Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1109: Leave (third more)

"Boom !!" When the Dragon Dragon gas bombs touched the ground, a powerful energy surge suddenly erupted, suddenly blasting out a deep pit with a radius of seven or eight meters around, and the dust was flying in time, so were the displays and houses around the ground. Countless damage.

"It's so powerful, I didn't expect that after the compression of the fighting spirit, there is still this method of use." Seeing the destructive power of the battle dragon fighting gas bomb, Guan Heng couldn't help but secretly sigh: "If Recamo was used first then Such a trick, I'm afraid I have to spend more time to defeat him. "

Sighing and sighing, at the first sight Guan Heng failed to retain Lei Kamo, knowing that he could not stay here for a long time, so he turned and ran towards the place where they met with Zuo Wei.

After a while, the underground stone room in the back garden of the Holy Order of the Holy Ghost was the site of the ancient teleportation array.

"Brother Guan Heng, you're finally here, why are you so hurt?" Zuo Wei was shocked when she saw the wound on Guan Heng's shoulder, and she quickly treated Guan Heng with primary healing.

"Hahaha, the leader of the Slave Legion, Recamo was more injured." Guan Heng smiled proudly: "Recamo suffered a big loss under my hand, but unfortunately let the monster slip out of the air."

"What ?! You have defeated the leader of the Six Dragons Army?" The people present, including Zowei, Borui, Okan, and Imira, were startled.

"How? But it ’s just the leader of the Dragon Army Corps. What ’s so amazing?" At this moment, Guan Heng said indifferently: "Although the guy in Recamo has two brushes, it is not an invincible role in the world. Why bother you? What a fuss? "

"Brother Guan Heng, what are you talking about?" Zuo Wei said with an incredible expression on her face. "But that is one of the six dragon clan chiefs. There are only six people in the entire St. Lompland continent, which is second only to the dark dragon clan. The existence of the Lord. "

When Guan Heng heard the name, his heart moved slightly: "Dark Lord Dragon Master ?! Who is he?"

"That is the master of the entire dragon clan. His name is Ottro. It is said that this guy is the strongest fighting power of the dragon clan, and it is the loyal running dog of the abyss demon Pawn." The magician Borui was calm and calm at the moment, he talked bluntly. Says: "Utero claims to be the young master of the Dark Dragon tribe, and is said to be the blood relative of the previous generation. He is also the general commander of the dragon tribe sent by the abyss Lord."

"The name is quite long, and it seems to be a tricky character." Guan Heng said, touching his chin. "So, if you find this guy, you can ask Pann's whereabouts ..."

"Do you know where to find this young owner of the Dark Dragon tribe, Otero?" Guan Heng glanced at the people around him, and said in a deep voice, "This matter is very important to me, and I don't have much time."

"We are not quite sure." Okan shook his head and said, "However, what is connected with the dragon lord Otero is the commander of the six major legions of the dragon clan. As long as he finds the head of the clan, he may get the dragon clan. Message from the Lord. "

"Is that so?" Guan Heng glanced at Okan, knowing that the other party was also talking about a possibility, and he nodded: "No matter what, let's leave here and go to the Kingdom of Gejila."

"Brother Guanheng, just now we have found the stone ball engraved with the name of the Kingdom of Gajira." Zuo Wei said: "And you let Mr. Okan the holy light stone they sent back has been placed in the teleportation array, let's prepare lets go."

"Okay, all of them will stand on the teleportation team." As soon as Guan Heng's words fell, the young magician Borui rushed to the teleportation team, and Imera gave him a scornful glance: "Huh, timid death."

"Mr. Guan Heng, I have a request, and I hope you can answer it." Okan came to Guan Heng at this time and said, "Can the metal box and the three dragon-killing weapons stay with you for safekeeping, after all, only like you Only the strongest of them can exert the power of these things, and these weapons were originally intended to be returned to the Kingdom of Gejila. This is the treasure of their town. "

"Well, okay, I'll leave it to him after I find your Admiral." Guan Heng reached out and took over the metal box handed over by Okan, and then said, "Let's get out of here now." The crowd came to the middle of the ancient teleportation array, and after seeing a flash of light, everyone disappeared in a stun.

Half an hour later, dozens of kilometers away from the kings of the kingdom of Gageira, Guan Heng, Zowei, Borui and Imira, as well as Okan and his soldiers came out of the cave where the teleportation array was located and came to the gateway. The road to the capital.

The road was now full of ordinary people who had escaped from the city of Setin. Their voices were noisy and their appearances were in a hurry. At this moment, a sharp-eyed soldier suddenly called out, "Captain Okan, not far ahead, that is a team of soldiers. !!! And the banner of the Terran Anti-Magic Alliance of Setin City. "

"What ?! I'll take a look." Okan said, looking in that direction, and suddenly shouted, "Oh my god, it's them. Please wait a moment, I'll ask if the defender is there."

Having said that, O'Cam pulled his leg and ran to the Anti-Magic Alliance team. After a while, O'Cam and another person hurried over. The man was tall and burly, full of armor, and looked like a general.

"Mr. Guan Heng, introduce to you," said Okan at this time. "This is the defender of Seting City, Lord Wilson."

"Hello, Mr. Guan Heng." Wilson reached out and shook Guan Heng. He said, "I have heard what happened to Okan. Thanks to your rescue of my soldiers, I also retrieved three dragons. We really appreciate the weapons. "

"Admiral Shou, you don't need to be polite, just raise your hand." Guan Heng said immediately, "I just met you here, these three dragon-destroying weapons, you can take them back."

"Well ..." Wilson's face suddenly appeared embarrassed, and he said a little embarrassedly: "I'm sorry, Mr. Guan Heng, this is the thing ..."

So Wilson explained his own difficulties. It turned out that Wilson and his Majesty's Anti-Magic Alliance must quickly help another city surrounded by the Dragon Army, so they couldn't take three dragon-destroying weapons to the Kingdom of Gajira. .

"That's the thing, Mr. Guan Heng. I want to ask you to take the dragon-destroying weapons to the road and send them back to the Kingdom of Gejila. Hope you can help."

Wilson spoke sincerely, and Guan Heng thought that the distance was not too long. It would take him a few kilometers to reach it in a short time. Guan Heng nodded and agreed: "Well, I have nothing at this moment anyway. What matters is just to take this trip. "

—— [2016.4.24 third more, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions, monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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