Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1032: Study (fifth more outbreak)

The evil pupil sword in Guan Heng ’s palm suddenly held an incoming short sword, the other hand was bent, and the ridge of the other short sword was in the middle. Merty only felt that his wrist was numb, and the sword in his palm Unreliable, almost flew away.

"Be careful, I'm going to attack." Guan Heng's voice didn't fall, and Jian Feng had already pointed at Melty's eyebrows. The latter was shocked, and hurriedly blocked with the sword in his palm. "Dang!" Immediately.

Merty knew that her power was far worse than that of Guan Heng, and he suddenly lifted his feet and stood there for a while. "Yeah!" Three spiked green and black vines suddenly entangled Guan Heng's feet.

"Instant Thorns?" Guan Heng was restrained, and he wasn't shocked. "It seems that you have made a lot of progress."

"Hehehe, this is not the end." Merty exclaimed, "the power of nature is awakening, advanced thorns-living rattan, come out."

With Merty's shout, the earth was turned suddenly on the ground more than ten meters in length, and one by one the thick green vines one after another got out of the ground. Some of them crackled and made the dust splash. Suddenly, he suddenly turned into a sharp look, like a "spear" about to attack.

"Wow, that's amazing," Guan Heng said with a slight smile. "I've seen such powerful natural magic for the first time, and this living rattan technique has made me look at it."

"Hey, brother, or you surrender," Merty grinned. "Otherwise I'll command these big guys to attack."

"Hey, Merty, don't you mess around." Guan Heng called. "Don't think that only you can use natural magic, let me show you my tricks now."

Guan Heng said here, suddenly his wrist was shaking, and a little black light was nailed to a thick vine in front of him, and the corner of his mouth turned up, showing a strange smile: "It is just a little cloudy now, then Much easier to handle. "

A series of mantras were quickly read by Guan Heng, and the clouds over the two of them turned from white to gray, and then turned into dark black clouds. At this time, Guan Heng stretched out a hand and imaginary black clouds in the sky, then Shouted loudly: "The Curse of Thunder and Thunder!"

"Boom!" A thunderbolt with a thick bucket suddenly dropped, blasting the vine into fly ash powder.

"Uh ?!" Mertie, who was not far away, was stunned, completely frightened, and after ten seconds, Merty murmured to himself, "Brother, what kind of magic is this? "

"This is the secret spell of the elven clan, the magic of summoning the rain cloud." Guan Heng laughed holding his shoulders: "Have you heard of it?"

"This ... summons the natural magic of the rain cloud, of course I have heard of it, it was the elven-type magic that was very common in ancient times." Melty snorted and said, "But I have never heard of this natural magic. There will be a thunder attack. "

"Sister silly, wouldn't you use your brain?" Guan Heng stepped closer to the blown-out vines, holding up a dark little wooden spine and shaking in front of Merty: "See? This? The thing is a black ironwood cone, can it give you some interesting inspiration? "

"Ah, I see. The ordinary summoning rain cloud magic has no lightning effect, but black iron wood is a medium to attract lightning."

There was a sudden flash of light in Merty's head, and she said loudly: "Brother, you used black iron wood to gather thunder in the rain clouds and let them attack. This idea is really amazing, amazing."

"Oh, but there are also some major flaws in it, so I don't use this lightning magic very much."

Guan Heng said at this time: "First, the mantra that summons the rain cloud is too long, the preparation time required in the middle is too much, and second, the thunder and lightning can only attack the stationary target, and it can do nothing about the high-speed moving object. . "

"Well, this is the case." Merty nodded thoughtfully, she whispered: "It seems that everything is not perfect, this thunderbolt is really a chicken-like attack method, powerful. Without speed. "

"Okay, now we're almost playing, let's go." Guan Heng waved to Merty: "It's time to continue on the road."

Merty agreed, and the two walked back to the vehicle and continued to drive the unicorn giant.

After spending more than half a day, Guan Heng and Merty finally rushed to the outer area of ​​the Elven Forest. At this moment, Guan Heng's heart throbbed, and he clearly felt that Qing Feng's residual soul was calling himself in front.

"It seems that my previous inference must be correct." At this moment, Guan Heng whispered in his heart: "The remnant soul of Qing Huang must be in the elf forest, and she is with the sleeping elf goddess Qi Li Ni."

Seeing Guan Heng's thoughtful look, Merty asked, "Brother, what are you thinking?"

"Merty, do you remember what I told you about my fiancée Qing Huang?" Guan Heng said gently, "I awakened the three main gods, all of whom lived with the remnant spirit of Qing Huang. Now, I I think there is no exception to the Elf Goddess, she must also have ... "

Merty nodded slightly with his jaw: "I see. You can wake up Her Majesty the Elf Goddess. By the way, you can also find the remnant's soul. It's a killer."

"Well, that's it." Guan Heng sat in the car, while admiring the blue sky and white clouds, he gently swept the unicorn giant whip.

Just then, a few people in cloaks came not far behind. They saw Guan Heng and Merty's car, looked at each other, and walked quickly to the vehicle.

"Excuse me, gentleman, where are you going?" One of the men in the cape said straightforwardly: "Not far away is the territory of the elves, and outsiders are not allowed to enter casually."

"You are ..." The other party asked about Guan Heng's travels politely, making Guan Heng's face suddenly sink, but he took a closer look. The face under the hood of the other man's cap immediately understood what was going on.

"These are the Elves!" Guan Heng saw the pointed ears on the other side of the face, and immediately said, "We are commissioned by the Iron Blood Mercenary Corps to send a batch of supplies to Mr. Daha, the Elves. Do you know him? "

"Oh, it was Elder Daha's supplies that arrived." The expressions of the elves gradually eased, and the head said, "Since the gentleman is here to send supplies, please follow me. "

"Thank you, Your Excellency has led the way." Guan Heng said politely and nodded, but at this moment, another elf clan suddenly pointed at Merty and said, "Wait a minute, this girl ... she She seems to be a half-elf ?! "

—— [Fifth more on March 30, 2016, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets (⊙o⊙)] ——

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