Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1054: the truth

"No, Her Majesty, don't blame yourself." Merty was shocked when she saw Qi Li Ni inexplicably. "Her Majesty, why are you ..."

"Silly boy, do you know?" Said the elf goddess gently touching Merty's face. "Originally taking care of you was my obligation and responsibility, because, because the earliest half-elves were born, it was my Qi Li Ni.嫡 Pro-blood, my child. "

Upon hearing this, Merty was thundered, and she was foolishly standing there overwhelmed. For Merty, this identity changed too quickly, from being discriminated and scorned by everyone, instantly But she became a blood descendant of the elf goddess, as if she was dreaming.

Even Guan Heng, who was next to him, was a bit shocked. Seeing that he and Merty were in doubt, Qi Li Ni continued to explain: "A thousand years ago, I ... fell in love with a human being, and I think he It should be a human race. Then, we spent decades together and had a pair of children, and then ... "

The Elf Goddess said she stopped here, and after a few seconds, Merty couldn't help asking: "What happened then?"

"The man left because of something important. I know he does not belong to the world of Ashton. He is a visitor from a different space."

Qi Li Ni said, and glanced at Guan Heng, and said gently: "That person is like your appearance, with black hair and black pupils. He came from a gap in space, met and loved me, but again I had to leave, but I didn't blame him, after all, he had his own life. "

"After that, the war between the Protoss and the Demon Realm broke out, and I fell asleep because of serious injuries." Qi Lini looked at Merty, and said with tears in her eyes, "I didn't think of it as my own son, It's terrible that the half-elves were treated unfairly. "

"Merty, I want to compensate you, but also all the half-elves." Holding the hand of Merty, the elf goddess said sincerely: "Stay by my side, I want to make you the whole elf family. Noble princess, protect you forever, promise me, daughter. "

"Thank you, Your Goddess." At this moment, Merty sobbed excitedly: "Any honor and status can't compare with your infinite tenderness to me, I'm really moved."

"Don't cry, Merty." Guan Heng laughed and hugged the little green dragon. "Now everyone is happy. I should congratulate you, little princess."

"Brother, don't make fun of me." Merty said with tears in her sleeves, wiping tears, and she said to Qi Li Ni: "Your Majesty, and my brother's affairs, please be sure to help, please."

Then, Merty checked Guan Heng to the Ashton continent in search of Qinghuang Residual Soul, and told the elven goddess in detail, and Guan Heng also added a little.

After listening to the matter, the fairy goddess nodded slightly, "Well, I clearly felt that the remnant soul of Guan Heng's fiancee was indeed lodged in the soul crystal worn on my neck."

After finishing talking, she gently touched the crystal stone and said, "This trace of the remnant is still very weak. My decision is the same as the other three main gods. I want to warm the remnant for a while and return it to Guan Heng."

"Huh, I understand, Your Majesty." Guan Heng breathed a sigh of relief after listening, and said, "Now the stone in my heart is falling."

"Well, there should be no witch **** Herrag next to you?" Qi Li Ni laughed. "Do you know his whereabouts?"

"I know." Guan Heng nodded and replied, "I once saw a clone of Heilag, who told me where the witch **** was sleeping, and I was very interested in the soul art of the witch tribe, and planned to take a look. "

"That being the case, I will also add some power to your five-star **** soul armor." Said the elf goddess, a magic spell in her mouth, and in a moment, a faint green color appeared on the star of the five-star **** soul armor. Above the corner, there are four corners of the star already blinking.

"You once said that you can use the black iron wood and rain cloud to summon spells to create lightning strikes, then I will help you strengthen this skill."

Qi Li Ni said here, took a dark tree species from her necklace: "This is a black iron tree species, I can use my divine power to transform it into a" black iron thorn "and give you the summon of this plant privilege."

Speaking of this, Qi Li Ni poured a divine power into the dark tree species and handed it to Guan Heng: "Now eat it first." Guan Heng took a look at the seed and swallowed it without hesitation. Got belly.

"From now on, you can summon these black iron thorns at any time and let them attack or impede the actions of the enemy."

Qi Li Ni went on to say: "In the past, when you were casting Rain Cloud Summoning Magic, you need to chant mantras. Now I will teach you how to instant magic. In the future, you can directly summon Rain Cloud without having to read the spell. too much."

"Because I have poured the magic power of natural magic into the five pentacles of Divine Soul Armor, you do not need to consume magic and physical strength when you cast the black iron thorn summon.

The elf goddess thought of something at this moment, and then said to Guan Heng and Merty: "Before heading to the Temple of the Sun and Dalakander, they will take me to a place and follow me."

Speaking of which, the elf goddess waved a hand, and a huge black hole appeared on the ground. She took the lead in, and Merty and Guan Heng followed closely behind.

A moment later, three people approached a cave by teleporting a magic circle, and the mouth of the cave was blocked by a huge stone inscribed with numerous mysterious graphics and the magic circle.

At this time, the elven goddess took the scepter in Mertie's hand, and immediately waved, the strange light lit around the megalith, "Oh!" This half-house-sized stone disappeared in three seconds. Personally.

"Whoa!" When the boulder disappeared from the entrance of the cave, a boundless evil force suddenly burst out from it.

"Be careful." Guan Hengyan pounced on and stopped in front of Merty. He suddenly put on the Bone Evil Armor, and the black gas of this evil demon realm was sucked into the armour.

"Well, it seems that this weird bone armor is really a good way to deal with the black gas of the magic domain." The fairy goddess slightly jaw, then said: "Come in with me."

After walking dozens of steps in the cave, the elf goddess stopped, and she used a scepter to point the ground in front of her, only to see the earth slowly crack and push out a semi-circular object.

Seeing this thing, Guan Heng frowned. He said, "Is the black gas from the magic domain just now? Is it what it is?"

—— [Second more in 2016.4.6, good noon everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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