Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1012: Weird Bone Whip (fifth more outbreak)

"Bang!" The canine's flesh and blood could not withstand the pressure of being frozen, and suddenly burst into a blood mist in the ice!

"It's amazing!" A lot of snake orcs saw the spirit snake bone whip with this power, and they all applauded, their eyes were full of bloodthirsty and vicious.

"The next one is a rabbit orc, let go of him!" Yawei chief smirked, shaking his bone whip and pointing at the captives on the stage. The rabbit orc heard his turn, and was trembling with shock. The legs trembled, and the sound of water rang, and the floor wet by the blink of an eye.

"Hahaha, the courageous Rabbit clan was scared to pee!" The snake orc around him grinned and looked at the rabbit coffin with a mockery, and kept threatening and taunting him with words.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" The Rabbit clan finally collapsed, and he ran away in despair, and the leader of the snake clan Yawei cried with a slight smile, shaking the bone whip and pulling it out.

"Oops, patter!" From the unbelievable trajectory of this snake snake whip, the rabbit clan wrapped around the neck of the rabbit clan, making several rounds on it, striding forward with one foot hanging, the rabbit clan was shocked with horror. Frozen in place, and even maintained the golden chicken's independent posture.

"Hahaha!" The ridiculously patriarch Yawei forcedly pumped back the spirit snake bone whip, and immediately pulled the head of the rabbits' shoulders down, snapped it into the air, and turned it into a blood flower powder!

"It's a cold-blooded guy." Not far away, Guan Heng hid in a hidden corner to observe, cursing secretly in his heart. Just now the patriarch of the snake orc waved his whip. He didn't even have time to save people. Hit a poisoned hand.

"Hey, bring that rat." Yawei asked with a smile, "This is a big fish. He is the keeper of the Lone Wolf City and the patriarch of the Rat. I will kill this guy today. Liwei, tell the running dogs of the orc royal family that we snakes will return strongly! "

"Eh ?!" Guan Heng has touched a distance of dozens of meters at this time. He heard Yawei say that the Rat Orc is the keeper of the Lone Wolf City or the patriarch of the Rat. Guan Heng thought to himself: " Isn't this captive the father of Lanyi and Shule? It seems necessary to save one. "

Thinking of this, Guan Heng suddenly gathered the fire elements around him, causing them to form a dozen hot fireballs. He waved his arms and said, "Go!"

Just listening to the sound of crickets, there were four or five fireballs banging among the snake orcs, and they exploded with scorching. These snakes screamed, and fled as birds and beasts.

The rest of the fireballs rushed towards the snake patriarch on the high platform. This Yawei was suddenly attacked and was not horrified, but he responded extremely quickly. The spirit snake bone whip waved in the palm. Several fireballs were instantly Smashed by the blow.

But after Yawei stopped, he looked for the captured Rat, but that guy had disappeared. Yawei was so angry that he stomped and shouted, "Well, who saved the Rat?"

At the same time, Guan Heng put a rat in his hand on the ground in a low bush forest two or three kilometers away. He immediately reached out to untie the rope that bound the other party.

"Woohoo ..." The Rats gasped in horror, and he asked with a quivering voice, "You, who are you?"

"Don't be nervous, I'll ask you." Guan Heng whispered, "The snake orcs said just now, you are the city guard and the mouse chief of the Lone Wolf City. Do you know Lanyi and Shule?"

"Ah, they are my daughter and son." The Rat asked immediately nervously: "Is Lanyi doing something wrong?"

"They are my friends, and now the caravan is ready to return to Lone Wolf City." Guan Heng shook his head and said, "At present, the caravan is stationed on this canyon, and Lanyi and Shule also there."

"Engong, Little Older Homer thank you for your life-saving grace." Homer Homer, the city of Lone Wolf City, is also disregarded at this time, and swoops to the ground and worships: "If it is not you, I I will die in the hands of the vicious, bloodthirsty snakes. "

"Well, Mr. Holmatro, get up first." Guan Heng quickly lifted Holmato, he said, "We are not out of danger yet, let's still ..." Guan Henggang said here, Just a few hundred meters away, a lot of creeping sounds were heard.

"Well, it's those white-scale viper snakes," Guan Heng frowned, and immediately called the six-eyed scorpion in his sleeve: "You are here to protect Mr. Holmatro, I will destroy those snakes, these guys are too Trouble. "

Seeing Guan Heng turning into the woods, Holmatt hurriedly whispered, "Grace, you have to be more careful."

"Hey, it seems that the snake group is here." Guan Heng ran out a hundred meters and made some noises deliberately. A large group of white-scale viper snakes surrounded them. Guan Heng smiled sneer and immediately put on the five-star spirit A, he whispered, "Spear of light, gather!"

"Oh!" One hundred ten long, sharp light spears appeared all over the sky, brushing toward the snake group on the ground.

"Papapa, slap!" The spear of light penetrated many white-scale snakes, but the swarms of snakes were sometimes dense and scattered, and there were always leaks, Guan Heng didn't care, he just gently When I patted my palm, just now the incandescent light flickered. The bright spear that nailed the ground turned into a fiery red color, and it became a flame that swept the surrounding area!

"Hisse!" The white-scale viper screamed and was burnt into a curled-up dark mass, all dead on the spot, when Guan Heng was silently attached to the spear of light, and the element of fire was silently attached to it. Kill all the snakes in no time!

"Ah, ah, our white-scale viper!" At this moment, a few guys who drove the snake group came over and saw the horrible death of the white-scale viper, immediately angry. "You guy, We are going to kill you! "

Several snake orcs roared, waved their swords and spears, and rushed to Guan Heng like crazy dogs.

"Huh, you can't help yourself." Guan Heng sneered, and his body shape suddenly turned into a shadow. "Well!" He passed by several snakes in a lightning flash, immediately knocking them upside down.

"Pop!" Guan Heng grabbed the last snake-orc orc, and asked sternly, "Say, where is your patriarch now?"

"I, I don't know ..." The snake clan was about to quibble, "Well!" Said time and time soon, Guan Heng had ripped his arm smoothly.

"Uh-huh-ah, it hurts me!" Under severe pain, the snakes fainted when their eyes rolled over, and Guan Heng performed a common cure to make his broken arm wound heal, and then said: "To keep the other arm, it's best to tell the truth right away, I don't have the patience to grind your teeth."

—— [Fifth more on March 26, 2016, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets (⊙o⊙)] ——

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