Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1027: Undercover (fifth more outbreak)

"Well ... two days ago, I went out with a few mercenary companions, but I met an unknown ambush." ​​Merty whispered, "Three companions, one was seriously injured, and two were dead on the spot."

Upon hearing this, Guan Heng frowned and asked, "Merty, have you been injured?"

"Thanks to the last time you let Xiao Bai bring me the double-sword secret technique, I worked hard and practiced sharply with weapons, so I killed the group of assassins."

With a bit of fluke in Merty's tone, he said, "The courage of these people is getting bigger and bigger. I heard that members of several other units have also been attacked in recent days. It is really unclear what happened. thing?"

"Okay, let's talk about specific things after we meet." Guan Heng listened to Merty's words, feeling that there must be a secret inside, and then he said, "Where are you stationed now? Tell me the detailed address."


Half a day later, the Iron Blood Mercenary Regiment was stationed, in the area outside the ancient town of Sale.

The town of Salai is quite large, with a large population, well-developed transportation, rich material, and convenient supply. This is why the Iron Blood Mercenary Corps chose this place as a temporary resident.

At this moment, the captain of the mercenary regiment's first unit, Merty, was talking to Guan Heng in the woods outside the station.

"That being said, your head is now seriously ill and cannot lie in bed, which leads to confusion in internal management, right?"

Upon hearing Guan Heng's words, Merty nodded: "Yes, that's it. Several team captains and I have the opportunity to become the next heirs assigned by the commander to lead the entire Iron Blood Mercenary Regiment. For big guys, it's a good opportunity. "

"Because of this, those who do not have good intentions will secretly make small moves." Guan Heng analyzed with his chin. "It seems that they are looking at you, the first team captain, and must find a way to hide these potential dangers. Only pull out the nail. "

Merty whispered, "Brother, do you have any good ideas?"

"When I came here, I saw notices in the town. Your mercenary regiment was beckoning new members, right?"

Seeing Merty's slightly jaw head, Guan Heng went on to say: "I'll just apply to join the Iron Blood Mercenary Corps and mix in first to protect you secretly. This will also facilitate the investigation of who is behind the scenes."

"Okay, I listen to Big Brother." Merty nodded and agreed, and she asked: "Will you come to our first team after you join the mercenary group?"

"No, it's easy for others to see the relationship between us." Guan Heng slowly shook his head and said, "I plan to mix into other units. You want to introduce the internal affairs of the mercenary group, and I can do it again. I have counts in my heart, and then it's not easy to make mistakes. "

"Well, you are still careful, brother, I haven't considered these things basically." Merty went on to tell the inside of the Iron Blood Mercenary Regiment one by one and one hundred and fifty.

The Iron Blood Mercenary Regiment has about 200 personnel. They are considered to be top-ranked medium-sized mercenary regiments. They are relatively well-equipped and have powerful combat capabilities. Therefore, they have received business that can make a lot of money.

The head of the mercenary regiment is called Hoggia. An intermediate swordsman in his fifties who uses his vitality to fight against fire and has gone through hundreds of battles. However, he was seriously injured in a mission one year ago and has been bedridden.

In addition to the leader of the mercenary regiment as the top leader, there are four sub-units, each of which has 50 members, and is led by the sub-captain.

The first team leader, Merty, is a race of half-elves. She will use the natural magic of thorns and the double-sword technique. Her combat effectiveness is second only to the commander Hoja, and she has a high reputation among the mercenaries who adore the strong.

The captain of the second unit, Liang Ke, the only son of the leader Hojah, the intermediate swordsman, although the combat effectiveness is not weak, but the temperament is not talented; the captain of the third unit Marculi, the apprentice of the leader Hoja, the intermediate sword Judges are rude and unrestrained, and brave and brave, but have no worries.

The most noteworthy is the leader of the fourth unit, Smith. This person joined the Iron Blood Mercenary Regiment six months ago. By repeatedly completing thrilling high-level missions, he was appreciated by the group leader, and he was promoted to the leader of the unit.

However, Smith has a gloomy personality, and his emotions are indescribable. After he became the leader of the Fourth Division, mercenaries often suffered shortfalls and cash shortages on the books, but repeated investigations have not been caught by Smith. If this is what he did, it can be seen that this person is not simple.

After listening to Merty's description of the internal situation of the mercenary regiment, Guan Heng was immediately lost in thought, and then Guan Heng said, "According to you, the fourth team leader Smith has the most suspicion, but this is only a superficial situation. I think we need to investigate it in detail. "

So Guan Heng and Merty carefully discussed the incident of mixing into the mercenary group, and then started to operate separately.


A few hours later, the Iron Blood Mercenary Corps recruited a new member of the examination room, and a young man who called himself "Kuan Heng" came and performed several stunts in front of the examiner: he smashed the stone with his hands, used fighting spirit and sword skills. Defeat ten senior mercenaries and more in minutes.

These other veteran mercenaries who were on the lookout were startled. Finally, even a few team captains came out to watch the fun. At this moment, Guan Heng took a steel short sword, and a few meters long broke out. Fighting, just breaking the ground with a deep mark.

"Very aggressive." The captains of several units were secretly shocked when they saw it. They said that they also had the ability, but they could do it as easily as Guan Heng.

Guan Heng poked the short sword to the ground, and then said to the examiner, "How about? Can I be a mercenary in the Iron Blood Mercenary Corps?"

"Yes, of course." The examiner paused for a few seconds before answering in a hurry: "Young man, your skill is great, we will definitely be reused in our mercenary regiment."

"I don't want to be reused." At this moment, Guan Heng deliberately pretended to be stupid. "I'm a mercenary because I'm hungry, so long as I'm full."

"Haha, our mercenary regiment can definitely take care of your food." The examiner snickered secretly: "This kid turned out to be a big rice bucket. Such people definitely don't care about wages, we are a big bargain."

"Hey, tell the kitchen, get the wine and meat as soon as possible." The examiner turned his head and shouted to a few people: "All are here, let the new brother Guan Guan have a meal first."

In the blink of an eye, the table next to the open space is already full of wine and meat, and it is not polite to close it. A Malaysian sword sits there and shakes the cheeks upside down, and it is just a few minutes, The empty plates on the table were already piled up.

—— [Fifth more on March 29, 2016, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets (⊙o⊙)] ——

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