Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1026: Magic function

"It's good, it's really convenient." Guan Heng nodded with satisfaction. "The reason why I wanted to accept the right to use the island was mainly because you heard the function of the teleportation array."

"Ah, is this the Universal Teleportation Array?" At this time, the Protoss craftsman Effie, who was behind Guan Heng and Sulun, also walked here and saw the teleportation array marvelously, "It is indeed something designed by the five main gods. creative."

"Unfortunately, if you want to be teleported to other places, you have to tear a scroll and return to the island first." Guan Heng said a little greedily at this time: "It's a bit troublesome, hey, Sulun, you gave it to me You're almost out of teleportation scrolls. Make me dozens more. "

"What ?! Running out again!" Xu Lun said displeasedly, "These scrolls, you are consuming too fast, I am too late to make them."

"Wait, Sulen," Effie said suddenly. "Show me the semi-finished teleporter scroll you made."

"Well, this is it." Xu Lun found and made half of the scrolls and handed them to Effie, asking casually: "What do you want?"

"I think you can take advantage of the universal teleportation array that just appeared." Effie said: "As long as you make a small connection matrix, you can teleport yourself directly to the island without the trouble of using a scroll."

"I don't seem to understand what you said." Guan Heng shrugged his shoulders. "Can you explain it specifically?"

"Uh ... forget it, instead of trying to explain it, it's better to show it to you." Effie said: "Guan Heng, do you have any personal fittings, armor or clothing on your body? Take it out."

"Can this pair of five-star **** soul armor be?" Guan Heng removed the armor and placed it in front of Effie.

"Well, that's it." Effie took out a bunch of tools, and said to Guan Heng and Sulun, "Just a moment."

After speaking, Effie immediately started to use it, and in a few minutes, carved a deep magic circle on the front of the five-star Divine Soul Armor.

Guan Heng looked inexplicably and couldn't help but ask, "What is this?"

"This, you will know if you identify it carefully." Effie laughed with a drop of the tool in her hand. "This is the connection matrix of the universal teleportation array."

Then, Effie explained: "Put on this armor, no matter where you are in Ashton mainland, as long as you activate the connection matrix, it will immediately teleport you back to the island. This is the same function as the teleporting scroll. It ’s the same, but you do n’t have to consume the scroll in the future. ”

"Hahaha, worthy of being the boss of a protoss craftsman." Guan Hengwen was ecstatic when he heard this, and then he asked: "I wonder if I can bring other people back when I start the connection to the circle?"

"Well ... I'll calculate the strength of this connection matrix." Effie thought with a crooked head, and then said, "As long as there are no more than three or five people, I think there should be no problem."

"Yes, Guan Heng." Xu Lun said, "I have one more thing to tell you. Don't be surprised when you hear it."

"Tell me about it." Guan Heng laughed. "Now, I have rarely encountered anything that surprised me." "When the island was made, the vision of the main gods included not only the use of small islands, Teleport universal magic circles of your own, and there are other magical features. "

Xu Lun continued: "For example ... this island can be a prop for volley flight, taking you anywhere you want!"

"What?" Guan Heng said aloud, "Although this island is not very large, it is definitely not small. If you fly in the sky, you will be scared to death."

"It doesn't matter." Xu Lun laughed. "The four corners of the island have the compression secrets left by the main gods. Our island can be enlarged and reduced at will."

"Oh my god, the gods are up." Guan Heng couldn't help muttering: "Is there anything else I can't do on this island?"

"Yes," Effie said beside him, "this island can't have children."

"Go away." Guan Hengqi gave Effi a slap in a desperate manner. "You have only been here for a few days, and you started to vomit like the idiot statues."

"But the magical functions of these small islands I'm talking about are basically just empty talk." What Xu Lun said was like a basin of cold water splashing directly on his head, and Guan Hengfei kicked his feet on his heel: " There is a limit to joking, believe it or not, I plant your head down in the soil. "

"Uh, don't rush to hit me first."

Seeing Guan Heng rushing towards him aggressively, Xulun hurriedly waved and said, "In the final analysis, this island has been abandoned for many years. Before activating these functions, the protoss craftsmen need to be repaired strictly, and it also needs to consume a lot of This is the problem that must be solved. "

"Well, why didn't you say these words earlier? It made me think I was going to rejoice in an empty space." Guan Heng was sitting still, and said with a calm face: "In the case of energy, isn't the countless Warcraft crystal cores at the stone tower enough? "

"The crystal nuclei at most maintain the operation of some small devices on the island." Xu Lun said with a sad face. "The real source of power is not solved by the power of several variant Warcraft nuclei."

"Well, what should I do?" Guan Heng crooked his head and thought for a while, then said to Xu Lun: "Look at it, wait until a few main gods are awake, when they meet in the Temple of the Sun, I will ask by the way Look at the power source of the island, after all, they created this island. "

Xu Lun nodded and said, "Okay, that's it."

"Now, I should go to the Elven Forest and look for Merty and her Iron Blood Mercenary Corps." Guan Heng called to Xiaobai in the distance: "Hey, chief, come here."

Xiaobai ran with a smile and said, "Oh, dear young master, what do you ask the chief to tell you?"

"I'm going to meet with Merty." Guan Heng said, "This time you and Landi went to Dorenguth. The trek was too hard, so just rest on the island first, I'll go alone. Now. "

"I see, I obey." Xiaobai nodded. "Master, please be careful all the way and come back earlier."

"Well, that's it." Guan Heng watched Xiaobai run away, turned and said to Xu Lun and Effie again, "I'm going to the Elven Forest. You should take a good rest during this time Let me solve the matter of the power source. "

"Okay, we'll start working immediately." Xu Lun and Effi agreed, and went to the rest of the statues and artisans, each busy.

At this moment, Guan Heng took out the communication crystal and began to contact Merty. After a few seconds, Merty's voice came over: "Brother, are you?"

—— [Fourth more on March 29, 2016, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets ┗ | ` O ′ | ┛ 嗷 ~~] ——

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