Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1006: Emergency rescue

A few minutes later, Guan Heng walked out of the gate of the palace and ordered the queen to extend the active area of ​​the flying insect scouts to a radius of 20 kilometers, or even longer. Soon, the queen conveyed an important message.

The queen conveyed a message in Guan Heng's mind, telling him that when three bee insects flew near a cave more than ten kilometers away, it disappeared unexpectedly, as if it had evaporated out of thin air. In this case, the queen never Never met, and the connection between them was severed.

"Is that so?" Guan Heng moved slightly, he secretly whispered, "It seems there must be something weird near the cave where the beetle disappeared. Check it out."

After a while, Guan Heng came to this hidden cave, where it was covered by countless tall grasses. If no one searched carefully, the trace of the cave would not be found at all.

"Before, Erin's search team didn't check this place." Guan Heng waved the evil pupil's strange sword, sweeping down the grass and thorns, and opened the way for himself. He thought to himself: "I don't know the disappearance of the kings, and Is there a connection here ... "

Just thinking of it, Guan Heng suddenly noticed that the black shadow in front of him moved. It turned out that a green snake with a length of a few meters crawled across the grass, and Guan Heng's eyes froze slightly. The next moment, he watched the green snake suddenly disappear from nothing. Gone.

"What's going on?" Seeing this scene, Guan Heng was shocked. He immediately realized that something was wrong. At this time, the queen was driving a few flying insects and was passing over there, "Oh!" These flying insects have disappeared!

"Uh, it looks like a gap in another space." Guan Hengxin turned like electricity, and quickly analyzed what was going on: "It was like the one I entered in the capital of Kaulu and Baron Prang. Kind of space. "

"My God!"

Guan Heng suddenly realized something. He knew that the gaps in these different spaces were sometimes moved by unknown shocks. Guan Heng murmured in his heart: "Can it be a gap in this space? Then they brought several kings into a different space ?! "

"Anyway, this matter must be confirmed."

Guan Heng's mind made a decision, took a big step and walked to the place where the green snake and the beetle disappeared. Looking closely, it turned out to be the entrance to the gap in the space. He murmured in his mouth: "I hope several kings His life is big enough, otherwise he has n’t eaten or drank in this strange space, but it wo n’t last long. "

"Yeah!" Guan Heng stepped across the entrance of the space gap, and came to this dim, dark, pale space everywhere, covered with strange strange rocks.

"Buzz ..." At this moment, several bees quickly approached this level. These were the scouts of the queens who had accidentally entered the different space.

"Queen, let them search around quickly to see if they can find the kings." Guan Heng whispered: "This is not suitable for humans and animals to survive, everyone will not last long."

Driven by the queen queen, these dozen flying insects flew open, and Guan Heng was afraid to leave the entrance at this time, because when the situation was unknown, he rushed to explore and might get lost.

A few minutes later, only the sound of the flapping wings of the flying insects hummed, and three flying insects swept back desperately, "Patter, Patter!" But when the insects came to Guan Heng, they fell to the ground exhausted. After a few kicks, he lost his breath.

But the queen had sent the message to Guan Heng's mind in time, and Guan Heng patted his thigh and shouted, "It's great, I finally found them."

It turned out that several kings were lying a few kilometers away. They were all groggy and had been there for a long time. Guan Heng knew where they were and hurried away. Here, he found four people.

Among them were Irene ’s father and prince, and King Eit and Mary. Guan Heng quickly confirmed that several people still had signs of life, so Guan Heng quickly took out the ambergris berries in the space ring. First feed it to a few people.

This ambergris berry has a wonderful effect on the treatment of the weak people. Four people have woke up shortly after taking it. Guan Heng briefly talked about it, and then quickly took them out of the gap in this alien space.

Ten or more minutes later, Guan Heng took the faltering four persons back to the palace, told him something, and quickly rode a gold-eyed bird back to report.

In the capital of the State of Missouri, in the palace of Kachas, Irene and Xiusen were relieved to learn that the kings were intact, and then they secretly notified the royal families of the Kingdom of It and the Kingdom of Mali and let them hurry. Take back your monarch, return to the country to appease the people, and control the army at the border.

After all these things are done, a whole day and night have passed.

At this moment, in the palace of Kachas, a grand dinner was being held, and the king and the **** ceremoniously thanked their rescuer Guan Guan.

At the banquet, King Missouri III, who had no hair, was very happy. He held up the gold cup and said to Guan Heng, "Come, Guan Heng, and have a drink."

"Um, Your Majesty, I am really overwhelmed." Guan Heng quickly got up and refused: "And I have important things to do, and I'm leaving soon, so it's better to keep my head clear."

"Oh, you, I have heard my daughter Irene." A gleam flashed in the eyes of the wise old king, and he whispered to Guan Heng: "Come to my palace study now, I have some secrets to tell you."

As a result, Lei Sai III led Guan Heng without anyone's attention, left the lively banquet, and came to the study through the palace corridor.

Leixi III covered the door gently and turned his head and asked, "Huan Heng, do you know what my family used to be?"

Guan Heng nodded and said, "Yes, I heard Eileen say that the Missourian King's House, the ancestor of the Casset family, is the dark sage of the Holy See."

The history of Ashton's continent has been extended for more than a thousand years. During this period, many well-known sages and sages, for more or less reasons, broke away from the Holy See and the Holy See, and took root in this fertile soil. After countless years, they became a party. This type of family is known as the "sage family".

The Mississauga Casset family is one of them, and they have developed into a royal family.

After listening to Guan Heng's answer, Lei Sai III nodded: "You know, my family has another mission to take root here, and it is to wait for the sleeping place of the goddess Dalavire. The kings of all ages knew that even **** and princesses were not qualified to know. "

—— [Fourth more in 2016.3.25, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets ┗ | ` O ′ | ┛ 嗷 ~~] ——

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