Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1097: Mysterious Iron Gate (third more)

"Yes." Zuo Wei agreed in a hurry, plucked the priest's staff that had fallen from the ground, pulled her legs and ran behind Guan across.

"嗖 嗖 ——" At this moment, two vine whips were drawn fiercely again, one rushed across the horizontal door, and the other went straight to kill Zuo Wei.

"Slap!" Guan Heng grabbed the rattan whip rushing towards the door with his left arm, but the right-hand Sword of the Moon was quickly cut off, "Oh!" It became four or five.

"Hey, monster, your opponent is me." Guan Heng grinned and said, "Don't bully that rookie little clergyman."

"Brother Guan Heng, don't always call me a rookie." Zuo Wei shouted with dissatisfaction behind him: "If you keep saying this, I will fall into the curse of being unable to progress."

"Well!" Guan Jian said with a sword and chopped down an incoming rattan whip. "What kind of fallacy is this? I have never heard of it."

When Zuo Wei was about to explain two sentences, Guan Heng suddenly said, "Well, this vine monster's branch can be regenerated ?! Endless!"

"Brother Guan Heng, the monsters all have their own so-called" core "." Zou Wei hurriedly said, "I heard the teacher said that the core of the monsters is their weakness."

"I also know this." Guan Heng muttered in a fit of temper, waving his sword, "Oh!" He cut down several branches again, and he cried, "I won't be able to get close to the vine monster for a while. You look at it later to see where it is at the core, so that I can also give it a one-shot kill. "

"Okay, let me strengthen your defenses first."

"Oh!" Zuo Wei swung with the priest's staff, and a yellow circle array suddenly appeared at the foot of Guan Heng, a guardian magic called "defensive iron wall". The defense force on Guan Heng's body suddenly doubled, even if those rattan whip repeatedly Suddenly, Guan Heng couldn't get hurt at this time.

While the effect of the defensive iron wall was still there, Guan Heng rushed forward in a bang and finally approached a few feet away from the vine monster.

At this time Zuo Wei shouted, "There is a dark red flash on the thickest branch of the monster. That's right, that's where I think it should be."

"Huh? That's where the bunch of keys hang!"

Guan Hengning took a look and finally found the huge torso hidden behind the horizontal and vertical branches of the vine. With a roar, Guan Heng waved the moon-serving sword in his palm and brushed the rattan in front of him. Guan Heng strode a few meters forward, pointed his sharp red point at the dark red point of the sword, and stabbed in the past.

"Yeah!" The sap of green sap splattered in time, and the sword of the Moon of the Moon continued unabated until the sword's blades were submerged into the body of the demon's body. "Click!" The entire vine trunk suddenly broke from the middle.

"Oh!" A bunch of keys suddenly fell from the monster, Guan Heng rushed to get the things: "Don't lose them, it's you who come down to the cellar to find you."

"Zowei, then the key." Guan Heng threw things behind Zowei behind him, "slap!" The latter caught it in his hands.

"Woohoo-woohoo!" At this moment, the vine monster that was just beheaded suddenly changed.

"I thought that only Warcraft and humans could gather ghosts. I didn't expect that this kind of magic plant could also ..." Guan Heng saw the ghost spirit of the arabesque monster just a moment, then quickly used the evil eyes of devouring ghosts and monsters. Turn the opponent into the stone of the soul.

"Pop." Taking the stone of the soul in his hand, Guan Heng read the message of the arabesque monster, which is equivalent to the memory of the other party.

"A century-old dark prison snake vine? The ability is to control various plants around it, absorb and assimilate its own vine branches, and use it as a whip to attack the enemy."

Guan Heng read the message from the Dark Prison Snake Vine and smiled slightly: "This is an interesting magical plant. Put it away." Thinking of this, Guan Heng lifted up the soul stone of the Snake Vine.

At this time Zuo Wei said, "Brother Guan Heng, how can we get out of here? Isn't it to climb up?"

"It seems that I can only climb up." Guan Heng looked around, picked up a ten-meter-long thick rattan, and then said to Zuo Wei, "Just use this thing to climb up."

Speaking of which, Guan Heng tied the thinner end of the rattan to the hilt of Shiyue's sword, and then pointed at the top of the stone wall, and the gap in the cellar fought hard. "Hoo--slap!" The blade was thrust into the top of the stone wall by a strong force, Guan Guan dragged it for two times, feeling that it was quite solid, so he climbed up a few times.

After a while, Zuo Wei tied the vines to her waist and let Guan Heng pull down.

"Hoo--it's really thrilling," Zuo Wei said with a sigh of relief, "You can scare me to death, but fortunately I have you by my side, otherwise I don't know how to die myself."

"Actually, you did a lot of work," Guan Heng said with a smile. "Whether it is the defense of the iron wall spell, or the quick and keen discovery of the core of the monster, it is your credit."

Having said that, Guan Heng asked, "Zuo Wei, what about those keys?"

"Here." Zuo Wei shook the key in her hand. She said, "Let's go to the iron gate in the back garden and open the door to see."

Guan Heng nodded, and hurried to the backyard of the house with Zuo Wei. The homes of the Holy Huige Order are not small, and the back garden also occupies nearly a third of the area, but now weeds are overgrown and have been deserted for a long time.

When Zuo Wei led Guan Heng to the back garden, she was so anxious that she was so shocked that countless colorful wild birds flew from the grass. They turned it into a habitat.

Behind a bush filled with various birdhouses is the thick, sturdy iron gate covered with rust and moss.

"Brother Guanheng, here it is." Zuo Wei turned to Guanheng and said, "The teacher never let me enter the back garden, so I don't know what is behind this iron gate."

"No matter what it is, it's all those merciless mercenaries and their bosses want it." Guan Heng blinked and said, "Let's go in and confirm now."

Zuo Wei nodded her head and jaws, took out the keys one by one, and finally found a key that could be put into the keyhole. She immediately twisted it.

"Ka-cha, Ka-cha." It seemed that the iron door had not been opened for many years. Zuo Wei tinkered with it for a long time, and then unscrewed the door lock.

"Uh ... hey ..." But the little girl blushed and sturdy, dragging the door handle hard, and couldn't open the iron door.

"Forget it, let me do it." Guan Heng stepped forward and let Zuo Wei stand beside him, holding the door handle with both hands, he suddenly made a force.

—— [The third change of 2016.4.20, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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