Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1052: Giant City Chamber of Secrets (Third)

"Okay, the guest room is ready." Daha waved an Elf Guard: "Thank you, Mr. Guan Heng and Miss Merty, to take a rest."


Guan Heng, who has been running for several days, finally fell asleep in the room. When he woke up, he looked out the window: "Oh, it's early morning, it seems I have slept all night. "

"Well." At this moment, someone knocked on the door and Guan Heng said, "Come in."

The door opened, and a tree elf came in holding the tray. The plate was filled with elf wine and various fruits. The tree elf put the food on the table. Li, then turned around and went out.

"Wow, this is an honest tree elf. It's great to see them return to normal." Guan Heng said to himself, Daha and Merty had turned from the corridor into his guest room, Mertie asked, "Brother, will you have a good rest?"

"Not bad," Guan Heng stretched out and said, "I haven't slept so comfortably for a long time."

"Guan Heng, Merty told me about the underground chamber." Mr. Daha said at this time: "I went to take a look and found that the gate of the chamber seemed to be closed by some kind of magic, if you want to go in , You have to let Merty try to lift the access control with the goddess' scepter. "

"What are you waiting for?" Guan Heng picked up the apple in the tray and took a bite, then said, "Merty, let's go."

Daha carried the oil lamp in front of him, and Guan Heng followed him. The three turned left and right, and then came to the bottom of the tree crown city.

After passing through a narrow corridor, Daha stood in front of a gate: "Here it is, this is the door of that secret room, which has not been opened for hundreds of years."

"Yeah." Guan Heng walked over and knocked on the rusty, rusty metal door with his hand. He turned his head and said to Merty, "After a few feet of this door, I guess I can't. Break it through easily, or blow it up ... "

"Brother, don't be kidding." Melty rolled her eyes and said angrily: "Let's open the portal to find the answer, not to do destruction, or I will try it."

"Hold it for me." At this point, Merty handed the little green dragon on his shoulder to Guan Heng, and then took out the goddess scepter.

"Oops, click!" Merty waved the wand lightly and knocked on the metal door. When the two touched slightly, the goddess wand bloomed with dazzling green light immediately. After the metal door trembled slightly, Then left and a minute quietly opened.

"Sure enough, let's go in." Guan Henggang was about to step inside, and the little green dragon in his hands slipped down to the ground. The little boy rushed into the door three times, and disappeared in a blink of an eye. Gone.

"Brother, why don't you look at it? Really." Merti stomped and followed the little green dragon and ran in: "Stop and wait for me."

"Hey, this isn't to blame me," Guan Heng said to Daha next to him. "You saw that too, the little guy is so slippery, I can't catch anything new?"

"Don't talk anymore, let's follow Merti in." Mr. Daha dragged Guan Guan, and the two hurried in.

Behind the metal door was a winding underpass, but it was not very long. Guan Heng and Daha chased Merty without much effort. The latter was holding the little green dragon and complaining: "It's disobedient. What are you running blindly? What if you lose it? "

"Quack!" The little green dragon's mood seemed a little excited at this moment, and it also wanted to break away from Mertie's arms and run forward, Guan Heng ran over from behind at this time.

"The Green Dragon may be taking us somewhere." Guan Heng said at this time: "You can let it go first and see where the little guy can lead us?"

"Okay." The thought of Guan Heng also made sense, and Merty immediately put the little green dragon on the ground. The little guy's feet ran quickly forward against the ground, and Guan Heng's three were tight behind him. After all, everyone walked to a huge stone room at the end of the martyrdom. This stone room was empty and there was only a boxy platform.

"Yeah!" The little green dragon jumped up onto the high platform and screamed on it. Guan Heng and Merty jumped at each other and jumped up. Finally, Daha came up.

"Look, what's that?" Guan Heng pointed his eyes, and firstly found a huge green crystal in the middle of Shitai.

"I don't know this thing, but the magic elements flowing on it should belong to pure natural magic." Daha slowly said, "Maybe this thing has a great relationship with Her Majesty the Goddess."

At this moment, the little green dragon suddenly opened its mouth, exhaled a breath of green dragon breath, and slammed on the crystal. The crystal stone flashed a strange light, but the light soon disappeared. Already.

"Don't say ... I'll try it, too." Guan Heng flashed in his mind, and he immediately took out the bow and arrow pot of the fairy god, and then began to pull the bow string empty.

"Oh!" An arrow condensed by the element of fire slowly appeared on the bow of the **** of gods, and Guan Heng loosened his bowstring immediately: "Oh-" this arrow had hit the green in an instant crystal.

The arrow of the element of fire burst into disintegration as soon as it touched the crystal, and this green crystal once again shone with a strange light.

"I seem to understand." Guan Heng stared at the green crystal and shouted, "Merty, we may need to take a shot with the little green dragon. Come, let us all stand in different positions and surround the crystal in three directions. "

The little green dragon understood Guan Heng's words, and he jumped to a corner first. Then, Merty took the goddess scepter to the opposite side of the little green dragon. Guan Heng stood in place and said to Daha: A password, let's attack the green crystal together. "

"I see, this is okay." Daha said in a deep voice, although he seemed to understand something. "Ready, one or two ... hands on!"

Time and time later, Guan Heng fired the arrow of the fire element with the bow of the elven god, the little green dragon spit out his own dragon breath, Merty wielded the goddess scepter, meditated on the spell using natural magic, and the three forces were The points were successively played on the middle green crystal at the same time.

Immediately after that, sudden changes suddenly occurred! This green crystal suddenly shattered and collapsed, and its powder turned into a sky full of green mist and fell on the stone platform. Just listening to the sound of the sound of endless stream, a circle appeared at the feet of Guan Heng, Little Green Dragon and Merty. Shaped teleportation array.

"Huh? There is a violent shaking at the feet ?!" Guan Heng felt something strange, and at the same time, he saw the same changes over Merty and Little Green Dragon.

—— [The third update of 2016.4.5, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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