Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11223: Lots of babies (the fifth one broke out)

"It looks ugly."

"It's rude to eat, and I want to bite the king of armor!" The girls pointed out the shortcomings of the foul catfish. After hearing these words, Guan Heng nodded and said: "Oh, I understand, then decide to adopt this guy. "

"Eh?!" After hearing this, the girls suddenly couldn't laugh or cry, and Xiaoxin said: "Did you not hear? All we are talking about are the shortcomings of this dry catfish."

"I heard it." Guan Heng spread his hands, and then said: "But someone has to do dirty and tiring work. We can't deny his ability to work just because this guy is dirty."

"Think about it carefully, how many evil beasts you killed along the way, although most of the other's remains were incinerated by the fire spirit, there are still a lot of residues engulfed in evil spirits and infiltrated into the ground or soil."

"In this case, it won't be long before evil spirits and carrion will infect other alien beasts and make them evil." Guan Heng said, "So, in order to prevent the reappearance of evil beasts, we need a cleaning assistant to clean up the remains of the beasts. '."

"You mean, the Dirty Catfish can do this?" Qing Huang said, "But if this guy eats too much of the remains of the evil beast, it will also be in danger of being infested by evil."

"That's okay, I have a solution to this small problem." Guan Heng shrugged, and said with ease: "Now, I just want to ask, after listening to these words, will you change your mind and agree to adopt it? Dry catfish?"

"Well..." The girls looked at each other at this time, and then said in unison: "Then it's up to the fat to decide. As long as its anger disappears, it's not impossible to consider this matter."

"Well, let's take a look at how King Carapace subdues the foul catfish." Guan Heng folded his shoulders and said with a smile.

"Whistling call - whiz -" At the same time, Wang Xiu A bitter lessons of being in front of this dirt drought catfish, spit out the raging fire flames twinkling of an eye, this guy covered in body.

"Haw!" Suddenly felt that his body was hot and unbearable, even the rough-skinned dry catfish could not bear it. This guy whined and hurriedly rolled back and forth on the ground, taking the boss's energy to put out the flame.

It is also thanks to the dirty soil catfish sneaking in the wet mud underground for many years, covering itself with a thick layer of "mud armor", so this flame attack made it lucky not to be injured.

King Armor saw this, and then said coldly: "Huh, okay, you have good luck, but you won't be so lucky next time, I will turn you into a grilled catfish!"

Hearing this, the dry catfish had a cold war and began to gasp. It seemed that this guy could not hold on anymore. As expected, the dry catfish suddenly cried when the king of armor stepped past. A cry: "Haw!"


Immediately afterwards, the dry catfish lay on its back on the soil, gasping for breath. It was like treating itself as a fish on a chopping board, intending to let the king of armor to kill or pluck it. I don't have the energy to resist, it's better to die happily.

"Uh, this..." Seeing this scene, King Armor hesitated a bit, and the mandrill behind said loudly: "Hey, fat, what's the point of killing a guy who has no sense of resistance? Just forget it. "

"That's right, you're already out of breath anyway." Tu Gongchan said from the side. Ice Jiao and Shui Xuan Spirit Beast also said: "Yes, yeah, it's so boring to bully the weak, forget it."

"Actually, I think so too." King Jia Yao said with a grin, then walked to the other person, kicked him viciously, and then continued: "Get out of here, let's clean up!"

"Huh?!" Hearing this, a look of surprise dangled in the eyes of the foul catfish lying on the ground. It didn't understand what the enemy was thinking, and it shook its head to express incomprehension.

At this moment, Guan Heng walked up to the dry catfish, slapped it on the forehead, and smiled: "Can't you understand the fatness? You two have cleared it up. It won't hit you anymore, so get up quickly."

Guan Heng's palm conveyed an aura of earth to the opponent, and when it entered the dry catfish's body, this guy suddenly felt that the wound on his body was not so painful.

Since Guan Heng can use the earth aura, the dirty earth catfish, which is an earth animal, has a good impression of him. What's more, people can crush him to death with their fingers, but he fails to do so and heals himself. Drought Catfish is not too stupid, so he nodded to Guan Heng and expressed his gratitude.

"Follow me in the future, I promise you will always be full, how about it?" Guan Heng smiled and patted the other's forehead. After thinking about it, he seemed a little hesitant.

The king of armor next to him was a little impatient, and he snarled, "Why, let's Lord Guan give you a place to eat, you kid is not happy? If you want me to say, you should stay in this shabby place and starve all the time. That's great!"

"Yeah, yeah, Lord Guan doesn't look at everyone. Now I give it a chance. I don't know how to cherish this stuff. Forget it."

"Yes, Lord Guan, ignore it, just treat this guy as a fart and let it go." The group of beasts such as the mandrill, the earth palace toad, and the ice scorpion will tell you a word and tell me about the catfish. , Although this guy was muddled, he could understand a little bit, and he couldn't help trembling slightly.

Guan Hengbian said: "Hey, if you don't want to, then forget it, we have to go."

"Haw, haw!" Hearing Guan Heng's words, the foul catfish suddenly screamed, and then immediately shook his body and stopped in front of Guan Heng, which meant begging him not to go.

"Then how did you think about it?" Guan Heng said casually: "Quickly make a decision, I don't want to spend it with you, we all have important things to do."

"Huh..." At this time, the dry catfish nodded to Guan Heng and everyone, and then pointed to a small area of ​​mud nearby with his left fin. Qing Huang was a little puzzled: "What do you want us to see?"

"Haw--" The next moment, the foul catfish made a soft whisper, and within a few breaths, more than a dozen small heads appeared in the mud. The girls saw it and immediately looked around.

"Wow, these seem to be dry catfish babies, right?"

"Indeed, it looks exactly the same as the big dry catfish." Qing Huang said, stretched out her hand to hold one and took a look, and then said: "But it's strange, how come this dry catfish is pure white and almost transparent color?"

"That's right, it's completely different from the dirty catfish."

"Hey, it's so cute." Ruotao and the others also picked up one of them. Seeing that there was no contradiction between the big catfish and the others, these little catfishes were very courageous and didn't mean to resist.

"By the way, I have dried meat, give you a piece." An Yan said, breaking off a small piece of dried meat and stuffing it into the mouth of the small dry catfish in his arms.

"Huh, huh!"

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