Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1033: Anger (first)

Upon hearing this, the elves' complexions suddenly changed, and they flung off their cloaks, some pulled out short swords, and some took off the long bows on their backs, all staring at Merty with poor eyes.

The head-elves said loudly: "The elves' territories must not allow half-elves with dirty blood to flow in. Let this woman get out of our territory immediately!"

"What did you say ?!" Guan Heng suddenly became furious when he heard this sentence, and he saw that Merty beside him was also trembling with anger, and Guan Heng suddenly released a tremendous murderousness all over his body: "Mixed account Do n’t you dare scold my sister, you're just trying to die !!! "

"What do you want to do?" A few elves with weaponry hadn't responded yet, and saw Guan's body shape move, and instantly turned into a disease.

"Bang, bang, bang!" The three elves only felt a pain in their wrists, and the short sword in their palms flew into the air, and then they were knocked to the ground.

"嗖 —— 嗤!" An elf archer suddenly loosened his string and took the air straight to close the cross-section door. Who knew that Guan Heng would not dodge or dodge, but just hit the arrow with his backhand, "唰!" Teleported behind the elven archer, a longbow that grabbed him was halved, then the opponent fell to the ground and stepped on one foot.

Just as Guan Heng waved a punch to fall on the other person's face, someone suddenly shouted behind him: "Hold up, don't hurt my people!"

Guan Heng looked up and ran across to an old elder tribe wearing a gray robe. It turned out to be Daha, who hadn't seen him for a long time. At this time, Merty hurried to Guan Heng and reached out to stop him: "Brother, Qian Don't make such a bad temper, it's not worth it. "

"Hoo ..." Guan Heng breathed a sigh of relief, letting go of the elven archer who was about to be beaten, he said angrily: "Fortunately, it is for my sister and Mr. Daha's sake. You must have a fat meal, baby. "

"Oh, isn't this Guan Heng?" Mr. Daha, who ran over, stared at his murky old eyes, and then said, "I haven't seen you for a few months. Why did you fight with them when you got here?"

"They dared to verbally insult my sister. To me, these guys are all light." Guan Hengyu said angrily: "I don't think the people of the elves are so unreasonable."

"Huh? This child is ... a half-elf?" Mr. Daha glanced at Merty, and frowned and sighed: "Well, poor child, half-elves are indeed extremely discriminated against on the elven territory. This is a bad habit, but no one has changed it for a long time. "

"Let's all get up, this Mr. Guan Heng already has mercy on his men." Daha said to those who were struck by the elves: "Otherwise, you're not just going to be beaten, but you're broken."

The elves climbed flushed, flushed a few words, and turned away dimly.

"Mr. Daha, Xiaobai and Landi have taken care of you before this." Guan Heng said to Daha at this time: "I'm sorry, I didn't expect to be in trouble for you this time. I was irritable. I heard those people scold my sister in awkward words, and couldn't help it for a while, then ... "

"Forget it, forget it, it's not your fault." Daha sighed, "In fact, the half-elves who have been exiled everywhere in Ashton are very poor. We pure blood elves can accept them, but because of prejudice And discriminate against them, eh ... don't talk. "

Daha then asked Guan Hengdao with a smile: "Are they okay, Xiao Bai and the blue collar rabbit?"

"Well, they're all back to me." Guan Heng said, "Thanks to your guidance and care, they will break through their own bottlenecks and take themselves to the next level."

"Oh, no thanks, this is also the result of their continuous efforts." Daha said here, beckoning to Merty: "Child, come and let me see you."

Merti stepped in front of Daha and said respectfully, "Hello, Mr Daha."

"Well, the blue and clear eyes like the lake of God are very beautiful, and they are rare in the pure blood elves."

Daha looked at Merty with a kind face and said, "In your eyes, I noticed the difficulties and hardships you encountered in the past, but you are strong and an amazing girl."

After the half-elf girl was praised, her face was reddish, and she hurriedly said, "Thank you for your compliment, Merty is ashamed."

"Oh, your name is Merty? Really a good name," Daha said with a smile. "In the language of the Elven tribe, Merty's original meaning is 'son of God', which is very good."

"Mr. Daha, we have been here to deliver the supplies for you." At this moment, Guan Heng said, "Can we enter the Elven Forest?" After hearing this, how many of Daha's faces appeared. Hesitant: "Well ..."

"Hahaha, let me tell you the truth, I have already received a referral letter from the Kingdom of Kauru. Look, here it is."

Guan Heng said and handed the letter to Daha, and then said: "I remember you mentioned that as long as you get the introduction letter from the kings of the three great powers, you can enter the Elven Forest, shouldn't it be right?"

"Uh-huh, this quote letter is indeed covered with the jade seal of King Kauru, which is true." Daha nodded after examining the quote letter, and he looked up and smiled: "I didn't expect it, just a few In a month, you can get this thing. It's amazing. "

"Follow me, I'll guide you into the Elven Forest." Daha limped, and just about to turn, Merty suddenly said timidly: "Mr. Daha, I'm a half-elf, so I enter the Elven Forest, Is there a problem? "

"Rest assured, child, your righteous brother Guan Heng, but now he is a great powerhouse, he can protect your safety."

Daha said: "Finally, there are not half-elves in the elf clan territory. As an elder of the clan, I can issue a protection pass for you, so no elf clan can hurt you easily."

"However, hey, everyone may look at you with more suspicion." Daha, while leading Guan Heng and Merty, said, "For these things, you have to be patient, once everyone is Make sure your heart is kind and pure, and everyone will extend a friendly hand to you. "

"I see, Mr. Daha." Merty promised, swearing secretly in her heart: "One day, I will make all the elves people agree with me, so that their eyes are no longer full of discrimination and scorn."

—— [2016.3.31 First change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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