Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1088: Battle of the Canyon (Third)

"Hey!" Guan Heng pulled this thing out of the soil, only to find that it was a black iron gun, less than two meters long, but the six-inch tip was broken, although I do n’t know why the iron gun would Buried here, but as soon as I thought it was an ancient battlefield, Guan Heng felt relieved.

Three steps and two steps, Guan Heng has already reached the cross of one of the stakes, struggling to wave the iron gun on the stake rope, "木, 嘣, 嘣!" Several thick ropes were cut by the gun head. The man slumped to the ground, Guan Guanfei kicked him and kicked him: "If you want to survive, get out of here !!"

"Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh at this moment, this man made a terrible slap, it seemed like he was stuck by a needle in an instant, struggling to get up and running away, Guan Heng just glanced at him, and said secretly in his heart: Escape here, it depends on your fortune. "

Turning around to rescue another person tied to a wooden post, Guan Heng suddenly heard the coffin lid behind him making a loud muffled sound, and he knew that something was bad.

Sure enough, Moonlight had suddenly shone on the second metal coffin, and the lid was suddenly opened, and a dry corpse wearing armor was sitting there. It was no different from the first one. The soldier stunned the corpse. Out of the coffin, he staggered towards Guan Heng after landing. "There is no way to use the magic and fighting spirit I have learned before." Guan Heng frowned slightly, he said secretly, "It seems that I can only fight this guy with brute force."

This dry corpse is not very fast, but a pair of sharp green claws waving up and down is also scary. Guan Heng has been fighting for a long time. He didn't put the strange corpse in his eyes at all. He moved his iron with his hands. Sweeping, "Bang!" In the middle of each other's legs, although the strange corpse did not understand the pain, but their legs were soft and fell to the ground.

"Hoo--" Guan Heng leaped suddenly at this opportunity, and aimed at the corpse that fell to the ground, and gave his hand, and the iron gun wrapped in the sound of the wind was smashed, and the corpse was beaten. Snoring, shaking constantly.

"This strange corpse is so weird. My iron gun seems to hit the ball, and the shock is amazing."

After smashing dozens of times, Guan Heng felt that his wrists were a little numb, but he did not forget to observe the movements around him, for he was afraid that the monsters in the other coffins would all jump out. When the time came, he would attack them in a group. Trouble.

Fortunately, because most of these coffins are placed in the corner of the canyon, they are blocked by the shadow of the mountain wall. The moonlight has not been shining on it for a while, so there is no movement now.

At this moment, the monster corpse that fell to the ground suddenly rolled to the side, the iron gun that smashed across the ground fell on the ground, and the dust splattered, but the monster corpse avoided the blow, and the monster corpse quickly He turned over and climbed up. It seemed to know that it was not Heng Heng's opponent. He turned and fled towards his metal coffin.

"Want to run? You are dreaming!" Guan Heng roared and threw out the iron gun in his hand. This iron gun, like the same black lightning, soared into the air, and slammed directly into the monster. On the back, the broken gun head protruded from the front heart, and the strange corpse shook it twice, and fell to the ground again.

"Did you die this time?" With this question, Guan Heng took a big stride and ran over. He pulled out the iron gun on the monster's body. He was about to lean over and looked at it. There was a strange scream, and when he rolled on the ground, he wanted to bite Guan Heng's calf. It seemed that the shot just now had no effect on the strange corpse.

"Mixed ball, get out!" Guan Heng yelled, kicking his feet on the corpse's face, and kicked the guy out of meters. "Well, since it doesn't die, let's knock its head off."

Thinking of this, Guan Heng tiptoeed, slammed down to the strange body, drew an iron gun at his neck, "click, slap!" The dried corpse's skull suddenly stayed with his body, his bones rolled. Go all the way.

Guan Heng was not assured, chased it again, and according to the corpse, it was a slam shot: "Bang Bang Bang ..." It was strange to say, maybe Guan Heng accidentally found the right place and turned around the strange corpse. The body couldn't move this time, Guan Heng glanced at the crushed corpse, turned and ran to the cross stake.

Cut the ropes of the remaining six tied people three times, five, and two, and Guan Heng shouted, "Run quickly, run outside the canyon,"

"Many, thank you guys ..." These people said a few words of thankfulness and ran away. At this moment, Guan Heng suddenly felt the dark cloud cover on his head, and the thick cloud layer suddenly covered the full moon.

"It seems that the awakening of the strange corpse in the coffin is directly related to the exposure of the full moon." At this moment, Guan Heng cried secretly: "The third coffin was not touched by the moonlight, and the strange corpse would not come out. I still Look for something nearby that can deal with these monsters. "

Thinking of this, Guan Heng looked around and found that the canyon was extremely wide. The place where the seven piles of bonfires and coffins were located was just near the entrance to the canyon. In the distance there seemed to be a lot of mud bags obliquely with broken flags, like graves.

"Maybe there are ghosts and undeads there." Guan Heng secretly rejoiced: "As long as I catch a few ghosts and become the stone of the soul, at least I have some reserves to restore physical strength."

Guan Heng can recover from fatigue by merging the power of ghosts, so if he can catch more ghost spirit groups, it will have no harm to him, plus if he can meet a few good-quality ghosts in his lifetime, then Guan Heng can also use the skills they are good at through integration.

In front of the large grave, she was swaying around with a lot of ghost spirit groups, Guan Heng was overjoyed, and hurriedly turned these ghosts into the soul stones with the evil eyes of devouring ghosts and beasts.

Immediately afterwards, Guan Heng hurriedly checked the dozen or so Soul Stones in his hand, and found that most of them were the souls of dead soldiers. During their lifetime, they only had some ordinary fighting arts and soul stones. It can only be used to supplement physical strength, but there is a special soul stone that caused Guan Heng's idea.

"This ghost is a bit interesting. He was actually an archer during his lifetime." Guan Heng stunned the soul stone in his hand: "Long-range rapid-fire bow skills are also a bit rewarding."

Around the grave, a lot of rusty weapons were obliquely inserted into the mound. Guan Heng found a pair of unbroken iron bows, and only a few quivered arrows. ,in case for need.

Guan Hengzheng was planning to look for other ghosts around the grave, and suddenly found that the dark cloud on his head began to dissipate. Guan Heng suddenly cried out: "If the moon shines on the rest of the metal coffin, the monsters inside can run out. Trouble. "

—— [2016.4.17 third more, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions, monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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