Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1024: Calm down the dispute

"That's how it happened." Guan Heng said immediately, "Now you are awake now, then only the elven goddess and witch **** are not up, I know where the witch **** is, and about the whereabouts of the elf goddess Can't provide a little useful information? "

"Um ... Elven Goddess Giri Ni, I guess she should be sleeping somewhere in the Elven Forest." Corbinus thought for a long time with his head tilted, and then said: "Because she will never leave her ethnic territory easily. Half a step. "

"Qili Ni is a good person and is willing to help everyone, but she only likes to play with flowers and plants and does not like to fight with others." Corbinus said with a lip, "It is because of this, that the relationship between me and her There is very little dialogue. "

"Cut, don't think that everyone is like you, a natural combat mad." Guan Heng secretly slandered in his heart, and then said: "Beast god, have you taken the core control hub of the gods vacation island? "

Corbinus asked inexplicably: "Uh? How did you know?"

"Now the small island belongs to me, but you take away half of the core hub, so that I can not completely control the operation of the island." Guan Heng said angrily: "Hurry back to me."

"Of course you can." Brother Benus, the beast god, stretched out his hand for a while, took out a golden square object, and asked, "But what good do you want that broken island?"

"Even if it is a broken island, it can be used to its full potential." Guan Heng also took out a golden triangular object from his space ring, and then fought with the square in the hand of Gopinus.

I only heard a click, and the two parts were connected together immediately. Guan Heng quickly bit his finger and dripped a drop of blood on it. I saw the original golden appearance of this bizarre core control hub, and there was an extra blood red.

"Finished, according to Xu Lun, now I can completely control the whole island." Guan Heng nodded with satisfaction at this moment, and he said to Gobinus then: "Also, look at it This armor. "

Speaking, Guan Heng took out the five-star **** soul armor and said to the beast god: "Both the **** of light and the goddess of darkness have added power to this armor, and you can contribute anything."

"Yes, but ..." Don't look at the beast **** is a big five guy who likes to fight, but he also moved a little carefully at this time, and said that I was willing to take out one-fifth of my fighting power. Into the soul armor, but I can't give it to you for nothing. "

Guan Heng asked strangely, "What do you mean?"

"That is, that wine, the kind of wine you gave me just now ..." Gopinus now remembered the refreshing and sweet taste of berry wine, and was almost salivating, he said deadly, "I want a hundred bottles."

"A hundred bottles of berry wine ?!" Guan Hengfu sighed, cursing inwardly: "You drunkard, fight crazy!"

"I don't have that much berry wine!" Guan Heng immediately spread his hands and said to Gobinus, "Now there are five or six bottles left, so let's give them all. The rest will wait for you Island, my name is Sulun. What they need to prepare is, anyway, there are a lot of berries, you can make as much wine as you want. "

"Okay, that's it." Gopinus was also unpretentious, and then incorporated the war-fighting power into the five-star **** soul armor. The five-pointed star above the armor, the third star angle finally shined.

"I just heard you say that there seems to be a small situation inside the orcs now." Corbinus said at this time: "I'm going to the palace of the royal court to teach these offspring, let's go together. "

Guan Heng nodded: "Okay, my two friends are there, and just happened to pick them up."


At this moment, the city of Dorungus, the palace of the imperial court. Wolf King Garnett and his nearly a hundred elite warriors have blocked Tiger King Tiger, Tiger **** Otto, Lion King Vincent, Xiaobai and Landi under a palace wall.

"Hahaha, Tiger, Vincent." Wolf King Garnett thought he was in control of this moment, he laughed proudly: "Lay down your arms and surrender immediately, and treat me as the only king in the orc tribe, and I will spare you. Life, otherwise, hehehe, at your own risk. "

"Shut up, Garnett, you mean and shameless fellow, you are the descendants of His Majesty the Beast God!" The old lion king Vincent leaned on his cane and said tremblingly: "The instructions left by His Majesty Gopinus taught us To unite all fellow orcs and to love each other, but you are ambitions, poisoning our loved ones, you ... you ... kekeke ... "

When the old lion king came here, he couldn't help but cough violently, and the violent tiger king Tiger shouted: "Vincent, don't talk nonsense with this shameless wolf cub, let's just fight for it. How can we Tiger warriors bow down and surrender to these **** things, son, come on! "

Tiger yelled, and led his son Otto to charge forward, but Wolf King Garnett suddenly raised his arm. Numerous long bows and crossbows had been put on black paint and cold arrows. Garnett He sneered: "Okay, since I don't know how to promote, then I'll kill you all ..."

"Xiaobai, there is danger here," Otto used his body to block subconsciously at this time, he said, "stand behind me."

"Otto, why do you ..." Xiaobai was holding the spirit snake bone whip in his hand, and was a bit touched in his heart, and couldn't help getting closer to the other side.

"Shoot them all into a hedgehog ..." Garnett's voice did not fall, and he heard a solemn voice coming from the air: "Who is it? Dare to say one in my city of Dorungus. The word 'kill'? "

A very tall and powerful body suddenly fell from the sky, and beside him was Guan Heng wearing a five-star **** spirit armor.

"It's the young master." Xiaobai rejoiced at this moment: "Haha, we can be saved now."

"People who wanted to kill my ethnic group just now ... are you?" The beast **** brother Benus snorted in the face of Wolf King Garnett, and suddenly released overwhelming coercion.

Before Garnett responded, he burst his head and sprayed red fog, and then heard a loud noise. Garnett's body quickly swelled, and it suddenly burst into countless powders!

"Which!" Garnett's weapons suddenly fell to the ground in the hands of the party. These guys were all stunned to the ground, and the feces were scared to the ground with a great tremor.

"Your Majesty the Beast God, His Majesty the God of Corinus, Long live the Beast God!" The tiger king, the lion king, and the three orcs of the three races all fell to their knees. To put it bluntly, because the beast **** brother Pinus hasn't appeared in Dorungus for hundreds of years.

—— [2016.3.29 Second update, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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