Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1118: The situation reversed (third)

"Well, Tivelo, I don't need you to talk, I'll make him shattered." Recamo stared at Guan Heng fiercely: "I've waited for this moment for a long time."

"Kid Hengheng, you better stand still and use your body to hardly hit the Recamo." Tivelo said, "If you dare to dodge, I will immediately kill the three beautiful little girls. On the spot. "

"Abominable, you two bastards, scumbags, shameless people!" In a rage, the blue muscles on his forehead jumped straight, Guan Heng couldn't help cursing, but he was hostaged in the other's hand, but he was asked to throw a mouse. Can't move.

"Oh ah—" "Bang!" In the fierce roar, all of Armor of Recamo's left arm shattered, and his muscles suddenly burst into bursts. Appears in the palm of Recamo.

"I am a sub-dragon that cannot use magic, but I have researched the fighting spirit to the peak." Recamo's one-eyed flickering cold mang: "Let me use the most powerful fighting dragon fighting gas bomb to take you on the road, off Heng, my strong enemy, your death—it's here! "

"Hello!" The battle dragon fighting gas bombs wrapped in unbeatable wind, and a slipping pit was smashed on the ground, blasting towards Guan Heng with the power of destruction and destruction.

It was said time and time later, a rush of dark shadow suddenly rushed out of the oblique stab, and was unbiased and stopped in front of Guan Heng ... "Boom!" The energy of the battle dragon fighting gas bomb exploded, directly A huge hole blasted out of the castle's exterior wall, and dust was scattered in time.

"Haha, did you kill him?" When Recamo slammed his hand, he suddenly let out a sigh of relief, "bearing my strongest blow on the front, Guan Heng ... no doubt!"

Who knows that after the smoke had dispersed, Recamo was taken aback by surprise: Guan Heng suddenly stood in front of a tall figure. It was the corpse general with copper skin and iron bones. It turned out to be at a critical moment just now. Instantly drove the corpse general to rush over to block his own front, so as to avoid the frontal attack of the fighting dragon bombs.

"Kah ... Kah ... hhhhhhhh!" He was hit by a dragon fighting gas bomb and collapsed.

"It's dangerous." Guan Heng was shocked when he saw the scene: "If it hadn't been for the corpse general who blocked it for me, the broken body might be me."

Speaking of time and time, Guan Heng suddenly crushed a soul stone in his hand, which is the soul stone of the Lightning Lion. In an instant, Guan Heng absorbed the beast soul of the Lightning Lion and suddenly had a blast. Ability to attack.

"Pop!" Guan Heng suddenly slammed a magic bullet in his hand, listening only to the sound of crackling, and the power of the disease was all sent into the magic bullet.

"The projectile absorbs magic and can exert ten times its power through the magic guide's energy." Thinking of this, Guan Heng loaded the magic owl with a load in an instant, and then aimed at the multi-tailed monster in the air.

"嗖-bang!" The magical impeachment wrapped in ten times the power of the smashing power hit the multi-tailed dragon's head fiercely.

"Ah!" The multi-tailed dragon took a trick unexpectedly, and the body seemed to have suffered a voltage of 100,000 volts. The tied tail suddenly loosened, "Patter, Patter!" Zuo Wei and Yi Myra immediately fell to the ground.

"Run away a little bit." Hearing Guan Heng's shout, the two girls couldn't help being ashamed, and suddenly rolled forward, hiding behind a nearby wall post, exhaling heavily.

"Abominable Guan Heng, dare to hurt me with electricity !!" The multi-tailed dragon roared Tivelo's voice: "Believe it or not, I tore this gold queen to pieces ?!"

The multi-tailed monster dragon did everything it could, its long tail suddenly locked, and the bound Queen Ejin gave a **** cough: "Uh!" And there are several long tails, respectively, from a tricky angle. Assault Zowei and Imira.

"Stop! Look at my freeze spell!" A voice sounded suddenly, and then, the frosty air suddenly swept through the mid-air tail, "Clap!"

The cold froze a few long tails, and the queen of Ejin, who was almost strangled, was relieved. At the same time, the other two girls were also out of danger at the same time.

"Bori ?!" When Zovi and Imira saw each other, they said invariably, "How did you come?"

"Don't come without worries? Two sisters." Boruiha laughed: "I think I want to go, I can't rest assured that you came here to help."

"Moreover, I will never run away again. From now on, I will hold back my courage." Thinking of this, Borui turned his head and pointed at the dragon. He said loudly, "Recamo, kidnap the hostage, and act as a threat. The opponent's tricks, you want to figure out, do you deserve to claim to be a soldier? "

"Yeah, Borui said it right." Guan Heng said with the magic guide in his hand: "When you fought against you in the past, you could still be upright with me, how could you become this mean and shameless today? Look? Did the mighty war dragons fall? "

"That's right, and we have to tie up our girls, so you have to be a big brother, you're shameless!"

"Thanks for what you call a Dragon Warrior, Tian is not ashamed!"

Zuowei and Imila, you said to me one by one, Recamamo's eyes were screaming, and he yelled, "Stop it for me! What kind of righteousness, what kind of warrior glory, all are nonsense, useless warriors , But it is the mud that anybody steps on, and sooner or later it will be abandoned. I have given up the dignity that I do n’t need to keep. I just need to win and profit! "

"Well, well said, Recamo." At this time, Tivilo's evil smile came from the eyes of most of the dragons with frozen bodies: "We still have a Queen in your hand, as long as You destroy Guan Heng and his party feathers as soon as possible, and the scale of victory will still tilt to our side. "

"That multi-tailed dragon mixed ball is right." At this moment, Guan Heng secretly murmured: "The queen of Ejin has not got out of trouble. If she is not rescued, there will always be some scruples."

Thinking of this, Guan Heng glanced at Borui, who was not far away, and beckoned to him secretly. Borui immediately retreated to Guan Heng without any notice.

"Take this magic guide ..." Guan Heng shoved things into Borui's hands, then whispered to tell him how to use magic to fill the magic bullet.

"The multi-tailed dragon now has the effect of the frozen spell, and it is still in a state of slow action. Let Zowei and Imira cooperate with you and wait for the opportunity to use the magic guide to change the multi-tailed dragon to destroy it." Guan Heng whispered. Commanded Borui: "As soon as I send a signal, everyone will act immediately."

—— [2016.4.27 third, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions, monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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