Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1098: Weird Stone Room (first)

Just listening to the click, creak ... boom, a series of sounds sounded, this iron door was slowly pulled open for more than a meter.

"This door ... three or four meters thick?" Guan Heng saw the overall structure of the iron door, and suddenly took a breath of air: "No wonder Zovila can't move. The iron door alone weighs thousands. It ’s a pound. "

"Let's go, Zuo Wei, let's go in." Guan Heng waved, and the two stepped behind the iron gate one after the other. Here is a winding path, but a faint light can be seen in front, it should not be Too long.

Guan Heng said: "At the end of the passage, there must be answers we want to know."

"Well, you're right." Zuo Wei slowly said, "I don't know why, after experiencing the encounter with the arabesque monster, I am always frightened by new things."

"Then I'll go ahead and open the way for you." Guan Heng smiled slightly and walked the distance first.

After crossing the channel for nearly a thousand meters, Guan Heng and Zuo Wei came to a strangely shaped cave entrance.

The front end of this grotto is semi-circular. When you go inside, it is a wide stone room, with old torches hanging on the walls, which have already been extinguished. On the ground floor in the middle of the stone chamber, there is a huge circular pattern.

"It seems to be a magic circle." Guan Heng walked in front and looked at the circular pattern carefully. He said, "I just don't know what the actual effect is."

"Brother Guan Heng, look at that." Zuo Wei reached out and pointed forward: "There is a row of metal shelves under the stone wall next to the array."

"Huh? There seems to be something on it." Zuo Wei said, ran over, picked up something from the shelf, and blew the dust off.

Guan Heng asked casually, "Zowei, what is that?"

"It seems like a stone ball." Zuo Wei threw the thing in her hand. "It's quite heavy, I don't know what it's useful for."

"Take it for me." Guan Heng walked over, took a stone ball from Zuowei's hand, and looked up and down, he suddenly said: "The ball seems to be engraved with words, let me see what is written ... The Principality of Tiran ... It should be a place name. "

"Oh, I know the Principality of Tiran, it is a small country in the north, near my hometown." Zuo Wei said, "Unfortunately, it has been destroyed by the Dragons."

"It's weird, why should you engraved the name of the country on the stone ball?" Guan Heng played with the stone ball in his hand, feeling a little puzzled, and before he knew it, he went to another metal shelf.

"There are also a few stone **** on it." Guan Heng took down and watched carefully, then turned his head and said to Zuo Wei behind him, "It is the Kingdom of Gejila."

"The Kingdom of Gajira is on the Sayhan Plateau in the south," Zuowei said. "It is hundreds of kilometers away from here."

"Sure enough, it is also a country name on the land of St. Lomplon." Guan Heng looked at a whole row of metal shelves in front of him, and there were also a lot of stone balls, there should be dozens of them.

At this moment, Guan Heng secretly murmured: "I can't quite guess what these things can do. The goal behind those mercenary bosses is probably here."

Guan Heng just thought of it, and Zuo Wei, not far away, accidentally knocked down a metal shelf in the corner.

"Bang! Squeak --- Dang!" A series of weird sounds sounded, and the stone wall behind the metal shelf suddenly collapsed, revealing a secret hole inside.

"Uh, what's going on?" Although Zuo Wei was shocked, she couldn't hold back her curiosity and walked into the secret hole.

"Zuo Wei, don't be brazen." Guan Heng called out: "Don't ..."

"Ahhhhhh-ahhhh-ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh he did not have said, Zuo Wei ’s face suddenly changed, panic retreated, and she fell to the ground without standing firmly.

"Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh a sharp scream of ghosts sounded in the secret hole, and then suddenly a huge black mist gushing out in the hole, there was a ghost like a claw of teeth dancing inside.

After the ghost and undead rushed out of the cave, he rushed to Zuo Wei, who was sitting on the ground without hesitation, but this girl could not see the ghost, and was completely at a loss.

"Woo!" The three evil pupils who swallowed the ghost and beast flew straight, swept the ghost for a while, "Dang!" This ghost was instantly turned into a soul stone and fell to the ground.

"Well, there seemed to be a breeze just now. Why did it suddenly disappear?" Zuo Wei, sitting on the ground, was wondering, suddenly seeing a spar rolling in front of him, and then stretched out his hand and stunned: "This is what?"

"Zowei, that's mine." Guan Heng stepped forward, grabbed the soul stone, and said, "What did you just see? How can you be so scared?"

"Ah, I remember!" Zuo Wei quickly stood up and pointed at the secret hole: "Brother Guan Heng, there is a skeleton frame in it, it really scared me."

"You step back, I'll take a look." Guan Heng walked into the secret hole and said, "I've reminded you not to take risks, this is the disobedient end."

"Uh, I know it's wrong." Zuo Wei seemed frightened, she flinched behind Guan Heng, watching him walk in.

In the secret hole, there is indeed a pair of Sensen bones, and it seems to have existed for a long time. The ghost and undead that Guan Heng just captured should be the owner of this skeleton.

At this time, Guan Heng read the memory of the undead in the soul stone, but found something that surprised him.

This relic under the Division of Saint-Hermitage Order turned out to be a huge ancient teleportation array. This teleportation array was left by the former creation deities in the land of St. Lomplon, but I do n’t know when it will begin and the deities disappear. Then, the teleportation array was taken over by the small Moroccan group, Shenghui Zhige, hundreds of years ago.

Relying on the magical role of this teleportation formation, a small church group has survived and crushed for hundreds of years under the crowding and crushing of forces from all sides, and has escaped numerous crises of destruction. The reason is that this The teleportation can send dozens of people at any one time to any country in St. Lompland, and those stone **** are the key.

On each stone ball, the name of a country is engraved. As long as the stone ball is placed in the groove of the teleportation array, people standing in the array will appear in the country they want to go to. There are dozens of the entire St. Lomplon continent, but they are all in hidden corners.

As for the teleportation formation where Guan Heng and Zuo Wei are located, it has been kept secretly by Shenghui's Gospel Order. A long time ago, a rebel group member touched the cave where the Teleportation formation was located. For some reason, he tried Destroyed here, as a result, several priests of the Order at the time shot and wounded, captured the traitor, and imprisoned him forever in the secret hole here.

—— [2016.4.21 first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions, monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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