Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1096: Cellar in distress

"Well, it's easy to remember now." Guan Heng slightly nodded his head, and he said, "It's not too late, let's quickly go to the cellar to take out the keys, and then open the iron gate of the back garden."

"General." Guan Heng whispered, "You are just at the gate here. Don't let anyone come in and make trouble. Do you understand me?"

When the corpse general heard this, he went straight to the gate of the house, and when he leaned there, he would not move anymore.

"Let's go." Guan Heng waved to Zuo Wei, and the two hurried to the cellar in the backyard of the mansion.

"Bang!" Opened the rusty cellar door with one foot, Guan Heng walked in with Zowei. The dark cellar was empty on all sides, surrounded by dense spider webs, and a rotten moldy smell was mixed in the dust. the taste of.

Zuo Wei frowned after smelling it: "Oh my god, I really don't want to come to this place again, cobwebs stick to my hair ..."

"Snoring." Guan Heng, who was walking in front of him, stopped suddenly, and he pulled out the Sword of the Moon, then said, "There seems to be something moving in front, watch out for vigilance."

"Eh ?!" Zuo Wei was startled, and hurriedly took out her priest's staff, she asked, "What's going on?"

Guan Heng didn't answer Zuowei at this time, but walked forward quickly, not far from the front, where a cluster of black creeping vine plants was slowly creeping around the corner of the wall.

"Slap, slap ..." Pointed at the thing with the tip of the sword, Guan Heng said: "It seems to be a demon infected with evil spirits. Why is there such a thing in the cellar? It's strange."

"Uh, that thing is dirty, let's stay away." Speaking of this, Zuo Wei took a step back with a look of disgust.

"Oh!" Zuo Wei, who had receded, never expected that her left foot would step on another dark black vine branch, and only saw that vine utter a whistle--the sound of whispering, the twitching suddenly, snapped Hit on Zuo Wei's back.

"Ah, it hurts!" Zuowei wailed, and fell forward suddenly, Guan Heng stretched out a hand and held her shoulder: "Be careful!"

"Oh!" Speaking time and time, in the dark cellar, the sound of Sosso sounded, Guan Heng Guan Heng Guan clearly saw that there were countless vines shrinking at the corners of the wall, which was urgent. Creeping, all gathered towards one place.

"What's going on?" Guan Heng couldn't help wondering, and Zuo Wei rubbed her shoulder hurt by the rattan at this moment and scolded: "Damn vine monster, I want to teach you a little lesson."

This girl, Zuo Wei, thought that the vine monster in the cellar was just a small one, and it was related to the side, and her courage also became big. She raised her staff for a time and issued a light arrow: "Go to death, ugly Monster! "

"Bang!" The arrow of light cast a cast like a meteor, hitting a vine fiercely, and immediately shocked it into two pieces.

"Hissing—" After the vine broke, I didn't know where a groaning hissing sound came from. Guan Heng's secret screaming was not good. He shouted, "Zowei, you are too reckless. Become behind me. "

"Brother Guanheng, it doesn't matter, right?" Zuo Wei turned his head indifferently. "Look, my light archery has discounted all the vines ..."

"Small-slap!" Zuo Wei's voice didn't fall, and a black vine of seven or eight meters was suddenly found in the oblique spurs, and she caught her wrists impartially.

"Ehhhhhh-hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh after Zuo Wei's scream sounded, she was already dragged by the arabesque. Seeing that the situation was critical, Guan Heng swung the sword, and he wanted to use the sword of the moon to cut the man Fujii rescued Zuo Wei from sleepiness, but suddenly changed at this time!

"Boom !!" The ground where Guan Heng stood suddenly violently shaken suddenly collapsed and collapsed. Guan Heng and Zuo Wei, together with the weird arabesque monster, all fell into the bottomless black hole. Among ...

"Oh! Click!" The tendency to fall was too fast, Guan Hengshen was afraid of losing, and the sword was stuck on the stone wall, only to listen to creak ... A harsh sound of friction suddenly sounded, and the sword of Yueyue was thrust in In the gap of the stone wall, Guan Heng grabbed the hilt of the sword and stopped in the air so stably.

"Where did the vine monster and Zuo Wei fall?" Guan Heng secretly worried about Zuo Wei's safety. He looked down, and his feet should be flat, seven or eight meters below his feet. Difficult things, so Guan Heng suddenly stepped on the stone wall, drew his sword in his hand, "Hey!" After a few volley jumps, he landed safely.

"Is it Brother Guan Heng? Help me!" As soon as Guan Heng landed, he heard Zou Wei's howl coming from about ten meters away.

"Zowei ?!" Guan Heng turned his head and saw that Zowei had been entangled in a huge vine monster, and was pitifully asking for help.

"It turned out that the vine branches in the cellar just now were part of this huge monster." Guan Heng shook the moon-serving sword in the palm of his hand, and his heart was secretly wondering how to deal with the vine monster.

At this time Zuo Wei also shouted, "Brother Guan Heng, be careful when you shoot. I see the bunch of keys that open the iron gate of the back garden. That thing is hanging on the thickest branch of the creeper monster. "

"Yes, there really is a bunch of keys there."

Guan Heng took a closer look. Zuo Wei was not false at all. Now not only to rescue Zuo Wei from getting trapped, but also to get the key. When thinking of this, Guan Hengyan flew forward and flew to the creeping monster of the vine. The guy immediately took control of the thick rattan around him, crackled, and drew strong wind toward Guan Heng's body.

"Want to hit me? There isn't a door." Guan Hengyi's teleportation dodged, and several rattan whip slammed to the ground, beating dust. At this time, Guan Heng had already slashed his sword on the thickest torso of the arabesque monster: "Try this, **** things!"

"噗嗤-嚓!" A large piece of vine skin was cut to the ground by the blade, and the wound suddenly burst into a turquoise sap, and the vine monster screamed in pain.

But at this time, those rattan rattles that were holding Zuo Wei were getting tighter and tighter. The little girl rolled her eyes and felt breathless: "Cough ... cough ... my mother, can't breathe I'm angry ... "

"Zowei! Damn, it's important to save people first!" Guan Heng saw her in a critical situation, tiptoeed, and caught Zuowei with lightning.

At this point Guan Heng merged the beast soul of the Yalong beast, and his body was amazing. He yelled and waved the giant sword, "嚓嚓 嚓, 唰 唰 唰!" Four or five rattans broke off at the same time.

"Zhuo Tong!" Zuo Wei, who was out of sleep, sat on the ground, Guan Heng immediately exclaimed: "Get up, run backwards!"

—— [2016.4.20 second change, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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