Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1115: The Beast Strikes (Third)

A few minutes later, the mighty slave Gayalon army had rushed to the castle. "Bang-boom!" The gate, which was a few feet thick, was like a piece of paper. It was directly headed by a few thick Yalongs. Bang Fei, "Dang!" At the moment when the broken gate fell to the ground, the city of Gageira had fallen into an endless purgatory.

"Ahhhh!" A few people who rushed out to see what was happening, were smashed by iron hoofs in the screams, and then the ferocious Yalongs of the Slave Legion rushed straight to the castle of Queen Ekin. .

Outside the window on the second floor of the hotel, the beast roar was deafening, and Guan Heng turned up from the bed all at once. He rubbed his eyes and muttered, "Wipe, what's wrong? Is there a happy celebration in the middle of the night?"

"咚咚咚-咚咚咚." The sudden knocking of the door suddenly sounded, and Borui shouted outside the door: "Close the boss, open the door quickly and quickly, it ’s amazing, the monster siege the city, hey my mother Yeah, you think about it. "

"Squeak, shit!" Zuowei and Imila rushed out of their room.

"Bo Rui, what's going on?" Guan Heng opened the door and came out with the corpse general. "You were the first to find out about the situation."

"Don't mention that I was hungry just now. I thought of looking for some supper in the kitchen. I didn't expect to hear something outside." Borui said sweatily, "outside the street, there are monsters and Yalong, it seems It was the Slave Legion that began to attack here. "

"Slave Legion ... Recamo ?!" Guan Heng suddenly flashed the resentful look of Recamo's eyes, his face could not help but appear dignified.

"Oh." At this moment, the hotel owner ran upstairs in despair, and when they saw Guan Heng, they stunned: "Guests, the monster is siege, this Gagera city is about to be destroyed, and you are fast Run away. "

After the boss said this, he slipped into his room, packed his gold and silver and prepared to escape.

"Bang, click!" Shun Heng pushed open the window on the second floor and looked out. He turned to the other three and said, "These monsters and Yalong are not fighting in the street, they are running towards the castle. It seems that the slaves The legion's goal is Her Majesty. "

"Brother Guan Heng, let's hurry to save people." Imila said, already wearing claw-type gloves on her hand, Zuo Wei holding the priest's staff and echoed: "I will go too."

"Okay, go downstairs to find a short way first." Guan Heng waved, and the two girls rushed downstairs without hesitation.

Guan Heng turned to look at Borui, who was sweating and pale, and asked, "What are you going to do? Come with us?"

"Don't, don't make a joke." Borui's head shook like a rattle, he said in a hurry: "There is only one life, let me face so many monsters and Yalong, I will definitely die early, I won't go , Absolutely absolutely, don't go! "

"Also, taking care of your life is never a timid act." For Borui, Guan Heng also laughed at this time: "Shit boy, after all, we have traveled together, I really hope you can be good in this troubled world Live and live a hundred years. "

After saying this, Guan Heng turned around and wanted to leave, but he paused and added: "But today you don't help others. When you encounter difficulties one day, you will become isolated and helpless. You carefully Think about it. "

"Hmm." Guan Heng finished speaking, already ran downstairs like a gust of wind, only standing in the same place as Borui.

For a long while, Borui threw his wand on the floor suddenly, and he shouted loudly, perhaps saying to himself: "I'm right, I'm right! Guan Heng is right, cherishing life is not afraid of death, I The choice is not wrong. "

"Furthermore, I'm just a rookie magician. I don't even have a lot of attacking magic, and I die in vain when I go." Borui muttered to himself, and took two steps forward to lose his soul, "Stop!" He Suddenly his legs softened and fell to his knees.

Tears fell on the floor, and the weak "wall of shame" in Borui's heart collapsed in an instant.

At this moment, Borui whispered in a low voice: "Yes, my Borui is a coward, learning magic, I am afraid of suffering, and refuses to be serious; in the face of a strong enemy, I am afraid of a rat, like a scum like me, why? Deserve to be their companion, I'm not even as good as the two girls, Zuowei and Imila, I'm a wretched, haha, it's better to die ... "

"Dang!" At this moment, a diamond brooch suddenly rolled down in front of Borui, and then a boot stepped on the brooch impartially. Borui looked up in amazement, and saw a fat, beeping The round-faced old man looked at him with a smile.

"Ha ha ha, boy, I saw this brooch first."

The fat old man picked up something and threw it twice in his hand. He said, "I just happened to hear your conversation with your companions. It seems that you know very well that you are not the opponent of the monster. It is a wise move, I admire you. "

"Hum, are you ridiculing me in disguise?" Borui stood up slowly, and said with a look of humiliation: "Well, forget it, anyway, you are right, I am afraid of death."

"Squeak ..." The fat old man did not know where to pull a swivel chair, and the big model sat up and raised Erlang's legs and said, "I think you are very qualified, so let's eat with Lao Tzu."

Borui gave him a stupid glance at him: "With you ?! What can I do?"

"Just do this." The fat old man said as he took out a bag and shouted loudly, then he said: "Now the Dragons invaded the land of St. Lomplon, and the territorial territory was a mess. Countless people left their homes and businesses in town There are treasures everywhere, let's go collect them, how about making a fortune together? "

"Ah ?!" Borui's head buzzed, and he secretly whispered, "I did this in Saiting City before, but since I followed Guanheng to travel, defeat the Lightning Lion, and kill the magic dragon, I suddenly I feel that I am not useless, and even have the urge to become powerful ... "

"But now, I have been beaten back by my own timidity." Borui was regretful at this moment. He looked at the hippie smiley, proud elder old man, and thought to himself, "Am I so timid and run away? This old guy who goes by hand is what I look like decades later? "

"Oh, boy, my old man is in his twenties, according to my countless eyes, you are still struggling with your heart?" The fat old man said, holding his shoulders, "I want to quit and continue to escape, but That little conscience is still haunting. It's a dilemma now. It's a pity. "

—— [2016.4.26 third more, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions, monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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