Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1060: Fight again

"Click, boom!" Countless pieces of ice layer collapsed in an instant, Guan Heng has stepped out, he sneered at Carsenko slightly, and pointed with one hand: "Black Iron Thorns, Binding!"

"Alas!" Several black iron thorns covered with thorns burst out of the ground, and in the blink of an eye, Carsonk, a sacred-level magician, was tied firmly, and then tightened!

At this moment, Carsonk was in pain, and the broken arm's wound immediately burst into blood. In desperation, he yelled for help from his brother: "Uh-ah, Lei Gang, help me!"

"Huh, it always gives me trouble." Lei Gang had to help even if there were a thousand reluctant at this time, "Well!" He pulled out a five-foot-long epee and fiercely split To the black iron thorns that tied Carsonk.

"When it's alas! Alas!" This sword chopped Mars on the black iron thorns, but the thorns didn't break the epidermis, but they throbbed Leigang's wrist.

"How is this possible? It is already 80% of my strength just now." Lei Gang was shocked in his heart: "It's weird that the strength of my holy-ranked swordsman keeps chopping this weird thorns!"

"Huh, it's useless." Guan Heng sneered sneerfully beside him. "This thorn is as hard as the hardest black iron wood in the elven forest, so you just want to cut it off? Don't daydream."

"Slash you under the sword, these thorns should be able to be lifted." Lei Gang sneered suddenly, swinging his sword towards Guan Heng, "Well!" The sword tipped with a strong wind and went straight to his neck.

Guan Heng didn't panic, waved his tomahawk, and bumped into the other side. "Hey!" Lei Gang stepped back in three steps, but Guan Heng didn't move. Lei Gang was angry: "I can't stop this. A young boy, isn't Lao Tzu calling the Holy Order Strong? "

Thinking of this, Lei Gang suddenly yelled, "Douqi Whirlwind Dance!"

"Oh!" I saw the epee in Lei Gang's palm kept waving in the air, the wind blades formed by the countless sword smashed through the air, and smashed his head and covered his face.

"Hey, this is what it looks like." Guan Heng smiled slightly, a serious expression suddenly appeared on his face: "In the end, the Saint-Sword Swordsman still has two brushes."

"Dangdang Dangdang!" Guan Heng waved his tomahawk to block those vindictive wind blades one by one, but at this moment, Lei Gang roared, swiping Guan Heng's waist with a heavy epee attached, the timing was just right, It was impossible for Guan Heng to dodge in a hurry.

"Hoo!" Guan Heng's arms suddenly sank, the axe blade was unbiased and leaned against the middle sword body, Lei Gang only felt that the sword was stagnant, Guan Heng's battle axe had already slid to him and held the sword quickly. Wrists.

The light of this axe was almost lightning. Lei Gang knew that he would not let go and throw the sword, and both hands would be cut to the ground. In a hurry, after Lei Gang gave up the sword, he hurried back three steps to avoid the battle axe. Offensive.

"Bang! Click!" Agitated Guan Heng's tomahawk, and immediately smashed the epee. He immediately flew up and kicked Leigang's abdomen and kicked him directly. Guan Heng then waved his hand: "Black Iron Thorns , Bind! "

Three thorns and thorns entangled in Lei Gang's hands and feet, making him unable to move in the blink of an eye. At this time Guan Heng strode to the side of Carsonk who was previously caught, and punched him with a punch on his fat face: "Bang!"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" —Carsonk was in pain, spitting blood, and Guan Heng's second punch had been passed in front of the tip of his nose.

"Hit my ball, where is my golden-eyeed bird? Say!" With a murderous look on his face, his eyes shot terrifyingly, Guan Heng stared at Carsink so tightly, and immediately made this old thing feel hairy.

"Don't, don't hurt me!" Carsonk said in a hurry: "I mutated the cage of Warcraft in the back room, and the back door was next to the bedside behind me, and I opened it with a key ..."

"It's not necessary!" Guan Heng slashed down with the axe force of the Berserker. "Dangdang—wow!" The entire wall was immediately ripped apart, and the inner chamber and cage immediately appeared in front of Guan Heng.

"Big bird!" Guan Heng took three steps and ran into the closet in two steps. He waved the axe to split the cage. The gold-eyed finch was still a little groggy at this time. Guan Heng applied a cure to it, and then he turned the gold-eyed finch. Contained the magic pet tube.

At this moment, Carsonk and Lei Gang, who were tied by the black iron thorns, exchanged their eyes. They freed one hand at the same time, and then quickly shook out a black stone from the sleeve to be crushed. His eyes were like a torch, He yelled, "You guys are looking for death!"

The black stone is a secret black blast from the Carsonk family. It was designed to end up with the enemy when he was trapped. Guan Heng felt the danger of the thing in an instant.

Time and time later, Guan Heng controlled all the black iron thorns to tighten and twist together, only listening to the two muffled sounds, Carsonk and Lei Gang had become two blood mists.

"Patter, patter!" Two black blasting stones fell to the ground. At this time, just listening to the sound of ghost howling, Lei Gang's ghost emerged from the black iron thorns in an instant.

"Can't run anymore." Guan Heng swallowed the ghost of Lei Gang quickly with a swallowing beast and began investigating his memory.

"Huh? Long Bao ... this is ..." Guan Heng read Lei Gang's memory and immediately fell into meditation. The families of Carsonk and Leigang have settled in the western part of the Ashton continent hundreds of years ago. The reason they migrated here was because they saw a mutated dragon drop into the volcanic magma. in.

After that, Carsonk's ancestors always believed that mutant dragons must have rich treasures. They called them "long treasures", and they have been searching for the whereabouts of the fallen dragons for hundreds of years, and they are quite persistent.

Half a month ago, Lei Gang finally found traces of the mutant dragon in the belly of an active volcano, but he was afraid that the dragon was not dead, and he could not handle it alone, so he decided to find Carsonk to help. Who knows that the unlucky brothers were unlucky and met Guan Heng before killing the dragon and killed his own life.

Guan Heng was not very interested in what kind of mutant dragon that was, but he accidentally found that the terrain described in Lei Gang's memory turned out to be close to the sleeping place of Wu Shen Helag, which made Guan Heng feel a little bit. accident.

"Otherwise, when going to wake up Helag, look for the whereabouts of the dragon by the way?" Guan Heng thought for a while: "Well, decide for the time being, for the time being, depending on the situation."

When Guan Heng left the castle, it was already late in the middle of the night. When he rode the gold-eyed bird to the west, it didn't take long for him to have a tall, thin man in black and two men joined together. Seeing the mess in the ground seems to have gone through a fierce battle.

—— [Second more in 2016.4.8, good noon everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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