Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1074: Great crisis (first)

"Today and today, he has become my Pawn's dog, hey, he really listens to the owner." Pawn laughed proudly at this time, patted the shoulder of the man in black and said: "Yes, dear half God thief, Ruta. "

"No, no no no! How could Rutta be your running dog?" Dalavier's face was full of tears, and she called out of control: "Give me back, give Ruta back to me!"

Speaking, Dalavier was about to jump over, and the **** of light quickly stopped his sister: "Vir, calm down!"

"Don't stop me, brother." Dalavier called, "That's Ruta, me, me ..."

"Hey, I'm really sorry to interrupt your reunion." The sneer Pawn stomped the ground with his feet, and a dark round hole suddenly appeared. He said to Ruta: "You, return to the magic palace first. Right. "

The demi-god thief Luta stepped into the black hole without expression, and his body sank halfway in the blink of an eye. "You give me a wait!" Guan Heng next to his eyes was screaming, and he yelled, "Stop!"

The demigod thief, Ruta, or anyone else, is not important to Guan Heng, but there is a trace of Qinghuang's soul on that guy's body, and Guan Heng will never allow him to disappear.

"Swallow the ghosts and gather a phantom for me immediately!" Guan Heng roared secretly in Guan Heng's heart, swallowing the ghosts and phantoms into an aurora, rushed into Lu sinking into the black hole with a thunderbolt. Inside the tower body.

Guan Heng's act was not noticed by the second person, because at this moment, Pawn's avatar was confronting the five main gods, and Ruta eventually disappeared into the black hole.

Pawn sneered: "Sorry, this demigod thief is now an important tool for me. I can't let him get back into your hands."

"No! Rutta, come back—" Dalavier screamed, no more the goddess' grace and appearance. She pushed her brother away and rushed to the black hole.

At this moment, in order to prevent Dalavire from getting out of control, the fairy goddess Qi Li Ni gently swiped with a scepter, a green and strange flower suddenly appeared, the pollen scattered, and Dalavire suddenly closed her eyes and slept slowly. Go, it turns out that this pollen has a hypnotic effect.

"Hahaha, five old friends, I had a great time today. Although I was disturbed by a kid, I decided to leave you some small gifts!" Pawn patted his palms gently: "Pap."

The two black cloak monsters immediately stood on the broken teleportation, and Pawn's eyes showed a hint of fierceness. He chuckled, making people shudder.

"Truth tell you the truth." Pawn glanced across the five main gods and Guan Heng, he said slowly: "My two babies, called 'self-exploding beasts', as the name suggests, their explosive power is enough to destroy half a big Canyon, don't look at you trying to seal the teleportation array, but I can still ... ruin it! "

"Double beasts, blast me right away!" Pawn finished this sentence and jumped to the black hole next to him, trying to get back to his own place, but the beast **** brother Pinus and the witch **** Herrag were at the same time. Angrily, they yelled, "Pawn, you go to death!"

The two divine attacks attacked Peng's body fiercely. They only heard a loud bang and deafening, but in the air they echoed Pang's unusually murky voice: "Hey, what's wrong with destroying my avatar? Yes? You're done !!! "

"Boom, boom!" As soon as Pawn's words fell, the two "self-exploding beasts" suddenly broke up. The unleashed power they released blew up the entire broken teleportation array into powder, but it was a huge one instead. 2. I don't see how many kilometers of huge black holes there are!

"Oops! Everyone, use your best to seal this black hole, or the black gas of Demon Realm will rush over and occupy the entire Ashton continent!"

The light **** Darakend shouted this sentence, and the five main gods immediately exerted their full strength and formed a vast net of light with their magical power, covering the huge black hole!

Guan Heng asked aloud, "You guys, can you completely seal this black hole?"

"No, this abyss demon Pawn is too cunning." Witch God Herrag said: "Now we can only use black energy to seal the black hole for a while. If it takes too long, even our five main gods will If you can't control it, you can't hold it. "

"Uh ... it's dangerous!" Guan Heng only felt that he was now one step closer to the black hole, his body was teetering, and he was going to be sucked in, and he shouted, "Hurry up and think of a way. If you continue like this, we can all Ruined!"

"Unless there is a huge object that can completely block the opening of this black hole." At this time, Dalakende felt that his divine power had flown quickly, and he shouted with his teeth: "But urgently, we did not How can I find such a plugging thing? "

"A huge object ?!" Guan Heng's brain spun quickly, and he suddenly had a clever idea. "Dalakander, and other main gods, do you remember the holiday island of the gods? The area of ​​that island is not large. Small, it should be able to block this black hole! "

"By the way, our holiday island!" Darakund and the other four gods glanced at each other, and his heart suddenly raised a glimmer of hope.

At this time Guan Heng shouted, "The island is now owned by me, Darakund, please tell me what power source can make the whole island fly here quickly!"

"The resort island does have the ability to fly and space transfer, but when we first researched the island, the power source was a huge problem and it has never been solved."

Drakekend also began to sweat on his forehead, saying: "But a long time ago, I had arranged twelve magic arrays in the central area of ​​the island, that is, the huge garden. These magical arrays can be made to operate with super energy, and the island can immediately come to space here. "

"You said lightly," Guan Heng called. "Where can I find so much power source energy? Will it fall out of thin air?"

"Hey, you guessed it right." Darakund said: "It is the powerful energy that descends from the sky, that is thunder and lightning. As long as twelve huge thunder and lightning can hit the magic array at the same time, the energy of the power source will Instantly filled! "

"Thunderbolt ?!" Guan Heng heard the word, his eyes flashed, and he said: "I have a solution to this matter, wait for me, I can come back in a few minutes, you have to hold on."

Having said that, Guan Heng immediately used the teleportation array on the five-star Divine Spirit Armor, and returned to the huge garden of the resort islands of the gods.

"Xun Lun!" Guan Heng just shouted when he arrived in the garden: "Immediately let the Protoss artisans gather, now it is an emergency!"

—— [2016.4.13 first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions, monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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