
It was too late, and it was fast, and a few Fireclaw Ape Souls immediately stopped the remaining huge ticks. "Squeak!" In the next moment, a huge blue beetle finally couldn't restrain its fear and desperately rushed towards the soul of the monkey, vowing to die with the enemy.

"Boom boom boom!"

"Sizzle, hiss!"

But in the next moment, this unlucky giant tick was torn off several large pieces of flesh and blood in the repeated blows of the soul of the ape. It wailed, and suddenly fell to the ground with its head on its head, and its body was seventy-eight. Broken and dying horribly.


"Hey hey hey!" In an instant, there were harsh burning sounds one after another. These ticks were burned so that their shells were cracked, their wings rolled up and smoked, one by one wailed and screamed in pain, and was about to die.

However, the ape souls did not continue to burn. After all, the command of howler was to capture these giant ticks alive. In the blink of an eye, the ape souls rushed over with the wind, slammed all the opponents to the ground, and used the "chain" formed by flames. "Trap these ticks and make them unable to move.

"Squeak, squeak!" At this moment, the pointed beak beside Guan Heng exclaimed triumphantly, as if he had defeated the blue beetle tick.

"Haw!" After being seriously injured, he was wrapped around his body by a chain of flames. The pain was so painful that several huge blue beetle ticks screamed and screamed. Guan Heng said casually, "Hey, roar, get me a big tick. , I want to see them."

"Yes, Lord Guan."

Hearing this, the ancient wild roar waved his hand, and the souls of several apes were like wolves and tigers. They immediately picked up a huge tick and dragged it to Guan Heng. At this moment, the tick has been tortured. I had to live, dying, and I was left with a breath.

"Plap!" Suddenly, Guan Heng suddenly shot the giant tick's forehead, released aura to explore the opponent's body, and then nodded.

He said: "It seems to be about the same as I expected. This guy has a lot of **** in his body. It seems that he is also a guy who uses ore as food to produce mutations."

"Haha, as expected."

"We guessed so too."

"Living in a mine, what else can I eat without ore? Dirt?"

The girls were laughing and talking, and Qing Huang asked at this moment: "A Heng, if this guy is cremated, can he get the mutant ore before?"

"Oh, I haven't considered this, so you can try it."

"Pop!" As soon as the words fell, Guan Hengdi snapped his fingers, and the huge tick in front of him was immediately covered by fiery flames, turned into a ball of fire, and screamed and wailed on the ground, but it stopped abruptly. , Because this guy has been completely burned.

"It's a kind of quarry, it seems to be jade." Zhenwen next to her stepped forward and took a look, and then said: "Jade mines are still very rare. Only a few times."

"Well, you are right. The jade mine swallowed by this blue beetle tick should be the associated mine here."

Touching his chin, Guan Heng analyzed: "So when we find the loess mine here, we should also be able to find alternative jade mines nearby. Let's go and move on."

"Okay." At the same time the girls and other companions agreed, the flapping sound of the wicked worm mothers and the beaked monsters also sounded again, and they took the lead into the air and searched for the way ahead.

Until a few breaths later, the pointed beak worms led them to a corner of the cave, which was a whole colorful rock wall covered with mud.

"The bells and whistles of the rock wall, this is very strange, I haven't seen it before." Ruotao walked closer, stretched out her finger to rub the surface of the rock wall, and said casually: "I don't know how they were formed."

"That's five-color soil, it is rarely seen naturally formed." Guan Heng said at this time: "But it is strange to say that five-color soil generally does not appear in a single loess mine, as recorded in ancient spiritual world classics. of."

"Unless, there is a special reason." As he said, Guan Heng walked quickly to the front of the rock wall and carefully observed the distribution of the five-color soil. After a few breaths, Xiaoxin became a little impatient when he saw that he was still not speaking. He asked, "Hey, Guan Heng, have you found anything?"

"Of course." Guan Heng turned his head and said at this time: "These five-color soils shouldn't have formed naturally here. In my opinion, something moved them here and covered the surface of the rock wall."

"What? Covered here?" After hearing this, Ruotao was a little puzzled and said, "Who would do this kind of thing?"

"It may not make sense to us, but the other party might do this for his own purposes." Guan Heng said here, suddenly turned his head and said: "Mother, do you think you just cleaned the blue beetle tick? Killed all the opponents?"

"Except for a few giant ticks, the rest should have been wiped out." The mother evil worm replied seriously: "I think so."

"That's not right, there are fish that slip through the net." Guan Heng's mouth curled slightly, and then slowly said, "Moreover, it's the most powerful guy among them."

"What?" Upon hearing this, the Chongmother, Golden Sting King, and Guhuang Howler were all taken aback, and they all agreed: "How is this possible?"

"It's not impossible, I can prove it to you."

"Qiang!" It was too late to say, then quickly, Guan Heng pulled out the short sword Xuanbing Guyue suddenly, "Hey!" A sword light suddenly swept toward the rear, opening a gap in space along the way.



Suddenly, Jianmang seemed to hit a certain guy, and the other party screamed in pain, and fell out of the gap in the space in an instant. There were sword wounds and scratches on that guy's body, and even half of his body was frozen by the cold.

"This is also a leader-level blue beetle tick!" Ancient Wilderness Howler shouted loudly at this time: "It actually has the ability to tear open gaps in space?"

"No, let the real target run away." Guan Heng frowned slightly at this time, and said casually: "It's a pity that the one who was cut by me was just a dead ghost who stayed beside that guy."

"Eh?!" After hearing this, the insect mother whispered: "The **** who killed this **** is very cunning."

"Well, and there is also the ability to tear the gap in the space. It takes a little effort to catch it." Guan Heng said: "Mother, you go personally, bring Xiaojin and Howler."

"Yes, Master, please rest assured, we promise to complete the task."

"Buzzing-slam slam -" After saying this, the evil worm mother immediately took the Golden Sting King and the ancient wild roar, and swiftly swept towards the unclosed space gap in front.

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