Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1117: Fighting Recamo again

"Ahem." Queen Ejin cleared her throat quickly to cover her embarrassment, and she whispered to Guan Heng, "Since you are holding the Dragon Sword, should you have seen the other dragon destroyers in the metal box?"

"Yeah," Guan Heng replied, alerting the opposing Lecamo, "there are a pair of claw-shaped gloves and a magical maggot, but the magical maggot can't be hit."

"Oh, my silly brother." The Queen couldn't help but say in a whisper in Guan Heng's ears: "There is no special magic bullet, the magic guide won't sound, of course, I tell you, magic The guide is very powerful, and the magic bullets are stored in this room. "

"Really?" Guan Heng asked urgently. "Where?"

"In the Miguel on the edge of my big bed, we can go up first ... uh, no, it's wrong."

The queen's face turned red, she glanced at Guan Heng only to find that the other party didn't pay attention to what she said, and she was relieved. She quickly said to Guan Heng, "You hold the monster for a few minutes, I'll get the magic wand bomb!"

"No, it's too dangerous to do this." Guan Henggang said these words, Queen Ejin has ran out a few meters away, and Recamo broke open the mace and forced the retreat of Ymira and Zowei. , A scream rushed over: "Guan Heng, come here!"

At this time, Recamo was a runaway beast, and the beast was still injured. The bloodthirsty violent momentum was ten times more than in the past. At this point, Guan Hengzai was aware of the moment when he confronted him. .

"Bang!" The mad hurricane mace smashed, and Guan Heng's short dagger didn't dare to fix it, so Guan Heng flashed to the side of Recamo, and the blade aimed at the other side. Under the ribs, a soft stab stabbed past.

"Go!" Raycamo yelled suddenly, the mace turned sharply and danced suddenly, swinging the horizontal short sword.

Guan Heng only felt a numbness in his wrist, and the short sword in his palm couldn't hold it, and he flew to the beam of the room, "slap!" Jian Feng nailed it impartially.

"Oops, I don't have any weapons in my hand." Guan Heng screamed inwardly. At this moment, his figure rolled back and forth, and Recamo hurriedly chased after him, waving his mace. Stay smashing, "Oh!" I saw countless potholes on the ground.

"Pop!" When Guan Heng stepped back, he suddenly realized that there was a stone wall behind him. At this time, Recamo yelled, "Come on!"

"Hey, you've been fooled." Guan Heng's mouth turned up, and a strange smile suddenly appeared, his figure suddenly disappeared into place, "Bang--Boom!" Recamo's mace Frustrated, the stone wall suddenly crashed.

However, at this moment, a tall, tall body suddenly appeared behind the stone wall. "Hoo!" The other side slammed his fists with full force, "Bang!" The fist was like a tiger out of the gate, leaning against Lekama. Before the heart.

"Hello!" As a result of this, Lei Camo, who is as strong as a dragon, also sprays red mist on the sky, but at the same time, he waved the mace in his palm and shot back fiercely.

"Wh-wow-wow!" The other side swept a bar and flew out, planted directly into the ruins of the stone wall.

"The corpse general hid behind the wall and raided this punch, which should have caused Recamo to suffer a fair amount of damage." Guan Heng thought of this, with both hands at the same time, Zowei and Imila leaped to his side, Guan Heng said: "Tighten up, Recamo will not be able to support ..."

However, Guan Heng's voice did not fall, and the situation suddenly changed.

"Small-pop, pop." Several whip-like objects flew down from the air, and electric light and flint caught the limbs of Zowei and Imila, and dragged them to it.

"Zowei? Imira?" Guan Heng suddenly felt overwhelmed, and said that it was too late, and at this time, several other "skin whip" suddenly pumped to Guan Heng. In desperation, Guan Heng had no choice but to do so. Wield the sword to protect himself, "Whew! Patter!" The dagger sharply revealed, immediately chopped those few pieces into pieces and let them fall to the ground.

At this time, Guan Heng could clearly see what kind of monster grabbed Zuowei and Imila. It was a strange Yalong who flapped his wings in the air. This dragon is small and inconspicuous, but it has dozens of fine details. The long whip-like tails are those long tails that entangled Zovi and Imira firmly.

"Damn, what kind of monster are you?" Angrily Guan Heng whispered at the other person, "Hurry them down."

"Oh!" A third owl's weird eye suddenly appeared on the forehead of the multi-tailed dragon. This eye suddenly made a voice of people: "Recamo, you are so decent, you have been deadlocked with this kid until now. It seems I have to help you. "

"Tivelo? It's you ... you used this Yalong to make a 'microphone', and it seems you don't want to show up." At this time, the dragon dragon Recamor's mace stood up: " I don't want you to come and interrupt my fight at will! "

"Well, you still have to deal with that kid named Guan Heng. I will increase the number of hostages for you."

The multi-tailed dragon's eyes "said" here, and flew towards the big bed to search for the Queen of Emu Gold. Just now, because of the fierce fighting, the Queen's whereabouts did not attract Recamo's attention. At this time, she spent Tolerance: "Yeah, bad, I was found!"

"Guan Heng, catch this!"

"Hoo--" Queen Ejin hurled a metal box in the direction of Guan Heng, and while she was throwing things, "Oh!" Several long tails had entangled the Queen Ejin instantly!

"The magic bullet shells are all empty. Only by injecting all kinds of magic into them can they be loaded ..." Q.

"Woo, huh ... huh ..." The queen who was taken to the air suddenly shivered and couldn't speak any more.

"Slap!" Guan Heng squeezed the metal box and frowned. "I don't use magic now, and I won't be able to get this magic bullet."

"Hey, kid named Guan Heng." The multi-tailed dragon's eyes proudly said at this time: "You'd better not act lightly, otherwise, these three little sisters would have to suffer ..." Talking, the long-tailed hawk that tied Zowei, Imira and Queen Ejin suddenly tightened, and the three eyes suddenly turned white, almost out of breath.

"How can this be true, you are really despicable." Guan Heng was burning in anger at this time, he shouted, "Don't you dare to make a decisive decision?"

"Well, righteous ?! Don't laugh funny." Tivelo's evil smile came from the eyes of the multi-tailed dragon: "That's just a statement that you humans deceive themselves. It's only written with the blood of the enemy Achievement and victory are the last word. Recamo, kill him! "

—— [2016.4.27 second update, good noon everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions, monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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