Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1116: Critical moment (first)

"Hey!" The fat old man suddenly got up from his chair, and he shouted to Borui: "The so-called man, that" courage "is a must-have to carry with him. The true courage is that he will never carry himself. No matter how strong your opponent is, you still have to go forward. This is a real man, a pure man !! "

This old man's remark was like hitting the top with a hammer, so that Borui was shocked. A sweat ball exuded from his forehead, rolled down his cheek to his jaw, and then ticked to the ground. He stooped down and picked up the staff, and then smiled at the fat old man: "You old thing, was it a church stick before? Even I was fainted by you!"

Leaving this sentence, Borui turned around and slipped straight down the handrail of the staircase. He secretly said: "Guan Heng, Zowei, and Imila, wait for me, this time I will never escape!"

Looking at the back of Borui's disappearance, the fat old man smiled slightly bitterly: "Boy, although I was not a **** stick before, when I was young, like you, I ran away because of timidity, and this escape is a lifetime, I just ... ... don't want you to be like me, and regret it all your life. "


Queen's dormitory on the second floor of Gageira Castle.

"Her Majesty the King, please take refuge immediately in the safe house in the basement of the castle, and then someone will arrange you out of the city." The captain of the guard said anxiously: "The monsters outside have been reported to the castle group, believe me, if you don't leave, you will be too late . "

"But the people are suffering from the dragon army. How can I escape as a queen of this country?"

At the age of thirty, the pretty-looking queen of gold is full of armor at this time, and she yelled with her hand on the waist of her sword and said, "I want to be with the people and fight to the last minute! This is a country. Obligations and responsibilities of the king of the United States. "

"Her Majesty, why are you so stubborn?"

The captain of the guard knelt down half-knelt, and said with tears in his eyes: "The city collapsed, we can rebuild with both hands, the people are displaced, we can organize relief, but you are our only king. Once life is threatened, who will care in the future Nationals, compassionate subordinates, Her Majesty Queen Ekin, you are the backbone of our kingdom of Gajira! "

The captain of the guard did not fall, and he heard the dormitory door not far behind them slammed open. The captain of the guard yanked out his sword, and he shouted, "Protect the queen, up!"

"Oh!" Seven or eight guards rushed towards the intruders under the leadership of the captain.

"Oh!" The huge fist smashed the captain of the flying guard hard, and let his body hit the wall. "Oops—papapa!" A mace flew up and down, and all the guards had their swords and spears. The shock flew away, and the other side swept across the arm, and immediately flew a circle of guards out, letting them fall to the ground.

"Abominable, don't hurt my soldiers." Queen Ejin was not a weak woman with no chickens. She pulled out her sword and stabbed it through the air. The one-eyed monster across the face looked sneer and let the Queen's sword strike Come.

"Oh!" This sturdy monster clung to the fluttering sword edge, squeezing it, and then only heard a click, the queen's sword broke, leaving a bare hilt in his hand. .

"Eh ?!" Just as the Queen of Ejin was distracted a little, the other hand held her collar, and the Queen raised her head.

"Oh, queen of gold, in the legend, the good monarch who loves the people like a child in the kingdom of Gajira, introduces himself next." The monster said with a mace: "I am the slave army of the six major legions of the dragon clan. Chief of the Corps-Recamo! "

"The abominable dragon monster is that you let my people sink into the depths of the water !!" Although Queen Ejin was caught and missed, she still did not have any expression of fear. She yelled out loudly: "You want to destroy my country. Is the king's first rank? "

"Well, the commander has no interest in Her Majesty's life." Reka Morinsen said, "But I want to suspend your head on the mast of the castle to draw out my enemy, Queen Ejin, Just let it go. "

"Whoa!" The mace sticks up high, and when it falls, it will definitely make the Queen of the Gold forever broken, and there will be no surgery at the moment.

"Light Arrows!"

"Wow!" With a low whisper, seven or eight light arrows blasted into the air, hitting Recamo's arm directly.

"Sculpture of the worms!" Lei Kamo screamed, the muscles on his arms suddenly swelled, "Bang Bang!" Between the arms, he shattered a few light arrows.

"嗖 ——" Just as Recamo resisted the light and arrow technique, a rushing shadow rushed to his back, and punched him with a punch: "Ancient martial art, cut rock fist!"

"Well, don't you stupid girl know that the dragons have tails?" Lei Kamo yelled without turning his head, and the giant tail behind him swept out suddenly, "Well!" He swept towards Yi with unbiasedness. Myra's waist.

The giant tail of Recamo could not be swept away. If Imira was next to each other, she had to break her bones and break her muscles. "Pop." At this moment, a hand suddenly stuck out in the oblique stab and grabbed Yi. Mila's back collar, she shouted and tossed her to the back. Imila was smart and landed safely after a tumbling volley.

Guan Heng solved Imira's crisis, and the other hand's dagger slammed into the vein of Recamo, and in a moment he would cut off his wrist.

"Uh ?!" In a hurry, Recamo had to let go of the queen of gold he had seized, and withdrew his hand, taking three steps back.

"Slap!" Guan Heng caught the falling Queen of Ejin with her arms, slumped a few meters vertically, and pulled away.

At this time, Guan Heng put the Queen of Ejin on the ground, and he asked softly, "Her Majesty, are you all right? Are you injured?"

"Ah ... I, I'm okay ..." Queen Ejin glanced at Guan Heng, remembering the other side's scene of retaining herself, a flush appeared suddenly on her face, and she secretly said, "The young strong man with dark hair and black pupil, I Why have you never heard of it? But he is so handsome. "

"Queen, I'm Guan Heng. I was commissioned by Mr. Wilson, the Seting City Marshal, to return this metal box to you." Guan Hang patted the metal box on the back and said, "You first Retreat to a safe place, I'll first send this guy Lecamo. "

"Uh, Guan Heng, right? Wait a minute ..." When Queen Ejin said this, she was taken aback by herself. She usually showed herself in the image of a very heroic hardcore. She never used it like this. He spoke in a tone.

—— [2016.4.27 first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions, monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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