Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1110: Six Legions (first)

At this time, Guan Heng remembered another thing, and he asked Wilson: "General, I want to ask the current situation in St. Lompren mainland, where are the six major legions of the dragons operating, and where can they be found? Leader of the army? "

Upon hearing this, Wilson's heart moved, and he secretly whispered, "Is this Mr. Guan Heng wanting to 'behead off' and destroy the six army chiefs?"

"Ahem, it's like this, Mr. Guan Heng." Wilson cleared his throat and said, "The six major legions of the Dragon clan have now become a fan-shaped offensive trend and have begun to invade our clan's main territory in the north ..."

Wilson has been on the front lines and troops to resist the invasion of the Dragons. Naturally, he knows his old opponents. The forces of the Dragons on the land of Saint-Lombon are mainly the six major legions.

then. Wilson told Guan Heng that the six major legions of the Dragon are: the Slave Legion, whose members are mainly composed of various middle and low-order Yalongs, as well as some slave slaves that have been obliterated by the Dragons. Their leader is the War Dragon Reka Mo, who was wounded by Guan Heng, temporarily withdrew and withdrew.

The second is the Demon Dragon Army, whose members are mainly composed of high-end sub-dragons and ordinary dragons who can use magic. The main combat power of the Demon Dragon Army is not only using magic, but also good at group attacks. They are very powerful. Their leader is called "Demon Dragon" Tivelo, this guy is the most cunning and scheming among the six dragon clan leaders.

The third is the undead dragon legion. The members of this legion are not flesh and blood, but the tomb of the dragon tomb resurrected with black gas from the demon domain. It consists of the zombie dragon, evil bone dragon, and countless demon warrior warriors. Immortal, immortal, invincible! "Their leader is a mysterious warrior named" Maze ", and no one knows his origin.

The fourth is the Ice and Fire Dragon Army. All members of this group are orthodox young dragons, but they have given up the opportunity to learn all the Dragon Spells and converted their abilities into attacks of the elements of ice and fire. Half of them are cold freezing. The opponent's ice dragon is half a fire dragon that rages the enemy with flames. Their leader is Zaviu, the "transformation dragon."

The fifth is the Iron Dragon Riding Regiment. The members of this dragon clan are all the most powerful Demon Warriors. Each of them has a high-level dragon mount of the Dark Dragon clan, known as the "Demon Dragon Knight."

In terms of actual combat power, the Iron Dragon Riding Regiment is the crown of the six major legions, and it is also a direct guard of the abyss Lord Pawn, trusted and reused by Pawn. Their leader is a dark knight without a name, no one Know who this person is.

The sixth is the Phantom Dragon Legion. The members of this legion are the most mysterious. It is difficult to detect their whereabouts. Only the guys of the Phantom Dragon Legion are good at assassinations, assaults and gathering intelligence. The leader of their legion is a "killer of death" rare.

"So far, the intelligence collection organs of the Terran Anti-Magic Alliance have only grasped this information, hoping to be helpful to Mr. Guan Heng." Wilson explained at a stretch a lot of things about the six major dragon corps. Guan Heng listened to it. Nodded: "This information is enough, General, thank you for your report."

"Mr. Guan Heng is not polite," Wilson said with a grin, "I will now lead His Majesty to rush to other cities to resist the Dragons. I hope that I can meet you again in the future, so I will leave."

Having said this, General Wilson asked Okan to leave the metal box with Guan Heng, and left with the soldiers in a hurry.

At this moment, besides the corpse general, Guan Heng is left with Zuo Wei, Borui and Imila.

Guan Heng asked, "Zowei, what are you going to do?" "Me?" Zuo Wei tilted her head and thought, and then said: "Brother Guan Heng, I was originally looking for the Holy Ghost Mission. Members, but nowadays, I'm really scared on the road alone. Can I follow you? "

"Zowei's words are what I want to say." Imila said, "Brother Guan Heng, if you can bring Zowei, then there should be no problem if you add me? Not to mention I think I have strength Not weak, it should help you. "

"Well, I don't care." Guan Heng said in two stalls: "But don't blame me for not reminding you. My purpose is to find the heads of the six major legions of the Dragon clan. It can be described as murderous and dangerous, and it may not be safe to follow me. . "

Zuowei and Imila said in unison: "We are not afraid, anyway, there are fierce dragons everywhere, and they are the same everywhere we go."

"You guys." Guan Heng muttered, turning his face and looking at Borui.

"Boy, why don't you get out of here?" Guan Heng said angrily: "Is there something wrong?"

"Don't, don't be so affectionate, Boss Guan Heng." Borui hippie said with a smile: "You know the two younger brothers, you can play a mob, but when I meet the dragon bullies, I'm dead. "

Guan Heng glanced at Borui: "So? What on earth do you want to say?"

Borui said with a smile on his face: "In a word, take me."

Zou Wei and Yi Mi La Qi shouted, "No way!"

Zuo Wei pointed to Borui's nose and said to Guan Heng: "Brother Guan Heng, such a thief who likes to hold sheep by hand, can't be carried around, it is too unsafe."

"Well ... the girl said a bit of truth." Guan Hengwen nodded slightly when he heard this.

"And this guy is as timid as a mouse, seeing the wind and getting used to the rudder." Imila said angrily: "In case of any danger, he would throw us away and run away, it would be light, what should we do ? "

"Huh ... sister, you're more reasonable." Guan Heng took this sentence seriously and nodded again.

"There is one more point." Finally, Zuo Wei and Imila said in unison, "The most important thing is that we are both girls and we are not used to going on the road with boys!"

"Hey, this isn't right." Borui yelled angrily: "Isn't Guan Heng also a man? You look down on people too!"

"Boy, this is not the same. People are divided into three, six and nine." Guan Heng sneered and glanced at Borui, then said, "In the eyes of these two girls, I am a respectable elder brother, and You ... it's a **** who's not sterilized. "

"Woohoo ... you cruel guys ..." Borui crouched in the corner and burst into tears. "I will draw three circles to curse you ..."

"However, the two sisters, we seem to lack a tea-sending and water-supplying person for cooking and serving."

As soon as his eyes turned, Guan Heng sneered suddenly: "Otherwise, take the **** of Borui. If he can't do all these chores, it's not too late to kick again, what do you say?"

—— [2016.4.25 first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions, monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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