Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1031: Farewell to leave

"Smith ... is a gambler I met outside, and I secretly arranged him to join the Iron Blood Mercenary Corps. When he gains your trust to be promoted to the captain, let him help me make false accounts and misappropriate some mercenary regiments. Of public debt. "

Makuri glanced at the discouraged comrades around him, and then said angrily: "Who knows, after the public funds are in hand, we both want to turn the book and bet a few more, but the more we lose, the more ... In the end, there was no other way. We had to come up with this plan and wanted to do something with you, and then we would gain the command of the Iron Blood Mercenary Corps. "

"Pop!" Liang Ke shouted angrily: "Marcuri, you, you guys are really heartbroken, my father adopted you and begged you along the street. I have been treating you as a brother for more than 20 years. You ... so ... relentless! "

In the face of Liang Ke's screaming accusations, Marculi was speechless, and Smith was scared. At this time, Merty knew that the mercenary regiment must never be soft on the traitor, even if Unbearable, Hoggia had to deal with Makuri.

"Father, I'm a little uncomfortable. I'm going to leave first." Merty didn't want to see her colleagues killing each other. She couldn't help but get up to leave, and Guan Heng gently walked to her and whispered: " Let's go outside and relax, the atmosphere here is too depressing. "

In the woods outside the station, Merty was silent there, Guan Heng hugged his shoulders and leaned against the tree, but just looked at each other quietly, Merty said suddenly, "Brother, do you remember we broke up in the outskirts of Fragrant Town Did I ever say that? "

"Remember." Guan Heng slowly said, "You said that you want to change your destiny as a half-elf, want to join the army, want to join the mercenary, exercise yourself, and gain the respect of others. Now you have done it, even if Among a group of men, you are also one of the best. "

"Yeah, I worked hard, so I got something."

Merti murmured to himself: "But brother, I suddenly feel a bit tired. The human society's life of fighting and calculating with each other seems to be really not suitable for me. I want to take advantage of the fact that my hands are not covered with blood. And before, out of this life. "

"Merty ... I see." Guan Heng thought for a moment, then said: "Go with me to the Elven Forest, after all, for all people with the blood of the elven ethnicity, there is the best Home. "

"But I'm just a dirty half-elf, unfit to enter the realm of pure-blood elves." Merty said with tears in her eyes, she said, "I'm so scared, so scared to be there that I'm abandoned by the forest. In that case, I will have nothing to love. "

"No, Merty, as your brother, I will never let this happen."

Guan Heng said solemnly: "The moment I awaken the elf goddess, I will ask her to give you and give all the half-elves a name so that they will no longer be stigmatized and discredited by others. When people trample on dignity, I can swear that I will do it for all the half-elves. "

"Thank you, brother." At the moment Guan Heng said these words, Merty's heart was so touched that the dark haze lingering in her mind seemed to be swept away by the breeze, letting this half-elf A long-lost smile appeared on the girl's face.

"Okay, pack your mood and tell Mr. Hoggia about them individually." Guan Heng said to Merty with a smile. "Then let's go to the Elven Forest."

A few moments later, when Merty resigned from the post of Captain Hoja to the post of Captain, the old man's face did not appear surprised.

Hoja just whispered, "Well, I know that you can't stay in the mercenary regiment forever. This kind of recognition of beating and killing is obviously not suitable for girls. I agree with your resignation, hope You can take care all the way and reach the Elven Forest safely. "

"DaDa Da--" At this moment, a mercenary hurried into Hoja's tent. Hoja looked at him and asked casually: "What's going on? Why so panic?"

"Leader, we took over the task of escorting supplies half a month ago, but because of the lack of staff in the regiment recently, we haven't been able to send things to the destination. Now the employer has urged me with flying pigeons.

The mercenary handed Hoja a note, then said: "The final destination reached by the delivery of goods is the Elven Forest, and the employer is an elder elderly named Daha."

"Daha ?!" Guan Heng, who was beside Merty, heard the name, and his heart suddenly moved: "Is it him? It wouldn't be so coincident ..."

"Father, why not? Anyway, we have to leave the mercenary regiment to go to the Elven Forest. How about this **** mission?" Merty thought he was about to leave, so he planned to help the iron mercenary regiment. Just a few things, so I offered to accept this task.

"Well ... Merty, now that you have resigned, it doesn't seem right to let you run a leg."

At this point, the Huo family hesitated a bit, and Guan Heng suddenly said at this moment: "Leader Hoja, let Merty accept this task, I will also come to help, because this elf called 'Daha' The old man seems to be my acquaintance. "

"Oh, that's the case, it's troublesome for you." Hoggia saw that Guan Heng and Merty insisted on accepting the task, and he couldn't refuse the other's good intentions, so he agreed.

Part of the batch of materials belonged to strange ore-like substances, which had a repulsive effect on the space-based storage lanes, so they could not be taken into the space ring. So Guan Heng and Merty drove a large unicorn giant hauler. Car, bid farewell to Hoja and others and set out on their journey to the Elven Forest.


One day later, at noon, Guan Heng and Merty parked the vehicle driven by the unicorn giant at the side of the road, and the two began to have lunch and take a short rest.

"Well, brother, let's practice it again." Merty swallowed the last piece of dry food, and then couldn't wait to say, "For the set of double-sword methods of attack, I also think of many unintelligible places that require You guide. "

"Okay." Guan Heng nodded and said, "Anyway, it's still early, so let's practice for a while and then continue on the road."

In the open space next to the road, Merty took the lead in attacking. Her body fluttered, and she reached Guan Heng in the blink of an eye. Her left-handed sword pointed at the opponent's neck and her right-handed sword darted to the heart at the same time. Quick and quick, the shot is between the light and flint.

—— [Fourth more on March 30, 2016, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets ┗ | ` O ′ | ┛ 嗷 ~~] ——

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