Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1087: Offering

"Uh, what about these seven coffins ?!" Guan Heng just felt a burst of intense, evil blood, and suddenly shocked him. This evil breath was clearly transmitted from the coffin.

"The situation seems to be wrong. The 'things' in these coffins are definitely one of the most evil objects I have ever seen."

Guan Heng couldn't hold back the curiosity in his heart, and decided to follow up quietly to see what happened, so he tied the skinny horse to a random place, and then quietly followed those people.

Dozens of villagers in black linen lined, singing the requiem, while marching on the giant animal skin drum, slowly marching into the mountains, the surrounding atmosphere became more and more weird and depressing, which made people breathless. Come.

In this way, Guan Heng followed the procession of the Corpse Carrying Ceremony and walked forward. The heavy drum sounds and the soul-quilling requiem resounded in the mountains and forests, time ... from afternoon to evening, the procession of the Corpse Carrying Ceremony. Finally he walked into a huge, empty valley.

In the valley, the villagers who had arrived in advance raised seven bonfires there. Fourteen people carried the coffin, put seven coffins next to the bonfire, and then quickly withdrew.

At this time, a white-haired old man in a sacrificial black robe carried a coffin and walked up to a high platform. He shouted, "Go, hold up the seven offerings."

"Yes, the village chief." A few big men like wolf-like tigers suddenly agreed, shoving seven people with black hoods and the sound of a burly voice in their mouths.

When their hoods were quickly torn off, Guan Heng, who was hiding behind the stones in the valley, could see clearly. Those were seven ordinary people with astonishment, rags in their mouths, and trembling with fear.

"The living person is a sacrifice ?!" Guan Heng saw here, suddenly a hint of coolness appeared in his heart: "The evil gate ritual in this village, it is really heartbroken to use the living person to sacrifice ..."

Guan Henggang thought of this, and the old village chief on the high stage shouted, "The seven dead gods worshipped in this village since ancient times, it is time to sacrifice this year and this year, please accept the humble sacrifice we prepared and bless our village. No disaster, no disease. "

"Please ask the Seven Corpse Gods to bless the village I waited for. The weather is smooth, disease-free, and sacrificed with fresh blood and flesh." At this moment, the villagers also chanted in unison with the old village chief, appearing extremely devout.

"Do it, nail the stakes!" The old village chief shouted loudly, and the villagers in black linen rushed to the bonfire of the seven coffins. "Well, Dangdang." They put seven cross stakes together. Brushed into the soil.

The village head glanced at the seven trembling men, and a word popped out of his mouth: "Tie!"

"Hmm ..." The seven people with a muffled throat were desperately struggling, their faces were full of snot tears, but they were forcibly tied to the cross stakes.

"Village chief, it's all done." A thin man ran to the high platform and said, "Should we also withdraw? The full moon is coming out."

"Well, everyone hurriedly gather." The village chief shouted to the crowd: "Hurry up, while the dark clouds cover the moonlight, hurry to run outside the canyon, don't look back."

"Run!" Upon hearing the village chief's order, the villagers immediately amnestyed, and only hated that their father and mother had lost two legs, and all flew out of the canyon. Finally, the old village chief also Escaped here with the help of a thin man.

In the place, there are seven piles of bonfires shining green, seven weird metal coffins, seven cross stakes, and seven trembling people. The bonfire was sizzling with firewood that was as thick as a child's arm, and there was a crackling sound of water under two wooden stakes. It turned out that the spirits of the two captives were too tense, and they had urinated their pants.

Around, there were only sounds of insects from the grasshoppers and the sound of harsh cold winds. The strange atmosphere gradually spread. Seven people seemed to know that their death was near, and even the atmosphere did not dare to show it.

At this moment, the dark clouds in the sky slowly dissipated, and the light of the full moon was shining on the seven metal coffins!

"Bang!" The lid of the first coffin on the left was suddenly lifted off, and from there sat a dry corpse with a black paint. Its face was as thin as a skull, but still covered with a layer of skin. With his claws on the edge of the coffin, he stumbled and jumped out.

The corpse's pupils are red as blood, but it can't seem to see things. It smells alive, staggering towards the nearest cross stake, the person **** on it is trembling, and it keeps trembling in its throat. Make a dull dull sound.

"Wow, wow ..." Every time the strange corpse walked, it made a strange noise. At this time, it quietly touched Guan Heng behind the nearby rocks, and suddenly found that the strange corpse was wearing a ragged armor. Obviously, the strange corpse died before his death. Is a soldier.

It ’s time to say that, the soldier corpse rushed to the cross stake in a blink of an eye. It opened his blood basin and bit his mouth on the neck of the person opposite him. Splashing out, the strange corpse constantly tore the other side's flesh and swallowed, and the poor man began to struggle two times, but it was gone within a few seconds.

"Well, I don't even have a chance to shoot ..." Seeing the strange corpse cannibalism, Guan Heng secretly grieved, he touched his body: "Well, I didn't even carry a weapon, even if there was a shovel It ’s better now, even the thin horses are left in the village. "

At this time, the corpse's flesh and blood had been exhausted. The **** white skeleton was now tied to the stake. After the corpse's flesh had eaten the flesh, it dangled and turned into a metal coffin. Taped on the lid of his coffin.

With the chirping of the clang, the surroundings returned to calmness, and witnessing the tragic scene of this tragedy, his hands and feet were cold and glaring, and he was determined to save the remaining six people, but he thought he was defenseless. There wasn't even a tool for cutting the rope, and it was a headache.

"No matter what, even with bare hands, you have to save these six people before you talk."

Thinking of this, Guan Heng would run forward with his two fists. He tripped without paying attention, and he lowered his head and looked: "Hey, what is this?"

It turned out that there was something buried in the ground next to the rock. Because of the darkness, Guan Heng didn't notice just now. Four-fifths of this thing was stuck in the soil, but there was a handle like it outside. thing.

"Whatever he is, pull it out first." Guan Heng grasped the handle of this thing and pulled it out fiercely: "Maybe it can be a self-defense thing."

—— [2016.4.17 Second update, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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