Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1073: Lord of the Abyss (Third)

One of the shadows took a step forward and laughed again and again, "I didn't expect that the five of you? I can even set foot on the land of Ashton mainland again."

"Impossible!" Darakend shouted with an eyebrow: "Pann, as the Lord of the Abyss, you are the embodiment of evil. It is absolutely impossible to easily step into the line of our five gods. Defensive battles between the worlds! "

"Darakend is right," the witch **** Herrag called. "This is just Pawn's evil avatar. It's simply not possible for him to be there."

"Haha, Halag?" Pawn laughed wildly. "You're right, but even if my avatar is here, you can do something that surprises you."

"Come on, destroy them!" Pann called out strangely, and the remaining three black shadows pounced on the five main gods, Drakekand they were performing the Great Seal of the Pentacle, halfway through forcibly stopping, all Suffering from biting back and being seriously injured, the situation becomes critical immediately.

"Oh!" A figure suddenly emerged from the oblique stab, and he snarled with the axe of the Berserker in his hand: "Cut !!"

A huge axe-shaped chop broke through the air and fell. "Boom--" The power of this axe was fierce. The ground cracked a long, huge ditch for a long time, stupidly blocking the way of the three shadows!

"Hey hey, I said this Lord of the Abyss, do you seem to have forgotten me?" Guan Heng said, holding the Berserker's Axe on his shoulder, "These five are all my friends. Why are you? Do you speak to them without telling me? "

"Guan Heng, fight for our time." Drakekand now shouted urgently, "We need to seal the teleportation team before the other avatars come back."

"I see." Guan Heng slightly nodded his head, "Just leave it to me."

"Huh, a human kid, dare to stop the way of this devil?"

Pawn drew a stroke in the air, and a narrow gap suddenly appeared in the space. Pawn reached out and took out a black stick of more than two meters. He used the black stick to draw a half-arc against Guan Heng. And shouted sternly: "The disaster is like a mountain !!"

"Boom! Boom--" The black gas in the magical field within a hundred meters around condensed into a mountain-type phantom with a height of several tens of meters.

"Divine soul armor, the five-star power gathers!" The armour of Guan Heng ’s body The five-horse star spins suddenly and abruptly. For a time, five kinds of ultra-strength rays cover Guan Heng ’s body. Guan Heng feels the warfare and The momentum soared, do not spit and unhappy!

"Ah ah ah ah - open !!" mustering all his strength, coupled with the five divine Lord God addition, canthus was killing off the cross howling, wind and thunder swept Pichu trend, destruction of days An axe to destroy the ground, fiercely collided with Pang's mountain of disaster.

"Boom!" The huge mountain of calamity was split in half by a shocking axe. "Oh!" Guan Heng, who had a severe physical and mental loss, suddenly spit out blood, "Oh!" A few steps, Plop sat down on the ground.

"Ka-cha!" After Pann released the big move "The Mountain of Calamity", the black wand in his hand was also broken, and he poked his lips and said, "Hey, the cloned fake is too poor quality, boy, if My body is here. You just could n’t resist the ten moves you just did! "

"Uh ... I really believe this sentence ... This guy named Pawn is really powerful!" Guan Heng secretly screamed, and stood up with a trembling axe.

"Oh!" At that moment, the three shadows just rushed towards Guan Heng again.

"Abominable, do you think we're bullying when you see me vomiting blood?" Guan Henghu's body shook his arms and then swept his axe: "Miscellaneous things, get out!"

"Dangdangdang!" The Berserker's axe is about to die like lightning, and in a short time, two black cloak monsters rushed over, but the opponent was unscathed and the clothes were not cut!

"Is there such a thing, what kind of monsters are these two guys? They can't reach the gun?" Guan Heng was surprised, but the other side's onslaught didn't hesitate. Two black cloak monsters had four sharp claws, wrapped in evil wind and tearing. The key is to stay in touch.

At this moment, the third strange man in black shook his cloak and disappeared in front of Guan Heng. When Guan Heng waved his axe and forced to retreat the other two strange people, the third black man was stunned. After appearing in Guan Heng's body, he turned his wrists and showed a sharp short blade, straight from the top to the bottom of Guan Heng's neck.

"I've been waiting for you." Guan Heng's combat experience was rich. When the man in black disappeared, he realized that the other party might hide the assassination means, so he secretly kept an eye on him, and the other party really started from behind!

"Bang!" Guan Heng was too late to turn around, so his elbow on the back of his arm was unbiased and stabbed under the opponent's ribs. The guy's body shook, and the short blade on his hand missed his head.

"You go to death!" The furious Guan Heng had no mercy, the Berserker's axe waved with all his strength, and the axe had already stuck to the opposite door at the instant of turning.

"Hey!" The other person's mask was divided into two, and even a red line appeared on his forehead. As long as the Berserker's Axe goes down by 0.1 centimeter, the whole person will be split in half. At this moment, Guan Heng's heart suddenly jumped, and he found that there was a stream of shiny debris in the pupil of the other's left eye.

"The Residual Soul of Qinghuang ?!" Guan Heng was extremely keen on the residual soul. The tomahawk in his palm paused for a moment. At this moment, the five main gods had completed the operation of the Great Seal, and the dark goddess Dalavi. The child happened to see the man under Guan Heng's axe, and she shouted, "Guan Heng, stop now, he is ..."

"Come back, my faithful servant!" Pawn sneered at this moment. The black man who had escaped a stunned look was staring at Guan Heng, and when he heard Pawn's call, he and the other two cloaks immediately The weird man retreated back to Paine.

"It seems that you have completely sealed this teleportation team with a large seal." Pawn glanced at Guan horizontally, and then said, "This boy has delayed you a lot of time, but since my avatar is here, then But prepared ... hehe, the show is about to begin. "

"Wait, that man ... why wasn't he dead?" Dalavire said with a trembling voice, "why is he by your side?"

"Hehehe, the little goddess of darkness, do you mean him?"

Pang Yin smiled smirkly, and patted the dull-looking black man with his hand: "At that time, he was caught after I was seriously wounded in order to cover your five main gods. Well, originally, I have a relationship with you guys. It was going to be destroyed, but I think this guy is still useful, so I saved him a life ... "

—— [2016.4.12 third change, good noon everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions, monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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