Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11222: Dirty catfish

"In other words, after breaking this rock wall, we can see the loess mine, right?" Ruotao asked.

"Yes, let's do it together." As he said, Guan Heng waved his hand, and the mandrill, the old monkey, the king of armor, and the ice dragon flew forward.

"Boom boom boom!"

"Ping pong pong!"

"Boom!" A series of slams hit the rock wall one after another, and the place was torn apart and turned into fragments. The sound of collapse was one after another, and a huge cave appeared immediately here.

"Huh—" A large ore aura swept across the face, refreshing the spirits of the mandrill and the gray-brown hedgehog, Guan Heng said: "Go, dig when you see the mine, we want everything."


Hearing this, the mandrill immediately took the gray-brown hedgehog, the ice gluttonous beast and the underground sand carp to the front with great interest. According to Guan Heng's words, no matter what ore is seen, it will be dusty. Feiyang's mining work has been in full swing.

And Guan Heng, the girls and other companions wandered around the veins to see if they could find other useful things. The one who led the way was the beak worm. This guy wandered in the air and looked far away, always wanting to find What a novelty.

"Squeak, squeak!" Sure enough, it was flying high and looking far away. At this moment, the pointed beak whispered several times towards Guan Heng, indicating that a new situation had been discovered in front of them.

Upon hearing this, Guan Heng and the others rushed over to check. The first to arrive there was King Jia Yao, who looked left and right, then frowned and said, "There is nothing, little thing, are you wrong?"


"Huh!" In the next moment, the screaming beak fell on the top of the armor king's head, and then poked its ears with its sharp beak, which meant to say: "I never tell lies, you Don't wrong me."

"Then you can quickly prove it to me." King Jia Yao curled his lips and continued: "Otherwise you are a big talker!"

"Squeak, squeak!" The somewhat angry pointed-mouthed monster raised its claws, pointed to the front, and signaled the armor king to take two steps. Naturally, it would be unusual to find something unusual.

"Hey, then I will try."

"Papa!" The armor king didn't care. He just walked two steps forward. Suddenly, its front hooves plunged into a piece of soft soil. The next moment, the nearby earth palace toad shouted: " Get fat, go back!"

"What?" Upon hearing this, King Armor was taken aback. Knowing that the earth palace toad could not speak big words, it flashed back like lightning.

"Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Cold.

"It's very dangerous, I was almost bitten by this guy." The King of Armor was trembling, and then asked the pointy beak above his head: "Did you know that the monster is there, so you let me go forward, bad guy."

"Squeak." The monster shook his head at this time, saying that he didn't know that there was a trap ambushing.

The Shui Xuan spirit beast lying next to it said: "Fat, I didn't observe carefully enough, don't wrong others, please reflect on it."

"Hey, speaking of it, this guy who attacked me secretly was not good, Master Yao immediately tore it to pieces!" The old man of Jia Yao blushed and became a little angry, so he gritted his teeth and yelled.

"When you were talking, that fellow had already dived into the soil." The Earth Palace Toad jumped to the front at this time, and said so. King Armor said again: "Toad, thanks to your reminder, I escaped the undercover attack, thank you."

"Small meaning." The earth palace toad said nonchalantly: "I will let the little earth toad sneak into the earth to track the whereabouts of the opponent. If you want revenge, you can drive that guy out later and then do it."

"Okay, that's it." King Jia Yao roared wildly at the moment, and then screamed: "I'm going to kill it!"

"Fat, you can do it."

"Yeah, work hard!" The girls and other companions found a place to sit down, preparing to watch the battle and watch the excitement, shouting one after another.

The king of armor has already begun to walk around, it grinds the posterior teeth to creak, and says: "Don't worry, I will never let that guy die too easily, you just wait and see. All right."

"Attention, that fellow has been driven by Little Earth Toad, and he is about to come out at this time!" Earth Palace Toad yelled, then jumped back, and its mouth said, "Fatty, I'll leave it to you."

"Hey, a little thing!"

"Boom, boom--" As the earth palace toad said this, the ground outside Zhang Yu suddenly made a loud noise.

"Wow!" The next moment, the dust is flying, the earth and rocks are splashing, and a behemoth appears in front of the king of armor. It takes a close look and realizes that the opponent looks like a catfish. A giant mouth is sharp. The teeth, they almost bit the body of the king of armor just now.

"It's a'dirty catfish'!" Seeing the other party's true face, the Shui Xuan spirit beast that flew down beside Guan Heng and the girls called: "This guy belongs to the ancient amphibious beast, but it grows so huge. It’s really rare."

Coriander asked, "Xiao Shui Shui, do you know the origin of dry catfish?"

"Of course, I will tell you about it now." The Shui Xuan spirit beast began to tell everyone the origin of each other.

"In ancient times, because of continuous wars between different races, countless casualties of all races were caused. It is not an exaggeration to call it a sea of ​​blood."

"At that time, a lot of alien species that feed on corpses appeared."

According to the Water Profound Spirit Beast, the dirty soil catfish is one of the exotic animals that like to eat carrion and bones. They can penetrate into the soil, inhabit the ground, and can move freely in swamps and water sources. In short, these guys are there. He can always find his own shelter and has a strong adaptability.

Moreover, the dry catfish have a very strong ability to endure hunger. They lurking between the waters and waters in the ground, witnessing the war of different races, and can not eat until the end of the war. As long as the other side leaves countless corpses, then it is the dirty land catfish eating and eating. Time.

However, these guys cleaned up the corpse quite thoroughly. No matter whether it was blood, flesh, skin, or bone, they would eat quickly and excrete quickly. When the corpse was eaten and left, they could turn this area into fertile soil. , No one knows whether they are beneficial beasts or harmful beasts.

The most important point is that the hungry catfish is quite dangerous. If it is a mutated individual, it may attack living creatures. As long as it can swallow the stomach, they will never let it go.

"Hahaha, dirty soil catfish, it's really interesting." Guan Heng touched his chin, and then asked: "Sisters, do you want to catch it alive?"


"This guy is covered in mud, dirty, and he's still a carrion-eater, I don't like it very much," said Xianxin.

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