Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1034: Elven Territory

"Well, that's it, it's here." Daha led Guan Heng and Merty, and took a cart pulled by a unicorn giant. After walking for a while, he came to a rocky hill outside the Elven Forest.

Guan Heng looked up and saw that this place still has a thick layer of magic circle protection, which is the Elven Forest.

At this moment, Daha said, "Because of some special reasons, the elf clan has to start the magical array all year round to cover the entire elven forest. Now I will use a secret teleportation array to bring you in."

"Papa!" With this, Daha paused twice on the ground with his cane, and a strange circular teleportation array suddenly appeared on the flat ground in the middle of the pile of rocks. Tee said: "Unload the materials from the car and put them in the teleportation array. Come with me, and the unicorn giant will be sent back."

Having said that, Daha took the lead in the middle of the teleportation array, Guan Heng reached out and carried the materials from the car, and Merty also entered the teleportation array.

I saw the strange white light suddenly on, and for a moment, the three of them disappeared in place. At the next moment, when everyone opened their eyes again, they had already reached a dense lush forest. The towering ancient trees were everywhere, the songbirds were pleasant and the flowers were everywhere.

Guan Heng took a deep breath, and he muttered to himself, "Here ... it's so beautiful."

"Here ... I have dreamed of myself returning here countless times." Merty shed tears in her eyes and touched a gorgeous flower with her forehead softly, she mumbled to herself: "Home, this is home a feeling of……"

"Time flies very fast," Daha said to Guan Heng. "In a blink of an eye, it's been a few months since we first met. Oh, the fruit of the super-memory growing in the canopy giant city has arrived. It's time. "

"The fruit of ultra memory ... I first found the news of this fruit in ancient books, and I thought of going to the Elven Forest."

Guan Heng sighed inwardly: "I didn't expect to hit it right away, but I found the trace of Qinghuang's residual soul. Strength, wake up the Lord God, meet new friends ... "

"Guan Heng, you don't know the details in the Elven Forest yet. Come and sit in my house first. I'll tell you everything and Merty."

After Daha spoke, he suddenly blew a whistle, only hearing the heavy footsteps, and a hexapod beetle several meters long hurried over.

"This is the most common 'wild beetle' in the elven forest. It is docile and easy to tame. It has great strength and can help me to do a lot of physical work for the old man." Daha patted the shell of the beetle with a smile. Then he said to Guan Heng, "Place the supplies you brought on the back of the beetle."

As soon as Guan Heng and Merty had moved those heavy supplies onto the back of the beetle, he suddenly felt some abnormal changes in his body.

First, the six-eyed monster scorpion crawled out of Guan Heng's sleeve without warning. It was instantly attracted by the beautiful scenery of the fairy forest in front of it, and then jumped to the ground, and in those strange flowers, it squeaked cheerfully. Yelling.

Then the two magic pet's cylinders trembled slightly. Guan Heng realized that it might be both the gold-eyed finch and the queen bee, so he quickly opened the magic pet's cylinder, buzzing wings and howling sounds at the same time, golden eyes. The bird flew down on the stump of an ancient tree nearby and fell down.

The queen queen vibrated the thin wings, and slowly moved to a nearby beautiful flower, lying gently on it, looking very comfortable. Daha asked, "Guan Heng, is this strange bird and beetle the latest Warcraft you have acquired?"

Guan Heng replied, "Yes, the big bird is called the gold-eyed tit, and this is just the queen of the blue-tailed tiger bee."

"Hehe, it really is two mutant Warcrafts." Daha twisted with a smile, and then said, "No wonder they are so adapted to the environment here. This is the forest that Her Majesty the Goddess cares about, and all living things are longing for it, hoping to inhabit it. This place. "

"Oh, this is the case." Guan Heng slightly nodded his head. "Whether it is human, or Warcraft, or the elves, they are longing for a peaceful and peaceful life."

"Okay, get together!" Guan Heng shouted to the six-eyed demon scorpion, the golden-eyed bird, and the queen bee: "Now go to Mr. Daha's house, and you all follow."

The gold-eyed finch lingered in mid-air, the queen queen landed on the back of Merty's hand, and the six-eyed scorpion lay on Guan Heng's shoulder, Daha rushed the wild beetle, and everyone walked towards the interior of the elven forest.

Along the way, Daha to Guan Heng and Merty talked about the internal situation of the elves now. In this vast elven forest, it is divided into four areas: the east elves territory, the west elves territory, and the south Elven Territory and Northern Elven Territory.

Each territory is governed by three highly respected elder elders, but the area surrounded by the four territories in the southeast and northwest, which is in the middle of the elven forest-the canopy giant city, is used for rest and gatherings. local.

There are many layers in the tree crown city, which are uniformly cleaned and managed by the "tree elves". This kind of tree elves are different from ordinary elves. They are dry and thin, and their appearance is similar to the branches of trees. The goddess specifically created a guard to watch the canopy giant city.

In addition, a variety of World of Warcraft, flora and fauna are inhabited in the Elven Forest. They live with the kind and gentle Elf tribe, and live in peace and happiness.

"Let's go to my house now, which belongs to the Eastern Elves' territory."

Daha said to Guan Heng at this time: "You just told me that it is very important that you come to awaken the elf goddess. After you arrive at my house, you will stay at home with Merty and I will go to the territory. Three of the elders invited to come and discuss the matter together. "

"Mr. Daha, aren't you also an elder?" Merty asked curiously, "why can't you handle these things yourself?"

"Hahaha, my elder is a visiting elder. At best, it is a decoration. There is no real power." Daha replied with a smile: "That was because I had done a few great works for the elf family in the past, three elders A special gift gave me the title. "

At this point, everyone heard the clear sound of rushing water in their ears, and took a few dozen steps forward, and a small river appeared in front of them.

"A few minutes' walk along this river is my house," Daha said. "At that time, you will rest in the house first, and I will immediately go and find the three elders in the Eastern Elven Territory."

—— [2016.3.31 Second more, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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