Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1053: Awakened Qi Li Ni (first)

"Uh ?!" Before Daha, who was watching next, did not respond, the three were transferred away by the strange teleportation array under his feet, and they became completely empty.

The next moment, Guan Heng's three of them had been introduced into a strange space. Guan Heng took the lead, and Tong Tong fell to the ground, followed by Merty on Guan Heng's "meat pad".

"Ahhhhhhh!" Guan Heng screamed, and then he shouted, "Merty, look at you thin, I didn't expect it to be so heavy ..."

"Brother, what are you talking about ?!" Merty was both ashamed and annoyed. She was about to justify that she was not fat, and heard a bang, and the little green dragon that fell finally hit Zhong Guanheng's head.

"Eh!" Guan Heng was dizzy and painful, but the person was awake for a moment. He suddenly felt a violent throbbing from his heart, and Guan Heng turned like electricity: "It's Qinghuang Residual Soul, it's nearby! ! "

"Small thing, quickly hide from me." Guan Heng reached out and grabbed the little green dragon on his head and tossed it to the side. He scrambled up from the ground. He looked around and observed: "This is like a palace, I Seeing Her Majesty the Goddess must be sleeping here, let's find it quickly. "

Merty looked at the front and said, "But there seem to be four or five entrances in front. Which direction should we go?"

"Hum ... let me sense it." Guan Heng took a deep breath, then pointed to one of the doors and said, "It's here, I have clearly felt that Her Majesty Qi Li Ni must be there."

"Huaqua!" The little green dragon screamed, and ran forward in the direction of Guan Hengzhi. Guan Heng and Merty followed, and the three of them passed the entrance and walked for a long time. A large bed was found in a greenhouse full of exotic flowers.

"Big, big brother ..."

There was a sudden panic on Merty's face, and she quickly took off the corolla and gave it to Guan Heng with the scepter. Merty yelled, "I'm just ... a humble half-elf, really unworthy Take your Goddess's things, you, you take the scepter and flower crown to wake the goddess, I dare not ... "

"You're such a silly girl." Guan shook his head and said, "Did you not realize that you are the one chosen by Her Majesty Qi Li Ni? After all these things, let's wake her up and let Her Majesty personally Explain it to you. "

Guan Heng held the flower crown and scepter, took out the bow and arrow pot of the fairy god, and walked to the bed with the little green dragon.

The fairy goddess Qi Li Ni was sleeping peacefully on the bed. She wore a turquoise dress, exquisite features and pointed ears. When Guan Heng saw her, her eyes fell directly on Qi Li Ni's neck. She wore A necklace of colorful seeds is hung with a crystal pendant in the center.

A trace of slowly moving remnant soul was wrapping around the pendant. Guan Heng immediately felt inexplicable when he saw this situation: "This is the remnant soul of Qing Huang ?!"

He couldn't hold back the necklace and took a deep breath. Guan Heng took a deep breath. He secretly said, "It's still important to awaken the elf goddess. I'll talk about Qinghuang's residual soul later."

There were four trays in front of Qi Lini's sleeping bed. The little green dragon had already sat on one of them honestly. Seeing this scene, Guan Heng quickly put the green crown, the bow of the elf **** and the arrow pot, and the goddess scepter. On the rest of the tray.

Suddenly, Guan Heng wore the five-star Divine Soul Armor, and he said aloud, "The power of light and night, the warfare of the beast god, please lend me the three powers, and help me wake Her Majesty the goddess Elene."

"Oh!" On the five-pointed star of the five-star **** soul armor, the three star angles representing the **** of light, the night goddess, and the beast **** suddenly shine. Ni shrouded.

At the same time, corollas, scepters, bows and arrows, and little green dragons all glowed with light.

Suddenly, the elf goddess slowly opened her eyes, she gently lifted her forehead and said, "Uh ... I feel like I've been sleeping for a long time."

Next, Qi Li Ni sat up, smiled and said to Guan Heng, "Young man, did you wake me up?"

"Exactly, Her Majesty." Guan Heng bowed and said, "You are already the fourth awakened Lord God, and the other three are waiting for you at the Temple of the Sun in Dalakende."

"My corolla, scepter, bow and arrow, and green dragon ... It seems you have already found them all." The elf goddess looked at the four things on the bedside, and slightly jawed her head: "You worked hard."

"No, Her Majesty, this is not my credit." Guan Heng hurriedly said, "Elders of the Elves, my righteous girl Merty has helped me, especially Merty, she even mastered like The high level of natural magic like the Purifying Tree is used to lift the plague of the tree elves. "

"However, Merty is a little embarrassed because she is a semi-elf, she ..." Guan Henggang said here, and the elf goddess suddenly changed his face slightly. "What are you talking about? What is half-elven?" ? "

"Specific things, let Merty talk to you in detail." Guan Heng ran outside the door and dragged in a panicked Merty, while walking, Guan Heng said, "Sister, don't forget Now, this is an opportunity to appeal to all the suffering half-elves. "

At this moment, the elf goddess was standing in front of the bed. When she saw Guan Heng and Merty approaching, she couldn't stop looking at Merty's appearance, and saw the half-elf girl's heart uneasy.

"You're called Merty?" The elf goddess looked at her and said gently: "Don't be afraid, boy, tell me what you have experienced, and let me know what the semi-elf life is like today."

Seeing the elf goddess Qi Li Ni, Merty suddenly felt an incomparable intimacy, allowing her to speak out of her past experience without discrimination: she was discriminated against by other races since she was a child, and fled with her brothers, and finally fell into a trap. I almost crushed my bones to make fragrant powder. If it were not for Guan Heng, I would have been dead.

The elf goddess Qi Li Ni grew more and more angry, and her original kind face covered a layer of evil spirit. Finally, Qi Li Ni looked at Merty, who was still crying, and finally yelled, "Enough, Enough! Stop talking!"

"My child, why are you suffering so much?"

The elf goddess took Merty into her arms with tears in her eyes, and she cried and said, "It's my fault, I don't take good care of you. If you consider these things before you fall asleep, why are you suffering so much, I It's an incompetent mother, scold me. "

—— [First update of 2016.4.6, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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