Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11219: Blue beetle tick (first more)

"I have to say, this guy is really unlucky, he was killed by a monkey by accident!"

"Hahaha, bad luck from time to time, this time I met a lot."

Hearing the words of the mandrill, the king of armor and his other companions burst out laughing. At the same time, the white-browed old monkey was even more proud, dancing with his hands, and blowing to the big-headed horns and the rock-piercing ape beside him. That means Said: "We can kill a few enemies with our eyes closed."

At this moment, Guan Hengyang said: "Okay, isn't it just killing a bug? It's just luck for the blind cat to meet the dead mouse."

Hearing the master's words, the monkey stopped blowing and blowing. Guan Heng waved his hand to the beaked monster beside him, and the other party immediately landed on his palm. Guan Heng asked, "It's like this in the mine. Are there many blue beetle ticks?"

"Squeak, squeak!"

Hearing Guan Heng’s questioning, the sharp-mouthed worms nodded again and again, which meant to say: “There are so many, and this group of guys is extremely vicious. No other zergs are allowed to approach the mine. I plan to dominate here forever. I used to live here. Here, they were also forcibly driven away."

"Oh, I understand." Guan Heng nodded and asked, "Now let you lead the way and take us in. Are you afraid?"

The sharp-mouthed worm hesitated for a moment, then shook his head, and then yelled several times, indicating that he was following them and was not afraid of anything.

"Well, don't look at you for being small and courageous." The ancient wild roar next to him gave a thumbs up and praised the strange insect: "Just take your courage, San Ye will hold you down later, no one. Don't want to hurt you."


Hearing howler said this, the Sharp-mouthed worm was of course happy, nodding his head repeatedly, and Guan Heng said at this time: "Okay, let's take action. You start with the three worms to open the road in front. Remember, no matter what life is in danger, You just retreat behind the worm mothers, and don't have to run around and fly around."


"Chirp——Chirp——" In a moment, the anxious insects in the mine screamed into one piece. Obviously, the blue beetle ticks that inhabit here feel the arrival of a vicious and powerful enemy, and it may be possible to save their lives. NS.

"Suddenly!" But at this moment, five fierce giant ticks of the leader level fluttered their wings. "Ping-pong-pong!" These guys were extremely vicious even if they attacked the same kind, and they were immediately torn and killed. More than a dozen blue beetle ticks trying to escape without a fight.

"Chirp, chirp!" Immediately afterwards, a leader tick screamed at the other blue-clad chicks, which meant to say: "Flee without a fight, kill!"

Undoubtedly, the tactics of killing the same kind and deterring Xiaoren are very effective. Hundreds of blue beetle ticks, Xiaoren, shivered and stopped to flee. Then, a few chief ticks all screamed and screamed. They immediately launched an all-out attack on the enemy.

The blue beetle ticks are brainless fools, they don’t even know the simplest thinking, but out of fear of the leader, these guys have to bite the bullet and rush towards the worm mothers, vowing Stop the powerful enemy, even at the expense of a small life.

"Squeak!" Seeing the other side's fierce look, the sharp-mouthed monster screamed in fright and quickly hid behind the insect mother.

"Hmph, no matter how many people come, they are just a bunch of waste and dross, let Grandpa come and clean you up."

"Boss, second brother, I'll go first!" Guhuang Roar deliberately revealed his ability, and the insect mother said: "Okay, fight for a quick fight!"

"Hahaha, mean!"

"Ape souls, set up immediately!"



Hearing this, the Fireclaw Ape Souls immediately flew to the surrounding areas, condescendingly staring at the movements of the tick swarm, and at the same time, drew out the Insect Bone Sword with a roar, and the sword edge pointed diagonally at the other side and screamed. Said: "Fire Poison Wind Blade Array!"



"Swish swish!"

In a short time, the Fireclaw Ape Soul was the first to release the flame vortex, and their fire aura improved a lot under the tempering of Guan Heng. At this time, they covered hundreds of blue beetle ticks as soon as they shot.

"Squeak?!" Seeing this scene, many blue beetle ticks shuddered, but at this moment their nightmare has just begun!

"Chi Chi Chi Chi!"


The sound of breaking through the air one after another, at this time, the swift wind blade of the ancient roar was also cleaved by the wormbone sword, and one after another attacked the tick swarm in front.

These are not ordinary wind blades. They are entwined with venomous breath, and when they pass the flame vortex, they are covered with a layer of fire, and they fall on the tick in an instant!

"Sizzle, sizzle—"

"Hey hey hey!"

The sharp wind blade envelops the fierce poison and fire, showing the unparalleled power, or it is burned by flames, or shattered by the sharp blade. The blue beetle tick wailes and screams, and then falls to pieces. On the ground, two-thirds of the hundreds of ticks were wiped out.

"Huh, it's still a bunch of scum, isn't it possible that no strong will appear?" With the insect bone sword on his shoulder, the ancient roar stood still in the air and said coldly: "For things like you, why bother to live for grandfather? Damn it all!"

"And you!"

In the next moment, Howard pointed at a few giant giant ticks that were receding on the opposite side with a bone sword, and continued to say: "Don’t you think you can escape? As long as you are still in this mine, even There is no hope of survival, and you can suffer less if you die obediently!"


It seems that he understands howler's words are full of provocations and extreme insults. The giant tick headed by it roars in annoyance. Although this guy sees howler's strength is far better than himself, he still can't stand this kind of stimulation and even shakes. I rushed over, intending to desperately!

"court death!"


Facing this kind of guy, Howard just spit out a word, and a few fire claw ape souls have already flew forward to stop him, "Boom boom boom! Ping pong pong! Boom! Boom!" In the blink of an eye, the fire was wrapped Jin's heavy punches fell on the opponent one after another, hitting the leader tick with blood holes!

"Papa Papa!" At the next moment, the ape souls took advantage of the giant ladybug's body, and then tore it forcefully, and the opponent was immediately torn into several pieces of flesh, and the fleshy intestines followed "Puff, Puff, "Puff puff" the violent sound splashed all the faces of the other leader-level ticks on the opposite side.

"Haw!!" In an instant, those guys were frightened and screamed and planned to escape, but just like Howard said, as long as the ticks are still in this mine, they are bound to escape if they want to escape. It's hard!

"Catch it!"


The ancient wilderness roared an order, and the Fireclaw Ape Soul immediately rushed towards the target.

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