Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11225: pure white

"Peeling, it must be particularly painful!" Ruotao deliberately leaned to the side of the catfish.

"That's right, I advise you to forget it." Gu Sangnu smiled and said: "I don't want to help but hurt when I don't have to, and I have to yell and be ashamed in front of the little catfish."

"Huh?!" Hearing these words, the foul catfish whispered, obviously embarrassed, Guan Heng smiled: "You two are not at ease. You are clearly trying to persuade him to give up. In fact, what is said? Can't help but instigate it to peel and change armor, right?"

"Hey, Guan Heng, it's no fun to pick it out clearly."

Gu Sang Nu crouched her hips and said, "Furthermore, we did not exaggerate. For the catfish, it is really troublesome to change into the mysterious aura mud armor, and it also has to suffer a lot. You have to make it think clearly. Is it worth it?"

"Well, what Sangsang said is right." Qing Huang nodded at this moment, and then said: "This really needs to be considered carefully."

But at this moment, the big dry catfish's eyes fell on the baby catfish swimming in the surrounding soil, and he immediately made up his mind, and shouted at Guan: "Hum!"

"Oh, that is the decision has been made? Okay, then I will help you."



"Chi Chi Chi Chi!"

It's too late to say, then soon. When Guan Heng finished speaking, he shook his hands and released dozens of rice-sized Mu Lingzhi eyes, allowing them to float slowly in the low altitude, and at the same time release Mu Xuan aura to reflect on Dirty soil dry catfish body.

At this time, Guan Heng said: "The process of peeling off the old mud armor will be a bit painful later. These wood mysterious auras are prepared for you to relieve and heal the wound. As long as you bite your teeth and bear with it, it will be completed soon. In fact, we What I said is a bit exaggerated, and there is no feeling of unwillingness to live."

"Hey, hum." Hearing this, the dry catfish whispered to express understanding, and Guan Heng nodded: "Well, let's start."

"Cough cough..." At this moment, Guan Heng cleared his throat again, and said sensibly: "Sisters, the next process may be a bit **** and cruel, so if you don't have the heart to watch it, you'd better close it. Cover your eyes and ears tightly."

"Huh, who are you scaring?" Xiaoxin said nonchalantly at this time: "This princess is a person who has seen the world, and I am not afraid."

"Yes, yes, sister is not afraid, nor are we afraid!" Ruotao said loudly: "Sisters, right?"

"Yeah, what are we afraid of? Just look at the skinning. Let's not worry about this." The other sisters also said the same.

"Ha ha ha... this is what you said, don't scare your legs trembling and trembling all the time." Guan Heng put his hands on his shoulders and said.

"Hey!" After hearing this, the sisters gave Guan Heng a contemptuous look. He shrugged, then shot the catfish's forehead and said with a grin: "Okay, let's start."

Seeing Guan Heng's expression, the catfish shivered for no reason, and seemed to regret the decision he had made, but now that he has no regrets about taking the medicine.



It's too late, it's fast, Guan Heng's palm suddenly pressed the forehead of the dirty catfish, and then released a large stream of pure aura. They turned into a hundred air currents and poured into the stone armor on the surface of the catfish body. Then he continued to lift up these nail pieces, causing them to creak.

In fact, by now, the foul catfish has already felt very painful, and his body seems to be torn apart, but this guy has been holding it back, and it seems that I have strong stamina.

Seeing this scene, Guan Heng nodded secretly, thinking: "It's also time to hurry up and take the next step, lest the dry catfish suffer more."

"Wisdom eyes, release profound spiritual energy!"

As soon as the voice fell, Guan Heng pointed towards the numerous Mu Lingzhi eyes in the air, "Swish! Swish swish!" Hearing Guan Heng's words, all the Mu Lingzhi eyes were unhurriedly moving. And at this moment, a strand of wood mysterious spirit was released, covering the trembling dry catfish.

There is no doubt that these Muxuan auras have a significant healing effect, making the foul-skinned dry catfish feel a lot better, and gradually, the dry catfish no longer trembles. Guan Heng knew that the opportunity could not be missed, and then suddenly let out a low growl: "Get up!"

"Hiss—puff puff—" In a short time, a whole piece of dirty mud catfish's body was lifted up by aura, and the pain was so painful that the dirty mud catfish opened his eyes, and he was about to let out a roar.

But at this moment, Guan Heng's hand lightly patted its forehead, and he said in a leisurely manner: "Okay, it will be over soon, please calm down a little bit, okay?"

It seemed that there was an indescribable magic in the voice, which alleviated the emotion of the foul catfish that was almost out of control due to the severe pain. It slowly closed its eyes and began to calmly accept all the changes that happened on its body. Guan Heng nodded: "Do Not bad, that's it."


After the seven or eight breaths, Fenxin's surprised cry suddenly sounded: "Huh, how could this be?"

"Yeah, it's strange."

"This, this, is completely different from what I thought!"

"Actually, it's nothing weird." After hearing the girls say so, Guan Heng said, "It should be said that the original color is like this, it's just a layer of dirty mud armor, so it loses its original color. ."

"A Heng's explanation seems acceptable." Qing Huang nodded after hearing this. At this moment, Guan Heng said to the dirty catfish with his eyes closed: "Hey, you can open your eyes now."

"Huh?!" Hearing this, the dry catfish immediately opened her eyes, and then looked left and right, and found that the sisters such as Qinghuang, Xiaoxin and other groups of beasts were all surrounded in front of him. This situation made the dry catfish appear A little embarrassed.

"By the way, let you see what you look like now."

"Ice Jiao, make an ice crystal mirror and come out."

"Okay, Lord Guan."

As soon as he uttered these words, the unicorn ice worm immediately followed the instructions, "Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... , Take a closer look, this is how you are."

"Hum..." After listening to Guan Heng's words, the catfish leaned close to the ice crystal mirror and looked at it with wide-eyed eyes. It was suddenly shocked. It turned out that it had become white all over, almost transparent. It's the same as the small dry catfish.

No wonder Guan Heng said before that it is now the original appearance of the dry catfish. After peeling off the dirty mud armor on this guy's body, the black soil turned into the appearance of the big white catfish.

"Hahaha, to be honest, isn't it better this way?" Coriander stretched out his hand to squeeze the body surface of the catfish, and said with a smile: "It's soft, it feels good."

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