Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1059: Complete sacred order (first)

"Lei Gang, you don't have to look down on me. Although I have one less arm, I'm still a sacred magician."

Carsenk said coldly: "These injuries are trivial. If you really want to cooperate with me, tell me what the **** is. As long as there are enough benefits for me to take this risk, I will take a trip with you. It doesn't matter. "

"Is there any wine? I'm thirsty." Lei Gang seemed reluctant to show details and details, and now began to diverge from the topic and not answer Carsonk's question directly. Carsonk cursed secretly: "Damn guy, his mouth is pretty tight."

But Carsenk's face remained calm, and he pointed to the wine cabinet next to him: "It's all there. I want to drink what I want."

"Well, good wine." Picking a bottle of wine, pulling the stopper and pouring it into the glass, Lei Gang took a sip of his own drink, and then slowly said, "I was in the belly of a mountain at the end of the sea of ​​fire in Xiqiao ... I found The whereabouts of Long Bao ... "

"Don't shit!" After hearing this, Carsonk hit the iron stand on the bed with the wand in his hand, and said fiercely, "You fart! Dragon treasure? That's what our family has found. For more than a hundred years, it has exhausted countless manpower and material resources. No trace has been found so far. You said you found it? "

"Lei Gang, my second best brother." Carson snarled and grinned. "You just came to see my joke today, and you wrote a story that idiots don't believe, to play with me, right?"

"Choosing--" Lei Gang drank his leftover glass and smashed the glass, he strode to the bed and grabbed Carson's collar and said, "Mix the ball, use yours Pig brains think about it, do I have to lie to lie to you? "

After a pause, Lei Gang went on to say, "That's Long Bao. I've spent countless years trying to find it. If anyone dares to make fun of Long Bao with me, I will no matter who he is, he will definitely strip him alive. Leather! "

"It seems you are serious ..." Carsonck looked at the other person. Lei Gang held his collar and the back of his hand was stretched with green tendons. Carsonk slowly said: "I ask again, you say Long Bao, is it really the thing left by the dragon who disappeared in the sea of ​​fire of Xibei hundreds of years ago? "

"Yes, you and I all know that the **** hybrid dragon is not only the bloodline of the dragon family, but also the bloodline of the soul-melting strange beast. It is a mutant dragon family that has nothing in common."

Lei Gang said: "The soul-melting beast has the ability to devour other beast souls and strengthen its own power. As long as we find the dragon treasure left by the mutant dragon family, we can get countless benefits. How about whether you can help? I?"

"I'm surprised, why don't you go to Ferro and Jonah for help?" Carsonk said here, subconsciously touching the wound of the broken arm, and then said, "They are much stronger than me, both are Holy top powerhouse. "

"You mean the boss and the third child? No no no ... they are really greedy."

Lei Gang shook his head and said, "If I ask Ferro and they join forces, don't say that they won't get any benefit, maybe they will be hacked. Our four brothers were born to a mother. What are the virtues of those two boys? You are not ignorant, they are guys who can squeeze oil from even tanned rabbit skins, so I can't take Long Bao for adventure. "

"So, do you want to find a weaker helper than yourself?" Carsonk snorted. "Who knows if you will even do it after it's done?"

"Hey, I'm asking for wealth insurance, I said, if you think Long Bao is worth the risk on your own, then come and help me, or else it's a two-shot."

Lei Gang said: "I know that your strength has not been able to make long-term progress in these years. Don't you want to get Longbao into your hands and let yourself enter the ranks of the top masters of the Holy Order?

Carsonck's eyes and beads were turning round and round, constantly thinking about what the other party said. It is true that Longbao is very tempting to them, but if life takes risks, it is not worth it, and he is hesitant. When Lei Gang said something.

"Yes, my biological brothers believe each other, but what's the point? Let's just use each other's blood to write a pledge of life and death alliances, and swear that anyone will kill each other and kill them immediately. How about that?"

After listening to Lei Gang's words, Carsonk finally nodded: "Well, for the sake of Longbao, I will fight back ..."

"Bang!" At this moment, the closed door was kicked open by one person, and Shun Heng strode in, stroking the stunned servant with both hands.

"Slam!" Guan Heng threw two people at the door, and asked with a calm face: "What kind of Carsonk are you ?!"

"What kind of person are you?" Carsenko saw Guan Heng, beating violently for no reason, Guan Heng smiled sternly: "Old thing, you are not brave enough to dare to take away my gold eyed finch, I want you Painful price! "

"Boy, you have a big breath." Although he broke his arm, Carsonk's momentum was still there. He turned over and jumped out of bed, holding the staff with his only hand and shouting loudly. Roared: "No matter what you come from, since you dare to break into my castle, let's die!"

"Ice Giant Summoning!" As Carsonk screamed and swept through the room, a bone chill suddenly swept across the room. A two-meter-high ice giant suddenly appeared, throwing a heavy punch and hit Guan Heng.

"Get off!" Guan Heng had no intention of keeping his hand at this moment. He took out the Berserker's axe and waved it up, "Oh, click!" The ice giant's arm was divided into two, followed by the axe. Shadow Hanguang flashed, and immediately split the ice giant into a meal of slag!

"Ah? Damn, I'm going to kill you!" Carsonk saw his futility in vain and couldn't help glancing at his second brother Leigang, but the other party didn't mean anything to help him, and Carsonk had to grit his teeth. Hard on.

After a while, magic such as serial ice cones and hailstones continued to greet Guan Heng's body. Carsonk even tore a piece of top ice magic—the scroll of Frozen Cold Prison threw at Guan Heng.

Suddenly, the extremely cold and cold air raged around, and a large amount of ice was formed in the room, which had already covered half of the area. Lei Gang, who watched the battle, frowned slightly, took a step back, and remained indifferent.

"Woohoo ... stinky boy, are you dead this time?" Breath released powerful magic, Carsonk, who had broken his arm, snorted and gasped.

But Guan Heng, who was sealed in the ice not far from him, smiled suddenly, and the voice was full of teasing and mockery: "Look at your magic strength, but also a magician who stepped into the Holy Order. Unfortunately, your strength is at most This is the end of the holy order. With this ice-based magic, I can't even freeze my cold hair! "

—— [First update of 2016.4.8, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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