Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1055: Picking Fruits (Third)

"This thing is part of the huge magic circle that connects the magic domain and the Ashton continent."

The elf goddess said in a deep voice: "After the Protoss and the Demon Armies fought fiercely, we reluctantly repelled each other, destroyed the magic formation at the end of the Warcraft Grand Canyon, and cut off their invasion. In order to prevent the five main gods from joining forces Blast the huge magic circle in half. "

Guan Heng asked, "After that?"

"Half of the magic array fragments remained in the Grand Canyon, and the other half was something like this in front of us." Qi Li Ni replied: "Because after consultation with the five main gods, I decided to let me keep this thing in the Elven Forest. "

"After that, you should be able to guess about it, right?"

Qi Li Ni went on to say: "During my sleep, the Elven Forest arranged a huge magic array in order to prevent this half of the black gas that transmitted the magic array from spreading around, but accidentally caused two plagues of the tree elves. This is something I didn't expect. "

Merty whispered, "Your Majesty, what are you going to do with these half pieces now?"

"I'll take it to the Temple of the Sun, and think about countermeasures with the rest of the main gods, and see how to completely destroy this teleportation array, and let the guys in the magic domain break the idea of ​​invading the Ashton continent."

Qi Li Ni went on to say: "If it doesn't work, we will also go to the Grand Canyon of Warcraft, find the other half of the debris, repair the teleportation array, and lead the other side to the death battle!"

"I see." Guan Heng said immediately, "Do you need us to do anything now?"

"Guan Heng, use your Bone Soul Armor to **** away all the black gas remaining from the demon domain, and then I will take Merty and this thing to the Temple of the Sun."

Qi Li Ni wants to bring Merty beside her, in fact, she has another plan. In case herself and the other main gods die unfortunately because of this battle against the Demon Realm, she will train Merty as her successor and continue to lead the elves. .

"Okay, leave it to me." Guan Heng said this and immediately drove the evil bone armor to extract all the black gas around the fragments.

After a while, the elf goddess took Merty to prepare to break up with Guan Heng near the canopy giant city. Before leaving, the elf goddess smiled and said to Guan Heng: "You are now heading to the crown city to pick the fruit of 'Super Memory' Well, they should have matured. "

"Also, you remember one thing, the general result of super memory is golden orange, which can only increase the memory by ten times after taking it."

Qi Lini reminded out of good intentions: "But there are three lilacs of super-reminiscent fruits on the highest branch. Each one will increase your memory by more than 100 times. The effect can be superimposed, but after taking it, it will risk It is a great risk. Once the body can't bear the pressure of the drama, it will bleed at any time, so be careful. "

"Thank you for your reminder, I will pay attention to it." Guan Heng kept this sentence in his heart, and then said to Merty, "Sister, take care. After a while, I may go to the Temple of the Sun to see you. "

Merty nodded: "I see, brother, you have to be more careful."

After sending away the elven goddess and Merty, Guan Heng rode the golden-eyed finch and returned to the canopy giant city. On the tower roof, Guan Heng saw Daha, and immediately stepped forward with a smile: "Mr. Daha, now the elf Her Goddess has been awakened, and I must leave immediately, have those super-remembered fruits matured? "

"Well, the fruit of Chaoyi has matured a few hours ago." Daha twisted her smile. "Don't you say it strange? The fruiting period of the fruit of Chaoyi in previous years was two or three months later. I did not expect this year. Actually ahead of time. "

"Well, take me to see it quickly." Guan Heng said impatiently: "His Goddess told me that you can pick three and take it, should it be okay?"

"Of course, no problem." Daha said: "In fact, the fruit of this super memory is to enhance people's memory. I have never understood what use you have? "

"I have a great magical power, and I have to rely on the rich knowledge in my brain to perform it." Guan Heng explained a little: "That's a force called 具有 文 珠", one of my killers ... "

In this way, the two said as they walked, and walked to the tree full of fruit of super memory, Daha pointed at the tree and said, "You see, this tree produces twenty-one fruit of super memory every year. You take three of them away. "

"Okay, then I'm welcome." Guan Heng said this, and began to carefully select, he thought to himself: "Your Majesty Qi Li Ni is really right, almost all the fruits of super memory are gold Orange, where are the fruits of these three superb memories? "

Although this tree is only a few meters high, it is very luxuriant and leafy. It is really difficult to find the fruit of the best super memory.

In a hurry, Guan Heng called out the queen and the six-eyed demon scorpion, and whispered, "You two, hurry and find three blue-purple fruits, hurry up."

As a result, the queen queen flew to the left of the tree crown, and the six-eyed monster scorpion climbed to the trunk and drilled to the right.

Within half a minute, the queen buzzed a buzzing call, and Guan Heng walked over to take a look. As a result, the bee happened to find a green-purple fruit of super memory in a very inconspicuous corner. Guan Heng laughed. "Good job." Then he reached out and picked the fruit.

After a while, the six-eyed monster scorpion also found one, cut it with his own scorpion, and held it to Guan Heng. Guan Heng felt his chin at this moment and thought: "Well, where is the last one, where is it?"

"Hahaha, even if you look for another 100 years, I don't know its whereabouts." Daha smiled, and immediately showed the fruit in his hand: "Well, I just accidentally picked one, and it happened to be blue and purple. Here you go. "

"By the way, why do you want the fruit of Cyan Purple Super Memory?" Daha asked inexplicably when Guan Heng took over the fruit, "I remember the ancient book that the fruit of Cyan Purple Super Memory is bitter and hard , Very unpalatable, generally no one will pick it. "

"Oh, what the ancient books said is not necessarily completely correct." Guan Heng laughed: "Anyway, the effect of the blue-purple super-remembering fruit must be stronger, which is the guidance of Her Majesty."

"Close it up, find a chance and try it again," Guan Heng said to Daha, "I'm leaving the Elven Forest now. Do I need to walk with you?"

"No, because I received a voice from Her Goddess before, the Elven Forest will not need to open the magic array mask in the future." Daha explained: "So, you can now go in and out at will, teleporting arrays, etc., basically No need. "

—— [The third update of 2016.4.6, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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