Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1014: Iron Forge Soul

"Hahaha, that's great." The chief of the Yawei could not help but laughed, "As soon as I have completely controlled the power of the spirit snake bone whip, my snake orc will be revitalized and hopeful, and the hegemony can become!"

"Oh, if one day, the old man will stare even if he is dead." High Priest Colin said to Yawei with an iron rod: "Come with me, these days I have cut through the magma cave. , It's almost time to pour it into an iron furnace. "

The two talked, and quickly walked from the altar to the other end of the canyon. There was an open-hearth furnace several meters high. At this moment, there were several snake-orc strong men, holding one with a long iron spoon. The gushing magma in the cave was poured directly into the iron furnace.

I saw that the magma was more and more abundant in the iron furnace, and the temperature near it gradually increased, and several snake orcs and strong men were already panting and dizzy.

At this time, the high priest Colin smiled slightly, and then said to the patriarch Yawei, "Okay, you quickly throw the spirit snake bone whip into the iron furnace, now I am going to start to refine the animal soul with magma."

"Um." The chief of the Yawei tribe nodded slightly, waving his hand, and the spirit snake bone whip in the palm had been thrown into the lava of the iron furnace. "Stop!" The spirit snake bone whip sank and floated in the iron furnace. , And then disappeared.

"Hurry up, close the lid of the railway." High Priest Colin commanded aloud, a few snake orcs and strong men raised the iron lid in a hurry, hey, hey, howling, barely closed the iron furnace lid Halfway, a strong man couldn't stand the magma's burning, and screamed screamingly, Tong Tong fell into an iron furnace full of magma.

"Oh!" He didn't even hear the guy's cry, and the magma swallowed him up, leaving no bones left.

Several other snake orcs and brawns were shocked. At this moment, High Priest Colin shouted, "Hey, what are you doing? Hurry up and close the lid. Do you want to fall in?"

"Ah ?! Yes, yes." The strong men agreed in a hurry, letting their palms burn black and smoky with the hot lid, and gritted their teeth to completely close the iron furnace lid, completing this series of work Several snake-orcs were paralyzed and could no longer crawl.

"Huh, a bunch of waste." The High Priest Colin glanced at the miscellaneous fish with a scornful look, then stared at the huge iron furnace closely, watching the movement of the object.

The Patriarch Yawei beside the high priest, pacing back and forth nervously, looked anxiously from time to time, and murmured in his mouth. There was no calmness for a second.

"You calm me down!" The High Priest Colin saw a look of Yawei's incompetence, and was immediately dissatisfied. The high priest said, "Patriarch, don't forget that you are an example of a tribe, but you can't mess with the square."

"I know, I know, um ..." The Yawei people sighed long and sighed: "But this spirit snake bone whip was thrown into the magma, what if it was scrapped like this?"

"Absolutely not possible!" Said the High Priest Colin sternly: "The spirit snake bone whip is not such a fragile thing, look at it, I can certainly suppress the beast soul of the spirit snake king for you ..."

"Boom!" Without waiting for the high priest to finish the sentence, the lid of the iron furnace was suddenly shaken to the sky by a huge force. "Bang!" The iron cover was torn apart in the air and flew towards the eight directions. Nowhere to be found.

At this moment, a roaring beast roared in the magma: "嗷嗷 嗷 ——"

"Well." Upon hearing this roar, the Yawei chief's legs did not feel a little weak, and he stepped back four or five steps before he stood firmly.

"Hey!" A venomous snakehead phantom suddenly pours out the magma, struggling to come out, and the high priest of Colin yells: "You can't think of it!"

"Slap!" The high priest slammed the iron rod in his palm into the ground, and then said something in his mouth: "I use the name of the beast shaman to suppress the beast soul of Ru, to destroy the consciousness of Ru, the King of Snakes, from now on. , Your beast soul and bone can only be used by my family, never turn over! "

"嗷嗷 嗷 ..." The King of Snakes always roared and refused to succumb to the spirit-refining technique of the high priest, but it had no substance, just a beast soul, so the roaring voice and the power of resistance became weaker and weaker ...

Then a few minutes later, the beast soul of the spirit snake king was retracted little by little into the magma. The soul-refining method of the high priest of Colin gradually exerted his strength. Eventually, a few inconspicuous bubbles appeared in the magma. And everything came to peace.

"Huh ... hehhhhhhhhhhhhhhh because of the exhaustion, the High Priest Colin kept coughing violently, but he quickly waved to the Yawei chief:" Hurry, reach into the magma and put the spirit snake bone Whip out, its beast soul has now been completely wiped out of consciousness. "

"But this magma ... so hot ..." Patriarch Yawei looked at his hands and looked at the iron furnace, he felt hesitant, and he was scared.

"Hahaha, don't you dare fish it? Give it to me!"

A high-pitched voice sounded suddenly, and the figure rushed out of the corner of the oblique stab, and flew to the railway side with a thunderbolt. He reached in and took out the magma, which was burned red. Bone whip, he laughed longly: "I waited so long and it finally made me pick up a small bargain."

This man was Guan Heng who followed him all the way. He used the flying insect scouts driven by the queen to listen to the conversation between High Priest Colin and Patriarch Yawei, and waited silently for the opportunity.

Until the high priest used the technique of soul refining, struggling to erase the beast soul consciousness of the spirit snake king from the bone whip, Guan Heng jumped out and captured the spirit snake bone whip in the magma in one fell swoop.

"Ah!" Yawei clan's eyes were broken and he shouted, "That's mine ..."

"What's yours?" Guan Heng smiled slightly, and smiled jokingly: "If it's really yours, why would it be in my hands?"

"Abominable, put down the bone whip for me!" High Priest Colin was also furious at this time. He grabbed his iron rod and danced like a wind, hitting Guan Heng fiercely.

"Hey, just try the power of this bone whip." Guan Heng flashed a cold chill in his eyes, shook his hand and waved the bone whip, "Patter!" He rolled the opponent's iron rod impartially.

Just listening to the crackling sound, there was a frost on the iron rod. The high priest of Colin knew that he was about to take back his iron rod, and his palm was suddenly frozen with the handle of the rod.

"Ehhhhhhhhhhhhh-hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhe ... I think the High Priest Colin felt cold and bones, even his soul seemed to be frozen. He just desperately used Soul Refining and wiped out the consciousness of the soul of the snake king This bone whip seems to hate the high priest, and has doubled his power!

—— [Second more in 2016.3.27, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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