it will It ’s a small life. "

"Well, thank you for telling so many things." Guan Heng tossed the waiter a gold coin: "Well, reward you."

"Thank you, you are so generous."

The waiter was holding the gold coin, and his mouth was almost happy. He looked at the gold coin and wanted to remind Guan Heng two words, so he whispered, "Guest, if you don't have anything important, you better not I ’m near Taling, because it ’s too dangerous and it ’s best to go around the road. ”

"Oh, your kind reminder, I'll think about it." Guan Heng hurriedly finished his meals and walked out of the restaurant, thinking to himself: "Who the **** is besieging Taling Town? Although it looks like Some mercenaries, but there is no guarantee that there are no shadows of the magic domain. "

Guan Heng thought of this and had walked quickly to the country woods outside the town. Just before he entered the town, he had released the golden-eye finch for food. At this moment, he wanted to call it back, but at this time, Guan Heng heard something unusual in the woods.

"It seems that there are a lot of people gathering in the woods, and their steps are very noisy. Let's find out what these people are doing."

Guan Heng turned his eyes, took out the tube of the pet, and released the queen. He found a large hidden rock and hid it behind him. Then he asked the queen to say: "Call the nearby bees and let them detect the woods. All the movements are then teleported back to me. "

After hearing the words, the queen nodded her head slightly, and then, using the vibration of her wings, the flying insects swarmed within a few kilometers of the time, and immediately came to the mid-air near the queen.

Under the command of the queen queen, these flying insects suddenly split into front, back, left and right, and poured into the forest silently in all directions, and at this time the queen gently pressed against Guan Heng's forehead and took the information detected by the flying insects one by one. Clearly passed to him.

The worms sent back not only a scene, but even the voice of the other party in Guan Heng's brain. This is the magic of the Queen's insect reconnaissance. Guan Heng also learned that the Queen had This kind of power once shouted that he really picked up treasure.

In the woods, there are a team of nearly a hundred people. These people have different equipment, leather armor, metal plate armor, and heavy armor in all styles, but like the weapons in their hands, they are mostly worn and rusty. Some professional mercenary equipment.

—— [2016.3.24 Fourth more, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets 月 | ` O ′ | ┛ 嗷 ~~】 ——

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