Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1089: Melee (first)

"Be ready before the corpses go out."

Thinking of this, Guan Heng was about to rush back and wait for a while, but suddenly felt a mountain-like shaking at his feet. Guan Heng realized that this grave was going to change dramatically, so he rushed out and ran out nearly a kilometer.

At this moment, Guan Hengmeng heard a loud noise behind him, he rolled over and fell behind a rock, and then turned his head to look at the direction of the loud noise, and saw that the ground of one hundred ten wild graves and mounds was extremely powerful. The strength arched, the dust was flying everywhere, and a tall, black figure suddenly appeared in the original mist.

"Well, wow ... wow, wow ..."

This huge dark shadow took a heavy step, and walked directly towards the location of the seven piles of bonfires and coffins. Guan Heng suddenly moved: "What does this guy want to do? Is it necessary to deal with the seven, ah no, six Strange corpse? Let's look at the situation first. "

In just ten short breaths, the huge figure had already walked to the bonfire. By the light of the fire, Guan Heng could clearly see the other person's appearance: this is a weird corpse wearing a worn armor, but it is obviously better than Guan Heng Those two soldiers were much stronger and stronger.

In addition, the complexion of this strange corpse turned out to have a bronze-like metallic luster, and it also had a giant sword with a length of several feet on its belt, which looked so distinctive.

"Bang!" At this moment, the armored corpse slammed a punch on the lid of the first coffin. The cover flew out, and the armored corpse extended a huge palm. "Pop!" The corpse in the coffin!

This ancient corpse happened to be the first guy who had just finished eating a living sacrifice. The armor had a powerful corpse. He lifted it out of the coffin and immediately raised it above his head, and then slammed it on the ground. "Bang!"

The newly-eaten ancient corpse slumbered in the coffin, but did not expect an unexpected visitor, and threw himself a slapstick.

The ancient corpse suddenly became furious, squeaked up and was about to fight back, but when it saw the other party, it showed a timid expression, involuntarily shivered back, as if extremely afraid of the armored corpse .

"Roar--" The armored corpse yelled and slammed in the past, and several heavy punches made the ancient corpse shake and sway, then turned over and fell down, and the armored corpse simply rushed over and rode on it. "Bang, bang!" The fist banged like a rain on the ancient corpse, as if pouring endless anger.

However, although the offensive of the armored corpse was fierce and all had little effect, the ancient corpse was only squeaked and squeaked, but it did not hurt.

Witnessing this scene, Guan Heng hiding behind the rock was screaming angrily: "Fool, smash the corpse with one punch, and it will die. What's the use of your fist just to greet him?"

However, Guan Heng's scolding didn't reach into the other's ear, but even if the armored monster corpse heard him, it was estimated that there would be no reaction.

At this moment, sudden changes suddenly occur! The thick black clouds in the sky finally dispersed, and a full moon's light was unbiased on the third mouth of the metal coffin. Only the sound of the clang was heard, and the lid of the coffin was pushed up by a pair of thin, claw-like hands. An ancient corpse flew out of the coffin, sprinting behind the armored corpse.

"Oh!" A sharp corpse claw broke through the air, poking hard at the armored corpse, "Oh! Wow—" In front of the corpse, the shabby armor was easily torn apart like a piece of paper, but allowed The third ancient corpse poked and scratched on the opponent's back, but it was difficult to hurt the armored monster corpse, because its skin surface was better than steel!

However, the attack of the third corpse has already angered the armored corpse. He yelled, dropped his fierce opponent, and swept his arm around the corpse.

"Hoo-bang!" The squeaked third ancient corpse flew upside down and rolled out a long way against the ground.

"Crap-slap!" Someone flew from somewhere, nailed the skull of the ancient corpse to the ground, and the monster's teeth and talons twitched for a while, then there was no movement.

It was Guan Heng who took the Lengzi and shot an arrow to attack the ancient corpse. He had crushed the archer's soul stone, and destroyed an ancient corpse in a gap. However, all these armored corpses did not know it, it was still just crazy. The unlucky one in front of the madman.

"Is there such a thing, is this silly big corpse immersed in water, or it has no brain at all?" Guan Heng sighed and lifted the iron tire bow, and sighed sighing: "Boob, idiot, big idiot, you just scratched his head Yeah! "

Although this is the case, Guan Heng held his finger to count, in addition to the one he had just knocked down, and an ancient corpse reimbursed by the arrow of assault, plus the armor corpse was mad to win that one at that time, there were four The monster inside the mouth coffin didn't come out, thinking of this, Guan Heng's heart was secretly anxious.

But at this moment, the armored corpse seemed to be getting rid of it. He grabbed the violent opponent with both palms, struggling to pull it with both arms, and the skull of the ancient corpse was immediately screwed down. The two-point remains were thrown into the distance by the armored monster.

"Success!" Guan Heng finally relieved when he saw the scene. He cursed inwardly: "This waste is worrying me for a long time."

But before Guan Heng completely put his heart in his stomach, a few faint rays of light from the full moon in the sky fell on the remaining four metal coffins. Guan Heng covered his face when he saw this scene: "Well!"

"Bang, bang, bang!" The lids of the four coffins were hit by accident, and the four ancient corpses jumped out of the coffin and jumped at the armored corpses, but at this moment, the armored corpses suddenly turned against each other. Shouting at them: "Oh!"

Hearing the roar, the four ancient corpses were suddenly shocked and almost fell to the ground, showing how much they were afraid of the armor corpse in front of them.

This roar had no effect on Guan Heng. He took the opportunity to quickly take the bow and lead the string, and shot at the four ancient corpses one after another: "嗤嗤 嗤嗤 ——"

"Fuck!" A Fengya penetrated the corpse's skull at the speed of tearing the air, and nailed it to the ground. This head was indeed the weakness of the corpse. Moved.

From Guan Heng's shot to the corpse's downfall, it was just a matter of moment. Although the other three ancient corpses were low in intelligence, they were extremely agile. They leaped and spread their time. When Guan Heng wanted a long-range raid, he was too late.

"Well, it's cheap for you!" Guan Heng sighed angrily to the ground, and then hid behind the rock again. Since there are armored monsters desperately in front of you, then you can sneak in on your own. There is no need to go up to make fun.

—— [2016.4.18 first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions, monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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