Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1095: Weird (first)

"Bang!" The mercenary's boss hadn't fully said a word yet, Guan Heng had already punched his face with his fist, and the boy was blown out with blood from his mouth and nose, and banged against the wall. .

"Admiral, please show me the door. No one in the room can let go." Hearing Guan Heng's instructions, the corpse general had already strode over and quickly blocked the door. Guan Heng sneered. As they rushed to the helpless mercenaries, they crackled and slammed their fat, making them cry and yell.

"No, this guy is so powerful, everyone hurries away." Some people saw the situation was not good, turned around and tried to flee the door, but was stopped by the corpse general who was standing at the door. Waving his slap, he kept slap on these guys, and immediately knocked down a large piece.

After dozens of seconds, there was no one standing in the room except Guan Heng. All of these mercenaries' strengths were at the level of superb wastewood. Guan Heng wondered how they lived to this day, but now he is Is to solve another thing.

"Slap!" Guan Heng stretched out his hand and raised the collar of the mercenary's head. He asked angrily: "Why come to collect debts again? Do you really lack that ten thousand gold coins? A group of big men's mercenaries are actually in trouble A little girl, you've all lost your face. "

Seeing all his brothers fell to the ground and mourning constantly, the mercenary's forehead was suddenly covered with cold sweat, but his mouth was so supportive that he couldn't even say a whole sentence: "He ... I ... this ... "

"Brother Guan Heng, why did you hit them all?" At this time, Zuo Wei was late, and she walked in the door to look at her, and her expression changed suddenly. "In case the mercenaries come again, they must It's impossible to dismantle, how can this be good? "

"Girl, don't worry about those things first." Guan Heng casually said: "I'm asking this guy, why do you come here three or two times to find the real reason for trouble?"

"Don't they just want to blackmail me for ten thousand more gold coins?" Zuo Wei heard Guan Guan's words inexplicably: "Is there something else?"

"Who knows? It seems that this guy's mouth is a bit stubborn, but I can manage him." Guan Heng sneered, and then turned back: "General, come here."

The corpse general heard Guan Heng's call, and strode over, Guan Heng held the mercenary leader, put his face in front of the corpse general, and immediately took off his robe hood. The corpse general's pale and dry The strange corpse face suddenly appeared in front of the mercenary boss.

"Oh!" The mercenary leader saw the corpse general squinting his teeth, a fierce expression of choosing someone to eat, almost scared his pants.

Guan Heng sneered and said, "If your kid doesn't tell the truth, I'll let this pet tear you up and swallow it, believe it or not?"

"Don't, let me say, can't I tell the truth?" The mercenary leader shuddered in horror, and he stuttered, "Here we come to collect debts, mainly because ... because of the back office boss of our mercenary regiment I want property here. "

"Why? This is just a dilapidated house." Zuo Wei asked inexplicably beside: "Here is in disrepair for years, just barely sheltered from the wind, or if the teacher told me before the end that he could not sell, I have long been Transfer this place out. "

"How did I know?" The mercenary leader muttered in a low voice: "The specific things were discussed by our head and the boss behind the scenes. Only they knew the details. That boss is a mysterious patron. His whereabouts are very strange. I haven't seen the true face of others until now. "

Guan Heng repeatedly questioned a few words, only to know that the other party was ordered to run to run into trouble. Zuo Wei, wanted to drive the little girl away and occupy this old house.

The debits were originally forged by the mercenaries, but Zou Wei actually tricked out and took out 10,000 gold coins and gave them back, but the confused Zowei actually forgot to return the loan slip, which gave this group of rogue servants Bing came again to make excuses for trouble.

"It seems that this guy is just a little boss who performs the task and doesn't know the inside story at all." Guan Heng glanced at the other in disgust, and then slapped him in the face: "Get out, don't let me see you again. "

"Yes, yes, thank you for letting me go." The mercenary chief ran out of the door, covering his face, and he still yelled at his men, "What are you still thinking about? Let's run away."

Hearing this, a group of mercenary soldiers with stinging and swollen faces staggered, all rushing out of the door, and Fei also fled.

"I think something is wrong." After the mercenaries were gone, Guan Heng said to Zuo Wei, "No one will spend so much effort to win an old and shabby house. There must be something we don't know. Weird place. "

"So what shall we do?" Zuo Wei said anxiously: "I have no idea now, offending the mercenary regiment, I will surely be driven out of Saiting City, maybe those who do not blink The guy is angry and will kill me. "

"Zou Wei, think about it, is there any place in this house of Shenghuizhige Mission Branch that you haven't been to?" After a pause, Guan Heng said immediately: "Maybe that's the group Why do mercenaries occupy their homes? "

"Well, this house is very large, and there are many rooms ..." Zuo Wei tilted her head and thought, "There are indeed many places I haven't been to, including the area where the back garden of the house is locked by iron gates, and There are cellars with houses, etc. Since the death of the teacher, I have gone to those places flawlessly. "

"Wait, you said that the back garden was locked by an iron door?" Guan Heng moved at this moment, and he immediately asked: "How can I open that iron door?"

"In the past, my teacher, His Excellency God Shepherd, was able to enter the back garden where it was locked." Zuo Wei said, "Since the teacher died, no one has gone."

"The teacher's bunch of keys to open the iron door ... um ..." Zuo Wei said that she suddenly got stuck. She rubbed her forehead and said, "Oh, after the teacher died, I don't know where to throw them. Now. "

"Zou Wei, think again. Maybe the thing behind the iron gate is very important." Guan Heng said with his chin. "If you can't find the key, you can only break through the door. This is a last resort. The next best thing. "

"Oh, I remember, the keys, keys seem to have been thrown in the cellar."

Zuo Wei slammed her palm with her fist and said loudly: "I remember the days when the teacher was buried and the aftercare of him, everyone was fainted. One person once said that all the teacher's relics were placed in the cellar Yes, that's it. "

—— [2016.4.20 first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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