Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1007: Jiaoyueling (fifth more outbreak)

The old king Lei Sai III solemnly said at this time: "Since you have awakened the **** of light, got the fragments of the road map from him, and found the state of Missouri, then the mission of our family must also be completed because the goddess of darkness is about to Wake up. "

After saying this, Lei Sai III took out a simple scroll from the drawer of the study and unfolded it gently. He took out an oval stone from the inside, picked it up and handed it to Guan Heng, and said, "Your Majesty Dalawi The sleepy place is in Jiaoyueling, not far from here, and this stone is the key to the hall of sleep. "

"So it is, thank you for your help, Your Majesty." Guan Heng put away the oval stone covered with mysterious lines properly and immediately said, "It is not too late, I will immediately rush to Jiaoyueling now, and there will be a period later . "

Leixi III waved his hand: "Okay, you go quickly, as long as you awaken Her Majesty Dalawi, this stone in my heart can be regarded as landing."

Farewell to the old king, Guan Heng walked to the palace courtyard, where Erin and Xiu Sen were met, Erin said: "Well, I can't think of just being together in a short time, we will break up again and say goodbye."

"Yeah," said Xiu Sen. "How about you ... wait until I get married with Erin, drink a wedding and go."

"What? You already succeeded ?!" Guan Heng stretched his hands around Xiu Sen's neck, and he grinned smirk: "Stink boy, it really is amazing, it is indeed the love sage I taught."

"Hey, you guys are too much!" Irene blushed and stomped. "Don't talk about these things in front of me. It's not bad."

"Ha ha ha, then say something serious."

Guan Heng took out three bottles of berry wine from the space ring and kept one bottle by himself. The other two bottles were handed over to Irene and Xiu Sen. He said sincerely, "Sorry, my righteous brother and my righteous sister, your big wedding. I may not be able to participate, but this glass of wine can still be drunk in advance. Come, drink this wine and accept my blessing! "

"Slap!" Three bottles of berry wine touched each other. After the three of them drank the wine, Haha laughed, and Guan Heng immediately called out the golden-eye bird and stepped on the big bird. He said loudly, "I'm gone, I wish you happiness . "

The golden-eyed bird flew up and flew into the sky, suddenly straight up to the sky, and a tear dripped from the corner of Guan Heng's eyes, because he knew in the heart that maybe this parting would be endless when he met again.

Forbearing a bit of sadness, Guan Heng rode the golden-eyed finch and came to Jiaoyueling Mountain a moment later. According to the description of the old king Lei Sai III, Guan Heng came to a small canyon. At the end of it is a huge grotto, but The cave has been sealed by countless rocks.

"This thing, but it can't stop me." Guan Heng smiled slightly: "Now just try the power of the five-star spirit soul armor."

"Hey!" Guan Heng wore the five-star Divine Soul Armor in an instant, and saw that the five-horned star on the breastplate was shining, which was a sign of sufficient light power.

"Hammer of light, now!" Guan Heng drank suddenly, and suddenly a huge sledgehammer flashing on his head suddenly appeared, "Boom!" Under the strong impact of the light hammer, blocking the hole The rubble of the stone suddenly shattered and cracked, and the dark cavern caves appeared in an instant.

"The power is pretty good." Guan Heng nodded contentedly: "Although it is not as good as the Black Fire Skull, it is already a medium to high attack power."

Guan Heng didn't stop there. He took a long step towards the inside of the cave. After a long martyrdom, the surrounding area gradually widened and turned into an artificially excavated wall with frescoes on the goddess of darkness. .

"Well, it looks like it's right here." Guan Heng looked at the slightly jaw head: "Walking a little further, you should be able to sleep at the door of the Temple of Sleep."

But at this time, sudden changes suddenly occurred!

I saw a dark place that was not visible in front of me, and suddenly a dark shadow suddenly emerged. This shadow said nothing, suddenly extended his hands to Guan Heng, and lowered his mouth and said, "Dark sickle in the dark!"

"Oh!" Four or five dark, black curved sickles were formed in a vain manner, flying around Guan Heng at the speed of cutting through the air, and he was about to be crushed.

"Guard of the Light!" Guan Heng yelled, and a huge shield several meters square was suddenly formed in front of him. "Dangdang!" The dark night sickle was all cut on the huge shield, leaving no trace at all!

"Huh, dare to sneak attack on me, whether you are an enemy or a friend, let ’s take a lesson first!" Guan Heng is a person who doesn't like to suffer, his eyes suddenly shot two cold lights, his hands suddenly gathered a lot of fire elements.

"Yeah! Black Fire Undead! Rush—" Guan Heng threw this flameless Undead Bird wrapped in black fire and flung it directly into the shadow of the opposite!

The flaming undead bird hissed, and the wings had been wrapped around the shadows during the teleportation. The fierce fire scorched the whole body uncomfortably. I saw the shadow screamed and suddenly collapsed to the ground.

"Women's voice ?!" Guan Heng frowned, but he didn't plan to burn the other side to the ashes, so he slammed his fingers, and the flameless bird instantly dissipated into a point of ignition.

With a quick look, Guan Heng found that the man was a woman in a black robe. He could not see how old he was, but his eyes were beautiful.

"Hey, who are you? Why are you here?" Guan Hengyang said, "Sneak at me as soon as I came up. What is your plan?"

"Well, I should have asked you right." The woman stood up against the wall, and said with a calm face: "This is a very secret place, strangers are not allowed to enter."

"Then you shouldn't come up and start to do it. If it's a little weaker, I will almost die." Guan Heng saw the woman's black robe embroidered with a bright moon pattern on the placket, so he said: "You are the subordinate of the goddess of darkness Right? "

"What's the matter?" Guan Heng's identity was revealed by Guan Heng, and her expression suddenly became tense. She pulled out a black staff with a backhand and wanted to do it again.

Guan Heng quickly came up with the complete road map. He said: "It seems you are the person who guards the sleeping place. Do you know this road map? I am the one who came to wake Dalavier."

"Uh, this, this is indeed a cobbled road map for sleeping!"

The woman in the black robe ran to Guan Heng in three steps and two steps. She took the drawing with her trembling hands and looked carefully several times, and then she was relieved as if relieved: "The most critical piece of this picture It should be kept by His Majesty the Light God Darakund. It seems he is awake, right? "

"Yes, this five-star **** soul armor is the masterpiece of the bright god." Guan Heng Guan Heng tapped the armor slightly and said casually: "Master, you wake up first and come out to prove my identity."

—— [Fifth more in 2016.3.25, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets (⊙o⊙)] ——

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