Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1035: Earth Devil Bear (Third)

"Mr. Daha." Guan Heng asked casually: "You have been living here in the Elven Forest. Do you have any clues for me to sleep under Her Elf Goddess?"

"Well ..." Daha lowered his head and thought for a while, then replied, "This forest is too vast, and there are countless temples and ruins. Her Majesty's sleeping place is really not very good. Search."

"Is that so? I can only do my best to find it." Guan Heng said in his mouth, thinking secretly in his heart: "After entering the Elven Forest, I felt that the position of Qing Huang's residual soul seemed to be erratic, and I felt it was being It's weird that something like a barrier blocks it. "

"Brother, look at the river." Merty, on the shore, suddenly pointed at the front and cried, "Countless silver and white fish."

"Hey, there are quite a few of these fishes." Guan Heng saw the fish jumping out of the water from time to time, and said with a smile: "The beautiful fish is as dazzling as the silver shuttle."

"Ha ha ha, these silver fish are special products in this river, and have provided countless ingredients for the surrounding Warcraft and animals." Daha sneered at this time: "But the elves do not eat fish, we usually just appreciate The fish are playing in the water. "

While admiring the fish swimming in the water, while rushing along the upstream, we walked to the door of Daha's house. There are three dome cottages, which are simple and elegantly arranged, and the surrounding fence is surrounded by numerous green vines and associated plants. ,so pretty.

"Come and come, unload the supplies from the beetle's back, and rest in the house."

Daha took the lead and walked into the room first, then poured two glasses of water for Guan Heng and Merty, at which time he said, "You're resting first, I'm going to find three elders. Fortunately, here is the distance from the east The elder's residence in the territory is not too far away, and I can return in about half an hour. "

"Then you have a hard time," Guan Heng said with a smile. "We are waiting for your news here."

"By the way, my home is the Fountain of Warcraft Trial." Daha reminded Guan Heng and Merty before leaving: "Often, some fierce Warcrafts wander to the eyes of Spring, they are very hostile to living people, remember Don't go there to provoke Warcraft. "


Shortly after Daha left, Merty ran to the nearby flowerbed, and placed the six-eyed scorpion and the queen bee there, letting them play freely, and Guan Heng was bored, so he put a wicker chair in the shade of the yard Somewhere, snoring there.

A moment later, a sudden bird sound came from mid-air, Guan stretched his waist, opened his eyes, and it turned out that it was the golden-eyed bird calling for them.

"What's the matter?" Guan Heng scratched his head inexplicably, he murmured: "Big birds usually don't tweet easily ..."

"Brother, let's take a look." Merty's voice didn't fall, and he hurried toward the back of the house.

"Okay, let's go together." Guan Heng stood up from his chair and ran after Merty.

"Quack!" At this moment, on the hillside behind the house, the still-growing golden-eyeed bird has landed there, and an unknown World of Warcraft is lying beside it.

"Hey, what's the situation?" Guan Heng walked over and asked, "Big bird, won't you knock this guy down?"

"Huh ?! Huh quack!" The golden-eyeed bird heard the words and hurriedly shook its wings, denying that it had done such a thing.

"Brother, this is a terrestrial demon bear." Merti then leaned over and looked at it at the moment and said, "It's all covered with old scars, and it's still one-eyed. It seems that it has fought fiercely with many enemies. Now it may be old wounds. Come back ... "

"Well, I think it may be going to the nearby Warcraft Trial Fountain to heal." Guan Heng lowered his head and said, "I heard Mr. Daha mentioned that the Trial Fountain has wonderful effects on Warcraft healing. Now that we can see, save this devil once. "

Speaking of which, Guan Heng performed a cure. After more than ten seconds, the earth bear shook his head and struggled to get up from the ground.

"Eh ?!" When he saw that there were humans and strange Warcrafts around him, the first reaction of the earth devil bear was to yell and be alert.

"Don't be nervous. You just passed out. We're healing you."

In the face of the dazzling, devil-bearing earth devil, Merty just smiled and put her hand on top of her head. The half-elf girl whispered, "You must have been forced to fight many times, look, There are scars all over, isn't it painful? "

"Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" when the snarling earth demon bear collided with Merty's eyes with his fierce eyes, it only saw endless tenderness and compassion, without half-hostility, the feeling of Warcraft was very keen, Devil Bear immediately felt that Merty had no threat to it.

It seemed to be too tired, the earth devil bear lay down slowly at the same time, his eyelids fought slightly, and after a few seconds, he burped lightly together, and this big guy fell asleep.

"Oh, the earth bear ... it's a very interesting guy." Merty saw the other person sleeping soundly and stood up with a smile. She turned and whispered to Guan Heng, "brother, let's go, don't Disturb it to rest. "

Guan Heng waved his hand to the golden-eyeed finch, who flew over their heads and hurled away in the distance, then Guan Heng silently left the place and returned to the dome.

Just a few seconds after they entered the yard, they heard the footsteps of several people outside the door. Then, Mr. Daha's voice sounded: "Guan Heng, I have found the three elders. Please meet. "

Guan Heng said casually: "Mr. Daha, Merty and I are in the yard." The words did not fall, and four elf old men have stepped in. Except for Daha, the rest are the east elves. The three elders of the territory.

The old man with a thin-browed blue robe elves first introduced himself: "The old man is the elder of the Eastern Territory-Bond."

Then, the tall elder red-robed elf said, "I am the second elder-Usa."

The last elder in the purple robe was a chubby and often smiling person. He nodded to Guan Heng and said, "I am the three elders, Mitte."

"Three elders, believe me, Mr. Daha has told you that three main gods have been awakened by me."

Guan Heng nodded with a smile, and then said, "Time is tight, please allow me to ask straightforwardly, do you know the clue of the elven goddess' sleeping place, I need to find her now."

—— [March 3, 2016. Good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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