Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1119: But ask for a fight (first)

At the same time, the battle dragon Lei Camo was secretly recharging: "Hum, and let Guan Heng bear a battle dragon air bomb on the front, it will definitely make him smashed and broken, and he will hit the right time. The victory must be mine!"

"Hands on!" Guan Hengzhang sighed, Zuo Wei's light and arrow skills took the lead. "Hey!" The four arrows of light flew straight towards the multi-tailed monster dragon in the air, Imila bowed slightly, and then tiptoed He rushed out point by point, kicked the wall with both feet and used the rebound force to punch the multi-tailed monster dragon.

"You two girls who don't know how to deal with it, dare to send you to death." Although the half-length body was frozen, after all, the multi-tailed dragon was under the control of Tivello, it immediately launched a counterattack against the two.

The two-tailed dragon and Zowei played lively on their side, but did not affect the final battle between Guan Heng and Recamo. The second battle between the two opponents completely turned into a combat battle where you came and went regardless of defense.

"Bang, bang, bang!" The punches couldn't stop but violently collided, but Guan Heng was slightly downwind, not only because of the crazy crazy offensive way of Recamo, but also because the monster soul of the Lightning Lion was integrated before Guan Heng. This Lightning Lion is good at blast attacks, but its power is obviously not as good as that of Recamo, one of the six chiefs of the Dragon Clan. In an instant, Guan Heng was suppressed by the other side!

"Bang!" The two fists collided fiercely again, Guan Heng was timid, and his fists were suddenly raised high.

"Good opportunity!" Recamo stepped suddenly and heavily, the ground slumped, its mighty punches wrapped in tearing air, and blasted to the left eargate of Guan Heng fiercely: "Go to death!"

"Think beautiful, look at my counterattack!" Guan Heng didn't move forward, and buried himself in Recamo's arms, his fists slammed into Recamo's heart, and then crackled. That was Guan Heng attached the power of catastrophic electricity to his fist, "Bang!" The power of the fist with power can not be underestimated, Lei Kamo made a terrible sigh, and took two steps back and forth.

"Effective, do it again!" Guan Heng once again drew his electric power, and suddenly blasted to the opposite door.

"Drink!" In the loud roar, Recamo suddenly approached with his head, and slammed into Guan Heng's full-powered fist, Guan Heng's wrist trembled, and he hurriedly turned his elbow backhand. "Hoo--bang! "The tip of the elbow hit the blind area of ​​Recamo with impartiality and unbiasedness, and suddenly he was miserable again:" Uh! "

In this way, a battle that hurts a thousand and damaged 800 is continued for a few seconds. At this time, Guan Heng and Recamo are anxious. Guan Heng's physical strength is not as good as the tyrannical dragon warrior Recamo, and Reka The fighting dragon-gas bomb of Mo needs a short time to accumulate power. Under the rapid fist of each other, he can hardly find a gap to cast.

Just then, Zuo Wei's battle suddenly changed suddenly!

Under the light and arrow of Zowei and the fist and foot attack of Ymira, the multi-tailed dragon cricket screamed to dodge left and right, extremely embarrassed, but the ice layer on it had already melted away at this time.

There was a fierce curse from Tivilo's eyes: "You guys don't care about the life and death of Queen Ejin? Well, I'll cut her off first!"

Just then, Borui yelled in the distance: "Don't miss it, try this!"

"Bang!" Borui's magic guide started again, but this time it was not a projectile containing electricity, but a fire magic bullet made by Borui's flame spell. "嗖 ——" time in the sky was increased by ten. The large fireball covered the head of the multi-tailed monster!

"Uh-huh! You daring human race, you dare to be so rude!" In the rising flames, the multi-tailed dragon couldn't help screaming. It wasn't clear whether it was the original call or Tivelo's voice: "Today's vengeance, I will give it back to you 100 times more!"

In an instant, most of the multi-tailed dragon's body was burned out, and the long tails that bound the Queen of Gold were suddenly released. Zowei and Yimirazi swooped forward and hugged impartially. Lived the fallen queen.

"Uh ..." Queen Ejin was relieved at this point: "It was saved, thank you." A glance of Recamo in the fierce battle beside him was seeing the multi-tailed dragon controlled by Tivelo. Burned to the ashes by the flames, he suddenly surprised him: "Tivelo missed, this ..."

"Ah ah!"

"Bang!" In the roar, Guan Heng's fist had banged heavily on his left cheek.

"Eh!" "Alas!" Recamo, who was so badly punched, immediately counterattacked, slamming his right knee up and slamming into the middle rib.

"Oh!" The two spontaneously flew blood with Yang Tian, ​​and they each fell through.

"Boss Guan Heng!"

"Brother Guan Heng!" Borui raised his magic guide, and Imila swooped in, and the two were about to move.

"Stop it for me!" Guan Heng wiped the blood on his mouth with his sleeve at this time, and stood up, and said in his mouth, "This is a one-on-one fight between soldiers, no one is allowed to shoot without permission. help."

"Boss Guan Heng, is your head concussed by this evil dragon?" Borui angrily shouted, "Seeing that we have a winning ticket, it's so good to kill this guy with a hug."

"Yes, Brother Guan Heng." Imila said anxiously, "You're not badly injured, and you can't make it with Recamo so hard."

At this moment, Recamo also gritted his teeth and stood up, staring at Guan Heng with one eye, wondering what the other party meant.

"You do n’t understand. As soldiers, you have to die after fighting with all your strength. That's what makes death so good." Guan Heng gasped and said slowly, "Come on, Recamo, as long as you have soldiers in mind Fire is burning, come to revenge your own eyes, I give you this opportunity. "

After hearing this, the scarred Recamo shook his body and remained silent for two seconds. Recamo suddenly said, "I can't think of the one who knows me best, but I am the enemy I hate most. Guan Heng. You are a good opponent. It is lucky to be a warrior to meet you at the last moment of my life! "

"Uh-huh!" After saying this, Raycamo made a long howl, his arms muscles suddenly swelled, suddenly gathered a lot of fighting spirit.

"Oh, this is my biggest trick. If you are confident, you might as well welcome it." The green tendons on Recamamo's forehead were scurrying like earthworms. He cried, "Guanheng, this is what I do to you. Come, come, after this move, either you die or I die! "

"Okay!" Guan Heng slowly pulled out the Dragon Sword, and he said softly, "If I can catch this move, promise me, if you can gather ghosts after death, then go to me."

"Although I don't know what you're talking about, it doesn't matter anyway, I agree!" Recamo suddenly gathered all his vindictive hands together and clasped together: "Take the move, Battle Dragon Roar!"

—— [2016.4.28 first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions, monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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