Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1025: Return to the island (third more)

"Your Majesty, you are finally awake." The old lion king Vincent shed tears of excitement: "If it weren't for you, I would be killed in the hands of the same race today, it would be too sad."

"Oh, this is also the fault of the god." Gopinus slowly shook his head. "After the **** fell into a deep sleep, he took care of you so little that ambitious people ran rampant and almost killed my people. From now on, God returns, and will continue to take care of you. "

"Thank you His Majesty the Beast God." Long live the people of the two lions and tigers, each happy.

At this moment, Guan Heng said to Gobinus: "Beast God, as I told you before, the remnant soul of my fiancee Qing Huang stayed with you ..."

"Rest assured, the issue of warming up the remnant soul, I would like to ask Dr. Drakend, the remnant soul of your fiancee will be safe to stay with me, and when it is almost recovered, I will return it to you." Nus said to Guan Heng at this time: "Now I'm going to the Temple of the Sun in Dalakende. What's the matter, I'll talk about it in detail later."

"Okay, let's do that," Guan Heng said. "Then I will return to the resort islands of the gods first, and then go to the Elven Forest. See you later."

After saying this, Guan Heng beckoned to Xiaobai and Landi: "Let's go back to the island." The three people came outside the palace of the royal court in Dorungus, and Guan Heng ripped one back. The island's scroll, after a loud bang, disappeared into place.


The huge gardens of the resort islands of the gods, next to the rebirth pond, several guys less than one meter tall, weird guys just climbed out of the water, and the orc statue Xulun shouted, "Hey, after soaking in the pool water today, a few of you feel better now?"

"Uh, maybe it's better," said one of the weirds. "Xurun, you said the owner of the island saved us here. What's your plan?"

"Who knows, Guan Heng may want to leave you a few Protoss artisans to work for him." Xu Lun shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't know the specific situation, so wait until he comes back."

"Ah? Wait a minute," Sulun said suddenly, "It seems like one of you is missing, I will count first."

"One, two, three, four, five, six ... wrong!" After counting the number of Protoss artisans, Xu Lun said, "You should have seven people, Effie, and where is the other one?"

The Protoss craftsman named Effie, the boss of the waking caster Zerg, and the other six are his brothers. Effie said at this time: "It's a mess, it must be my seventh brother who is lost again. , He is a super road idiot. "

"Ga-snoring!" Just as they spoke, a strange scream came from the distance. The two-headed green deer Carnell and the Sheba brothers were screaming, at this time they shouted, "Catch the thief, This **** forge **** is stealing our brother's ambergris. "

"Shut up, you two stag-headed idiots." At this time, Xu Lun ran to the dragon bones in three steps and two steps. He cried out, "You are also thieves who steal berries. How many times have I said that, Those are ingredients that are prepared for brewing. You ca n’t steal them without permission. You guys are really bad. ”

"It's none of our business." Sheba said as she sipped the berries. "It's all because of the founder worm who stole it first, so we couldn't help but eat two bites."

"Huh ... it's delicious, sweet and sour." At this time, Artisan Lao Qi was also eating a lot of berries, so angry that Xu Lun lifted his feet to slap his heir: "Mixed things, your elder brother Effie is fast to find you If you find it crazy, don't hurry up! "

"Boom! Bang--" Guan Heng, Xiaobai, and Landi, who were suddenly teleported on, fell on Xulun's head unbiased, and immediately hit the orc statue awful: "Oh!"

"Papa, hello, Sulun." Guan Heng patted his head twice and asked casually, "Why did I leave for a short time? There seemed to be a lot of people in this huge garden."

"Uh, it hurts ... Guan Heng, you can ask questions, don't step on my head, can you?" Xu Lun's head was stepped into the ground at this time, and his voice was snoring and snoring. .

"Haha, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Guan Heng said apologetically, "I didn't notice." After a while, Xu Lun and a few statues called the Protoss Craftsman Sevens, that is, those caster insects, and gave them Guan Heng made an introduction.

"Ah, you guys are the founder bugs I brought back ?!" Guan Heng looked up and down on Effie and his six brothers, and said with a smile: "I didn't expect that you were only the size of rice grains, but now you are growing up. So much. "

"Actually," Effie explained. "Our Protoss artisans should be a bit taller than they are now, but we have been sleeping for too long, so we can't recover to the original level."

"It's not important. I'm glad to see you wake up safely." Guan Heng said, "Do you have any plans next?"

Speaking of which, Guan Heng remembered another thing. He said to Effie: "Yes, the light **** Darakund is in the Temple of the Sun at this time. If you want to go to him, I can take you there immediately."

"No, we feel that returning to His Majesty the Light now will not help him substantially."

Effie said: "Before you returned, I discussed with Sulun and saw that there were many useful equipment and tools on this island that were not repaired, so our seven brothers decided to stay and use ourselves Craftsmanship to help transform the island. "

"That's great. You are welcome to join in the construction of the island." Guan Heng shook hands with Effie, turned and said to Sulun: "I saw the beast **** brother Pinus, and from him I got the other half of the island ’s pivot control device there, and I have identified him. ”

Then, Guan Heng took something out of the space ring and reached out to Xulun.

"Ha ha, this is really good." Xu Lun laughed: "I finally waited until this day, this island can be used to its full potential, and it will be valuable."

"That's what I said. I also want to see what else is strange about this island." Guan Heng turned his head and glanced at the distant Xiaobai and Landi who were running around with the two-headed green deer, then said to Xu Lun "So what are you waiting for? Hurry up and reset this hub control."

"Well, you follow me." Xu Lun crossed his fingers, and led him to the blue pool: "Look."

Speaking of which, Xu Lun held up the control device of the core of the island. The object shone brightly, and a pool of water suddenly turned up and down. Then, a rolling scene of mountains and rivers quickly floated in the pool. .

"Did you see it?" Xulun said, "This is the geographical panorama model of Ashton's continent."

At this moment, a huge magic array appeared next to the panorama model. Sulun pointed to the magic array and said, "Just stand in it, and then specify the geographic location on the panorama model, and you will be teleported there in an instant. This is the function of the universal teleportation magic array in the Ashton area on the island.

—— [March 3, 2016. Good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets 月 (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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