Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1003: Surprisingly winning (first)

"However, the chairman and deputy chairman of the Thieves' Guild are all very powerful. In addition, they also have many intermediate and senior swordsmen and soldiers to help, and then you and your couple will help."

Sanson said he took a hexagonal piece of metal from himself, and then said to Sagan and Charlie: "With these three magical shards on our body, we can completely obliterate the thieves' guild in an instant. ! "

Sagan and Charlie also took out the shards of their magic disks and said in unison: "Yes, when the time comes, kill the Quartet and take the road map of the sleeping place of the Dark Goddess."

"One ... two ... three, alas, all three magical shards appeared at once."

Hiding in the corner of the dark, quietly observing the other side's Guan Heng almost did not laugh, he thought to himself: "If you get the pieces of these three guys' hands, then there is only one missing in the thirteen, and only the remaining No one is landing. "

Sanson, Sagan, and Charlie also discussed some details of the plan. Of course, these conversations were also introduced into Guan Heng's mind by the queen beekeeper, allowing him to know the three people's tricks thoroughly.

"Well, let's break up now," Sanson continued. "Before dawn, let's meet at the entrance of the secret road in Houshan, Taling Town."

"Just do it, leave." Sagan and Charlie finished, turned away, and Sanson hurried away from the other direction alone.

At this moment, Guan Heng has decided to follow Sanson alone, because this guy's main ambassador for the entire operation at this time, as long as he follows Sanson, he is not afraid to find Sagan and Charlie.

Sang Sen traveled along the night, and Guan Heng followed him quietly in the midair, riding on a golden-eyeed bird, and he was relaxed. Time flies fast, and the next day dawns in the blink of an eye, but at this time the stars and moon are dark and the clouds are dense, which is the darkest moment before dawn.

Taling Town is surrounded by mountains on three sides, and a narrow pass that enters and exits the town stands at the mountain pass. It can be called a four-character word: it is easy to defend and difficult to attack.

At this moment, the dense mercenary team has gathered here, so as not to make too much noise, when they galloped from a distance, they also purposely wrapped the horseshoe with black cloth.

I heard a low horn horn sounded, and the shouting and killing sounded for a while. The mercenaries slashed their swords and rushed towards the path of Taling Town with their spears.

"Well, it seems that these mercenaries are doing a good job." Sanson was standing at the top of the canyon at this time, smiling grimly: "They probably didn't expect that they were just holding the cannon fodder of the Thieves Guild, okay, I It's time to go to the back roads in the mountains. "

After a while, Sanson came to the back mountain of Taling Town. The five men who had been waiting there already surrounded him as soon as they saw him. They said in unison: "Boss, you are here."

"Well, how is the secret digging?" Sanson whispered: "Did you dig into the interior of Taling Town according to the original plan?"

"Yes, boss." One of the tall men said, "Just as you told us, we carefully dig the ground to a distance of almost a thousand meters without any noise. The brick foundation has been touched on it. It should be It's a house in the town, you can rush into Taling Town as long as you pierce it. "

"Excellent, now wait for the Sagan and Chari couples to come." Sanson looked very happy, he secretly said: "Damn thieves' guild, I have ruined many ways, I will let you all The army is gone. "

"Sanson!" There was a shout from far away, and Sanson looked back to see that it was Sagan and Chari rushing forward.

"The two came at the right time, and the burrow had just been dug." Thornson tickled them: "Let's go to Taling Town now."

Sagan and Chari nodded silently, as Sanson and his five men walked into the tunnel shortly. The pedestrian walked thousands of miles forward in the winding cave.

At this moment, Sanson's subordinates pointed at the blue brick on the top of his finger. Sanson immediately noticed. He took out a scroll from the space ring, and then said to everyone, "Let's step back. Get out of here! "

Just half a second later, I only heard a bang, the blue brick above the tunnel, was suddenly blown away by the magic scroll energy surging shaft, and the front Sanson whispered, "Let's go!"

"Oh!" Everyone in the burrow rushed out in an extremely fast manner, who knew that at this moment, suddenly changed suddenly!

"Oops! Papapa!" The sky full of arrows flew across the sky and suddenly surrounded Sanson and others who just rushed in. The shadow of death covered Sanson's forehead.

In an anxiety, the desperate Sanson hid behind five men, and these living people were shot into hedgehogs in an instant, but Sanson was safe and sound.

"It's dangerous." Thornson secretly sweated for himself. He didn't even know that there was such a powerful remote weapon in the other hand, so that he almost lost his life here.

"Hahaha, are you Sanson?" A thick, low-pitched man's voice suddenly sounded: "The President has been waiting here for a long time."

"Eh ?! You ..." Sanson took a deep look, and immediately recognized the speaker: "The chairman of the Thieves Guild-Billy!"

"Huh, Sanson, your kid is very wicked." Looking at the few people in front of Sanson who had fallen into "hedgehogs" and planted on the ground, and Sagan and Chari next to them, Billu said: "There are some ignorant mercenaries attacking Taling Town, but they are burrowing rats here, but you want to come up with this idea."

"Huh, no matter what, we have already entered Taling Town." Sansen sneered sneerly, and said secretly in his heart: "At this moment, it is President Bill Lu's death."

Thinking of this, Sanson suddenly winked at Sagan and Charlie, and the three of them took out their own magic disk fragments at the same time. At this moment, the magic disk surrounded by black gas was about to pop out a six-horse star formation, and all the thieves guild People become dead bones ...

It is a pity that one person would not let them do so, and heard the thunderous roar in the air: "Sanson, come here!"

A huge slash came suddenly, and Sanson was caught off guard. Starting from his forehead, the entire body was split in two. The slash was undiminished, and he directly attacked Chari, who held the magic astral plate. The woman was scared. It was trembling, but it was too late to dodge.

"Be careful!" Chery's husband, Sagan, didn't care about the other, holding the magic star disk in one hand and pulling out the broad-edged epee on his back in one hand, trying to block the opponent's slash with the crossblade. The opponent's weapon was broken into two pieces, and Carrie and Sagan sprayed red mist at the same time and fell out.

—— [2016.3.25 The first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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