Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1013: Secret Altar (first)

"I said, I said." The snake cried with sweat, "The clan and the patriarch ordered us to drive the snake group to hunt down the fleeing rat tribe, and he went to his own altar."

Guanheng Shensheng asked: "Where is the altar of your snake clan?"

"Uh ... a few dozen miles east from here, there is a semi-circular valley." The snake tribe said, "The altar set by the patriarch and the high priest is there."

Guan Heng then repeatedly questioned twice, and after confirming that the other party was not lying, he threw the boy into the mountain stream and threw a slapstick.

At this time Guan Heng turned around and returned to Homer's hiding place, and said to the city guard of Lone Wolf City, "I will now take you back to the caravan station on the cliff, wait a moment."

Speaking, Guan Heng released the queen and said to him, "Send your flying insect scout to notify the caravan's gold-eye bird, and let it down to pick up this Mr. Holmatro."

"Engong, won't you come back with me?" Holmatro said in surprise, "what else do you do?"

"This group of snake orcs is very vicious and cruel." Guan Heng said: "So I want to have sex, at least to the altar, and destroy that Yawei chief and high priest. Or you will have trouble in the future. "

"Thank you, Grandma," Holmatro said with gratitude, and went on, "Grace, I want to tell you one more thing."

Guan Heng glanced at Holmat and said casually, "What's the matter? You say it."

"Well, that terrible rabbit orc is my good friend Lal. He is the elder of the rabbit."

Holmatt said with a bit of sorrow on his face: "Lal and I left Lone Wolf City this time, in fact, I was looking for the long-lost enchantment of the rabbit family-the boots of the spirit rabbit, who knows but Inadvertently caught by these snakes' villains. "

"Spirit Rabbit Boots?" Guan Heng asked, "what kind of enchanting effect does this thing have?"

"Uh, I haven't seen these boots in fact, but Lal once said that putting on the boots of the Spirit Rabbit will have the effect of" **** "."

Holmaart explained: "After launching this enchanting effect, running hundreds of miles in one breath can be said to be a breeze. Originally, the rabbits regarded these boots as treasures of the towns and kept them in a secret place, but It was accidentally lost in a scuffle of orcs and races a century ago. "

Guan Heng's heart turned like electricity, he whispered: "Are the Spirit Rabbit's boots near here?"

"That's exactly what Lal got."

Holmaart sighed and sighed, "As soon as he and I arrived in the nearby canyon, they were caught and missed, so I didn't have time to find the whereabouts of the hare's boots. Gong, I'll tell you where the boots might be buried. The patriarch of the snake tribe is also vengeful for Lal. This boot should belong to you. "

Guan Heng listened to the news of the Spirit Rabbit's boots, but it was OK, but Holmaat took the time to tell Guan Heng the location of the buried treasure. At this moment, he received a message from a flying insect sent by the queen. Flutter flew and landed near the two.

"Mr. Holmatro, hurry up and ride the golden-eyed bird to meet them with Lanyi." Guan Heng waved to the old mouse clan: "Let's break up and see you later."

"Engong, please be careful. I'll wait for you at the caravan station." Holmaart bowed deeply to Guan Heng, turned around and rode on the golden-eyed bird to grow away.

Guan Heng clearly identified the direction and hurried to the altar of the snake clan. Along the way, Guan Heng instructed the queen to gather a lot of flying insects, and then drove them to investigate the situation and act as Guan Heng's eyes and eyes.

A moment later, the snake altar near the circular canyon, the patriarch of the snake orc, was rushing to talk to an old man with an iron rod.

"The High Priest Colin, this is awful." Chief Yawei said to the old man, that is, the high sacrifice, "The fleeing Rat people are the keeper of Lone Wolf City. In case he escapes, he will mobilize the army of Lone Wolf City. We will become very passive. "

"Master Patriarch, don't worry." High Priest Colin was an old snake tribe with wrinkled faces and twinkling cunning eyes. He said arbitrarily, "We are coming to guard, and we have a large group of white scale vipers, who can poison them Invisible, no matter how many troops come, the old man is not afraid. "

Speaking, High Priest Colin made a snoring sound with an iron rod, and he looked at Yawei with a disdain: "Oh, your spirit is far worse than your father back then. When he joined forces to challenge the orc royal family, he was not afraid, and he didn't take anyone seriously. "

"Yes, what the high priest taught."

Patriarch Yawei was still a little bit afraid of the high priest who fought the world with his father at that time, and he kept busy saying, "Now I have the spirit snake bone whip in my hand, even if the strong of the orc royal family comes, I have to be positive Challenge them and kill them. "

"Well said, this is the grandeur of the snake orc patriarch."

The High Priest Colin couldn't help but admire it, and then he whispered, "Your spirit snake bone whip, which houses a beast soul of the king of spirit snakes. It just has the talent to gather the extremely cold and cold spirits, so the spirit The snake bone whip's attack power is unusually sharp, but you should be aware that the beast soul of the spirit snake king is not easy to control? "

"High priest, you know this, too." Patriarch Yawei was sad at this moment, he said with a grudge, "The beast soul in this bone whip has always been trying to blame, always trying to resist my control, sometimes As soon as I waved the bone whip to control the cold, I felt like my arm would be frozen immediately. "

"Well, this spirit snake king has the blood of the dragon race, and was also the strongest ranked in the World of Warcraft Grand Canyon."

High Priest Colin sneered and said, "It's a pity that it was competing with other Warlords in the Demigod period for the site. It suffered an ambush and died on the spot. Even its beast soul and bone were also stripped of their bodies. Tossed into our hands. "

"Patriarch, you don't have to be careful." The High Priest Colin continued, "I thought of a way to completely wipe out the resistance consciousness of this Spirit Snake King's beast soul and make it available to you later."

"High priest, is this true?" Upon hearing this, Chief Yawei was ecstatic. The power of this spirit snakebone whip was extremely overbearing. Unfortunately, he could not completely control it. Now the high priest said that there was a solution. , Ya Wei Le had a snot bubble.

"Yes, under our altar is a secret tunnel surging with active volcanic lava."

High Priest Colin said, "Just bring the magma into the iron furnace of the altar, and place the spirit snake bone whip in it, and let the magma heat up. , It will not be able to resist your control in the future. "

—— [2016.3.27 The first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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