Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1002: Offensive mission (fifth more outbreak)

At this moment, a mercenary leader standing in front of the team began to shout: "Everyone gathers here today, without me saying, you all know what it is for, we have only one purpose, which is to capture Taling Town! "

"Leader, we have traveled hundreds of miles to come to this place where the birds don't shit. Naturally, it is not for the sake of house wine. Everyone eats in a pot, and they all listen to the command of the head."

A bearded mercenary asked aloud, "But I just want to ask, what are the benefits for our brothers to capture Taling?"

"Well said, let's be mercenaries. Don't put your head on the waistband. Birth to death is commonplace, so there is no good thing. Just the order of my mother-in-law, also drives us to move up!"

The mercenary commander waved and ordered several strong men to carry a few mouthfuls of iron boxes. He flew up and opened one of the boxes, only to see that it was bright and dazzling, all of Huang Chengcheng's gold coins. When they got the money, they breathed quickly one by one, and they stared round and round, hoping to grab a few gold coins into their arms now.

"I'll tell you the truth now."

The mercenary commander grabbed a handful of gold coins in the box, and his palms were slightly tilted and they fell back into the box. The clanging sound seemed to be a pleasant magic sound. He continued: "This time the employer is very mysterious. I don't know who he is, but they are very generous, they pay half the deposit first, which is 500 gold coins per person! "

"Our mission is only one, that is, desperately attack Taling Town, four words-chickens and dogs do not stay!" The mercenary commander's words revealed bloodthirsty and madness: "For the sake of money, Let's do this big deal! "

"We listen to the commander!" These mercenaries yelled in unison, and for them, such a thing as slaughtering people is very easy, and their eyelids will not blink.

Immediately afterwards, the head of the mercenary commanded everyone to come forward and take out five hundred gold coins from the box. These mercenaries took the money into their arms, and their eyes became congested. .

"It turned out that these mercenaries were hired to prepare to wash the town of Taling." Guan Heng was behind a rock outside the forest, carefully analyzing the message from the queen, and he secretly murmured: "It happened to me. It's better to keep up with this group of people and crush their plans by the way. This is also a meeting gift I gave to Shani. "

After dividing the gold coins, the mercenary commander shouted at the crowd: "From now on, ride the horse day and night, and be sure to rush to the periphery of Taling Town before dawn, and then the all-out raid, start now!"

"Oh! Let's go!" All the mercenaries whistled, drank on horseback, and hurried to the direction of Taling Town, but there was a man who was a little slower and stood still.

That man was the head of the mercenary regiment. At this moment he looked at the left and right, and hurriedly turned to the end of the woods and said, "Mr. Sanson, you can come out."

At this moment, a tall man in a green cloth cape stepped out. He was born with a vicious face and a fleshy face. At first glance, he was not a good person. The man laughed strangely: "Good job, but only With a box of gold coins, these idiots who see the money become the chess pieces that attack us. "

"Well, these brethren have followed me for many years, but unfortunately, how easy is it to attack the headquarters of the Thieves' Guild in Taling Town." The mercenary commander slowly shook his head: "It is estimated that they will all die in Taling Town. It's too sad to be trapped by the magic circle outside. "

"Huh, it's a cat crying and a rat."

Sanson, wearing a blue cloth cloak, looked at the head with a scornful look, and then said, "Hurry up and follow them to war, remember, try to let these mercenaries attack in front of Taling Town as much as possible. Delay time so that we can have a chance to get through the tunnel and enter the interior of Taling Town, understand? "

"Yes, I understand." The head of the mercenary seemed to be very afraid of this man named Sanson. After he said this, he quickly took his mount. Turned over and chased the mercenaries.

"This commander is also a greedy man." Sanson slowly shook his head. "I just gave him twice the price. This guy even sold his mercenary regiment who had followed him for many years."

At this time, Sanson took out a communication magic crystal and began to talk to his own people: "Hey, it's me. The newly hired mercenary group has set off for Taling Town. I hope this time will give us more time. Remember, after that happens, you kill the head of the team as usual, so you don't have to stay alive. "

Sanson picked up his communication crystal and murmured in his mouth, "In order to give the best gift when Lord Lord leads the Demon Army, I must get the road map of the sleeping place of the Dark Goddess. Then destroy this lord god, um, it's time to find my alliance. "

After doing all this, Sanson turned and disappeared at the end of the jungle, but he did not expect that he was already staring at the eyes behind him.

"Hey, another running dog of the Demon Lord, follow him and see if there are other gains."

Guan Heng secretly followed Sanson's whereabouts while recalling the golden-eye finch going out for food. Sanson ran forward for more than an hour, and finally stopped in front of a barren mountain jungle.

"Pap!" Sang Sen slaps the palms of his hands twice, two figures of a man and a woman suddenly flashing in the dense forest. The man is about fifty years old, must be gray, with a wide-edged epee behind him; After forty, a green-spotted magic robe with a eagle-headed staff in his hand, the two men saw Sanson and immediately came forward.

"Wait for you a long time, Sanson, are your people already in place?" The old man with a broad-edged epee asked at this moment, "We and our couple are already prepared."

"That is, in the past half month, your people have attacked Taling Town no less than ten times, all of which ended in failure." The woman next to her said, "We have no time to delay with you again. Do you have tomorrow Take control of Taling Town? "

"Sagaon, Charlie, your husband and wife are a little calm and irritable. Everyone is a League of Demons, so be sure to believe me."

Sanson said quietly: "This time I have more than 90% confidence, because it is well planned, I sent a group of mercenaries to die in front of me, and then I took my five men plus You, let's kill the secret roads dug out from the back hills of Taling Town together. "

"Okay, it seems that you did make a serious deployment this time." Sagan slightly nodded his head, "I hope it will be successful in one fell swoop."

—— [Fifth more on March 24, 2016, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets (⊙o⊙)] ——

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