Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11224: Replace mud armor (first shift)

After eating Anyan's dried meat, the little catfish screamed for joy, and the rest of the little guys were also greedy, clamoring to eat too.

"Don't worry, don't worry, feed them one by one, you have a share, don't grab them." Qinghuang, Xianxin and the others were feeding the small catfish with a smile, Guan Heng said to the dirty soil catfish at this time: "These little babies can be taken with you. , Don’t worry, if you follow us, none of them will go hungry."

"Hey!" Hearing this, the dry catfish was very happy, and nodded and nodded to express her gratitude. Ruotao said at this time: "But it's strange to say why the small dry catfish are pure white, and this big one Is it really dark and muddy all over?"

"Yeah, yeah, are they biological?" An Yan joked with a smile.

"Of course it is biological." Guan Heng said casually: "The catfish is not just sludge, it is also the mud that has been walking through the ground for many years and covered with mud, which has an excellent protective effect on itself."

"Have you all seen it just now? The flames of King Carapace didn't even have time to spread on its surface, and it was extinguished by the dry catfish rolling on the ground. It is also the effect of this mud armor, but, little dry catfish. I don't have this layer of mud armor on my body, probably because it is too small to cover it."

"It makes sense." After listening to Guan Heng's words, the girls and other companions nodded in agreement.

While Guan Heng was chatting with the girls and other companions, the Baojia dry turtle strolling nearby quietly slipped to a small dry catfish.

It originally wanted to tease the other party, so one suddenly jumped in and bit the other party's body suddenly, and the little dry catfish suddenly screamed.

"Hey, dry turtles, they can't eat them!"

Seeing this, Ruo Tao and Gu Sang Nu were shocked and wanted to stop the dry turtle from lowering their mouths, but at this moment, Bao Jia dry turtle had released its mouth, while grinning, while stroking the small dry turtle with their paws, that meant It's saying: "Just kidding, don't be afraid!"

"Huh-chi-" But when they saw their partner being bullied, the rest of the small catfish were unhappy. They shouted and jumped to the front, spraying on the face of the turtle.

"Puff, puff, puff!" More than a dozen mud pillars immediately splashed on the head, face, and body of the dry turtle, making this guy unable to find the south, east, and northwest for a while.

"Hahaha, deserve it, who made you scare people." Ruotao laughed aloud beside her, and the other sisters laughed so hard that the water profound spirit beast landed in front of the dry turtle and spit out a stream of water. Arrow, helped it wash off the muddy water on its face.

Baojia Dry Turtle is used to joking with everyone, and doesn't care about the fight back of the Dry Turtles, they all find them very interesting.

So the dry turtle made a whistle and greeted the frost-browed ancient donkey, the little green coccidia, the white beard cockroach, and the stubborn rock scorpion, and played with the little dry catfish, and everyone soon became one.

"The little guys have more partners, so naturally they have fun, but I remembered another thing."

Guan Heng said at this time: "Although it is a joke to see the dry turtle biting the little dry catfish, it is also one of the dangers that will be encountered in the future. After all, other beasts encountered on the road may not be so friendly. It will also attack the small dry catfish."

Qing Huang asked: "Then what do you say?"

"Well, I have to prepare some protective measures for the little guys."

Touching his chin, Guan Heng suddenly said: "Let’s do it, they don’t have mud armor on their bodies. I can use the earth profound spiritual energy to cover each of them with a layer, and act as the earth profound spiritual energy mud armor. In this way, Xiao Han The defensive power of the catfish will increase more than ten times."

"Good idea, let's do it." The girls agreed with each other, and Guan Heng pointed to one of the small catfishes and said, "Hey, come here."

"Huh! Patter!"

It's too late, it's fast, the little guy fits into Guan Heng's arms, and he gently strokes the body of the small dry catfish with his palm, "chacha!" After the soft sound, the body surface of the small dry turtle is too much. With a light brown sheen, he said: "Okay, change to another one."

After a short while, more than ten small dry catfishes have gained a layer of mud armor.

Their body is much stronger than the filthy, dark, ordinary mud armor of the big dry catfish, and because of the blessing of the earth mysterious aura, the little dry catfish are full of energy, and can even dive deeper into the underground area to swim. Smooth communication without any hindrance.

"Huh, huh!"

After reaching the profound spiritual energy, the little guys jumped for joy, wandering around in the surrounding area, extremely fast. Originally, they could only move in muddy soil with water, but now it is obvious that their range of activities has been expanded a lot, even in ordinary soil. Glide like swimming, fast and convenient.

"Not bad, it's even a step ahead of evolution." Seeing this, Guan Heng nodded, then smiled: "The growth of the little guys will be smoother."

"Hey, hum." At this moment, the dirty soil catfish also approached Guan Heng and whispered a few times, which meant: "Can I also remodel the mud armor on my body, and add some earth profound spiritual energy? All right."

"You? What do you want so many profound auras for?" Guan Heng said with a deliberate smile: "Now you are good enough, and the mud armor is also good..."

"Haw!" Hearing this, the filthy catfish shook his head again and again, making awkward gestures with fins, struggling with Guan Heng.

What it means is: "You made my children like this, they will definitely run around after the mysterious aura. If I, a parent, can't catch up with the baby, wouldn't it be too embarrassing?"

"Uh, that seems to be the case." Guan Heng rolled his eyes, and then said: "But, it's more or less difficult to change you into the clay armor of the Earth Profound Spiritual Qi."

Hearing this statement, the filthy catfish was a little puzzled and looked at Guan Heng blankly, not knowing what it meant.

Guan Hengbian explained: "The mud armor on your body is too thick due to the accumulation of thousands of years. Even if I want to replace you with the mysterious aura mud armor, the old ordinary mud armor will weaken its effect."

At this time, the coriander next to him asked, "What should I do then?"

"This is the little difficulty I'm talking about." Guan Heng's mouth curled slightly, and then said with a chuckle: "If you want the profound spiritual energy mud armor to exert the best effect on the catfish, you must remove the old ordinary mud from it. The armor is all peeled off."

"Tear it off?!" As soon as he said this, not only the girls, but also the foul catfish shivered.

Guan Heng glanced at it, and then said: "Presumably you also understand the meaning of this. It is really peeling off. For you, it is no different from peeling off a layer of skin. It can be called a very unbearable pain. , Even so, do you want to put on a new mysterious aura mud armor?"

After listening to Guan Heng's words, the foul catfish was really shocked, and there was no sound for a long time.

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